Pol why haven't you killed yourself yet is it because of Trump that gave you a reason to live. I'm curious and drunk, also idk why I haven't killed myself yet
Pol why haven't you killed yourself yet is it because of Trump that gave you a reason to live. I'm curious and drunk...
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I like memes and vidya too much to remove myself from them
Are you me?
I want to watch the world burn
Why would I kill myself?
I'm too much of a coward to kill myself.
Thanks for the pic OP
Trump did give me hope.
I want to watch the world burn.
this body is made for black dick. i would pay fortune to see her getting penetrated by huge black cock while her white bf watches and crying. hot.
Too much of a pussy, or I would've killed myself 4-5 years ago.
i will get a gf some day
I think the honorable thing for species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.
"why not kill yourself?"
I tell myself I bear witness, but the real answer is that it’s obviously my programming, and I lack the constitution for suicide.
Cuz Of your shit stained flag cunt
God bless America (I'm American in a country with a counterfeit flag)
A. It's a sin
B. There's still things in this world I can enjoy.
C. There's no coming back from it, and I hate limiting my options.
Get lost nigger
I would penetrate her deep with my fat cock
Because only fucking pussies commit seduku.
On the contrary, the only reason I haven't sudoku'd is because I'm a pussy.
The longer you live the more you sin fuxking idiot even this is in the Quran
Also fuck you captcah im dry K and IDK the difference of a building with another building
I'm not a retarded unstable lefty.
I've never really even considered suicide, and I never will.
Is that you, Mike?
Though I actually do dislike the tricolor design, the Arpad stripes (which the USA and your shithole stole) or the arrowcross were more aesthetic, but what can one do
I didn't think Donny had a chance because the system was so corrupted but I was proven wrong there's still hope. Keep on on keeping on.
Fear of hell
These two are not mutually exclusive.
Because God doesn't want me to.
Lets sudoku together bro. Ill sudoku you and then you sudoku me
Because im not a pathetic loser
Fuck off Mike
I've had a few decent periods in my life. Maybe the good days will come again.
Should do martial arts.
Turns your outlook around big time.
Because the election in my country are in a few months.
Because I don't live in a shithole, contrary to you.
My nerd senses are telling me that the ass is photoshoped a bit
I'm not Mike man, my name is so rare that probably only less than a hundred ppl have similar name, what is your flag anyway cunt, I hate this shithole, too many weak fags
Don't kill yourself. If you feel like you don't want to live, that just means that you don't like the way your life is NOW. The good news is that you can go out and do things like talk to women, apply for high-paying jobs, and enjoy life. Because at this point, what do you have to lose? The world is your oyster. You can take risks and put yourself in new situations you wouldn't have before. If some things don't work out, no big deal. But sometimes, some of those things WILL work out, and that's awesome.
Just don't do anything to hurt yourself or others and it could be great.
>I never did put my benis into vagina, had gf before for a month or 2 and I would like to feel this feel again
>I never traveled anywhere
>I never used my full potential because Im scared
Killing yourself makes no goddamn sense. You have zero chance to improve your life if you die. You can try making your life easier or just kill yourself, making it impossible to life a good life.
I hate women....
I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself - we are creatures that should not exist by natural law... We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, that accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody.
I wouldn't be able to look at pictures of cute anime boys if I'm dead
I don't believe it is, at least if it is it's not obvious. The bed frame is just shaped goofy.
It's like in this universe we process time linearly forward. But outside of our space time from what would be a fourth dimensional perspective time wouldn't exist. And from that vantage could we attain it? We see our space time would look flattened. Like a single sculpture of matter and super-position of every place it ever occupied. Our sentience is just cycling through our lives like carts on a track. See everything outside our dimension that's eternity. Eternity looking down on us. Now to us its a sphere but to them its a circle.
A better idea would be to suicide bomb a mosque or a Trump protest.
please tell me this a trap
>I'm curious and drunk
Well what do you like?
No, hurting people isn't cool, even if you don't agree with them.
this place is the only thing keeping me alive
we are to busy with grabbing pussy, leave us:D
>>Sup Forums
Im as straight as my dick cunt with a little bent on tip (I admire looks no homo)
Women, but I hate them too
>Because im not a pathetic loser
>posting in Sup Forums
Well user, i hate to break your delusion but...
You can stay here as long as possible and watch the events which are yet to be unfold, or you can just kill yourself and miss all of that
>im not a pathetic loser
>Republic fleg
And your country is full of muslims and afros and white cucks who will never vote for Le Pen. The earlier you accept it the better.
Because I decided to stop being a sad cunt and attempt to be the sickest cunt I can
I also want to try and pound as many thicc redheads as possible
Because that's how depression works
And your isnt?
Makes sense tqbh
best times of my life always came when I pushed myself out of my comfort zone
Put some dry Sage on your own fxcking ass cunts, and maybe some Bible girl will take your virginity away
I just want to be happy pol, why can't I be happy, why, I want to be an innocent child again, why pol ,why, why ant I just be happy
Dirty malaysian.
Just cucks
You won't kill yourself. When multiculti and forced diversity comes to it's logical conclusion you will be glad you stuck around to see it.
I have depression but I've only been at a near suicide point once about a decade ago. Since then I've made improvements to my life and have a good job and a family. I stay busy 24/7 and take sleeping pills to limit any sustained periods where I'm not doing anything but thinking.
I know that body anywhere, that has to be Miss Alice.
Nah, she's some no-name slag.
Saw her in a gallery on imgur a long time ago. Kind of a butterface, tho.
Because I'm not a fag. Suicide is the pussy way out, which is why so many faggots kill themselves.
Not that I'm complaining about fag death.
How does pol feel about people that kill themselves
Not her but Miss Alice does have a body I wish every girl had.
Honestly because I know it would destroy my mom if I did kill myself.
>assuming I was suicidal to begin with
Fucking ouch
we have to protect our white people, too busy
I have been on the verge of killing myself many times over the last few years. I guess the reason I don't do it is the fear of messing up and getting brain damage or becoming a cripple instead of dying.
Based Loo.
You clearly live far away from the designated shitting street.
This fucking faggot right here would probably tell you there is no ice cream even though you're eating it and it tastes fucking delicious.
We will never be slaves!
But we will be conquerors!
I'm a Nihilist
If I go I'm taking at least one billionaire with me out of spite.
Fuck off Rust
>implying he isn't just jerking around both sides and he won't go full nazi later on
>a few decent periods in my life
As a man, I can't relate to you, ma'am.
That's really cute, really gay too, but cute.
You're literally just quoting the Wikipedia article on anti-natalism, but you're right.