>mfw i realized that Trump will never be president
Electoral college will pick Hillary in December. Fuck.
How did we fuck this up fellow centipedes?
What happened?
>mfw i realized that Trump will never be president
Electoral college will pick Hillary in December. Fuck.
How did we fuck this up fellow centipedes?
What happened?
DESU I don't know why I support Trump, worse America is better for me.
Are you that same Serb that has been shitposting about Donald for months now? 'Cause you sure smell like it, bud.
Uh, only six electors are considering to pick Hillary.
I agree fellow Dru- er Trump supporter! We should probably just give up hope, after all OUR GUY is already going back on his campaign promises
>he had to change tactics because he got so BTFO in the elections
Lmao the remnants of CTR is a fucking mess
>He will never make America great again.
They already flipped. Others are about to flip too. Its over.
Uh, link?
Nice try.
The electors for Trump are all republicans, and after being threatened by liberal cucks, they want to vote for him even more. They want nothing to do with the left.
January 20, 2017 is the day President Trump is sworn in. You are a sore loser.
race war?
>being this autistic
Thanks for the laugh you utter spastic
Aren't those six electors all from blue states anyway? What difference does it make?
I already closed the page, it was on CNN.
>The electors for Trump are all republicans
They are not unfortunately. We elected Trump but i guess it doesn't matter since we lost the popular vote.
Do Russians wipe their asses with the back of their shirt or a towel like normal people?
Just give me a link or admit you're bullshitting.
>make a claim
>ask for it
Sorry lads, its over. We lost.
You are shit at this faggot
They didn't "flip", retard. They were all from already blue states.
Oh yeah, sage for concern trolling.
Wow, only six.
>Six electors that are attempting to try and convince others from stop laughing at them
Oh no what shall we ever do
And one elector from Texas will probably vote for Hillary.
7 and counting and its not even December.
They sure are, bud.
Forget the Leaf posters, Serbia has lost its way. Remove Serbia before we can Remove Kebab.
Every last one too
It's not 7, retard. The initial 6 were from already blue states.
Sage for concern trolling.
You are the worst concern troll ive ever seen
Hes actually an Antifa cuck from a university
Hello there r/ the_donald faggot
You can't sage thread twice and its also against the rules to announce sage.
Go back to /r the donald or lurk more.
so if this actually happens, is it our turn to loot and riot and burn our cities to the ground?
I'll take "what is a concession from Hillary" for 500.
>w-why are y-you guys laughing at me!?! T-This is the end f-for Trump!!
Who are you quoting?
> Antifa
o i am laffin
Oh how I hope the votes are recounted and investigated
We'll finally know how many illegals and dead bodies voted
Saged, you dumb faggot
Announcing sage again lol.
You dumb redditniggers will never learn.
Imagine being this unemployed serb who spends his Thanksgiving making Hillary threads instead of spending it with his family
... I hope you get shot by our inclusive police. You are a CTR working for free! A disgrace to Serbs everywhere.
>Imagine being this unemployed serb who spends his Thanksgiving making Hillary threads instead of spending it with his family
Fucking lol you do realize that Thanksgiving is only American(and Canadian) thing right?
Screencapped this shit lmao.
You again? Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>he spends his time shitposting for loser Hillary for free
It's probably a proxy
I doubt it.
When Obama met Trump at the white house, there's no denying that Obama told him a load of state secrets and so on, which makes Trump a massive liability to the establishment.
If Hillary somehow weasels her way into the Oval Office, you can bet your ass that Trump won't stay silent. Or, another option would be for them to kill Trump, but the consequences of that would be so far-reaching that the US would be in dissarray for decades. Not only that, but during the dissarray the corruption of the establishment would most likely make its way to the public eye.
Either way, we won.
Do not reply to this shitposting kike he has been making a lot of threads like this for some attention just hide report and ignore, and he is not serbian its pretty obvious he is a kike with a proxy
*Tips tinfoil hat*