ITT: America's Worst President

Who is the worst President in US history?

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we've had more than 10 presidents faggot

nixon is the best of the ones in ur pic

the worst is prob obama

Washington because he partially created your piece of shit country


Buchanan, Coolidge, Reagan, both Bushes

>implying obama is worse than bush jr

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Woodrow Willson

bush did a hell of a job

I want libshits to leave

>implying dubya was even bad

Roosevelt, Bush Sr or Obama.

Who the fuck would put Kennedy on there.

Get out.

Reagan was terrible, created all the inequality.

The Iraq War was actually a thumping success, yeah! No fucking joke, it was! America CRUSHED a country in a single month with a bit of international assistance. The following occupation though? That was horseshit, liberals love to mix the two up, that was Bush's mistake.

Obama on the other hand has wrecked far more havoc on the Americans and others than Dubya ever did, e.g Syria and Libya. Bill Clinton was also shit.

Fuck off Mohammed Cuckenberger.
Come back when Merkel is gone.

Andrew Johnson


Prove me wrong, alt-right faggots

Oh I don't know. How about the one that raised an army to march on it's own land and expanded federal power?


Immigration Act says it all.

He's not even president, yet. Chill.

Wodrov Wilson or something like that can't remember

Worst President?

The only one who has ever given into terrorist ransom demands.

Not even president yet.

This is still Obama's term, so if you have problems with the way things are, take it up with him.

Wasn't that passed by Kennedy? Forgive me if that's wrong.

How is it not Obongo?
>Started like 5 wars
>Drones children in their sleep
>More debt than all of the other presidents combined
>Ruined race relations for the next decades probably
Russia and China increased their power and influence in the world
>Northern Africa and the Middle-East are in ruins
Thanks Obama.

dubya was awful on two levels: publicly he was an unbelievable idiot, privately he served anti-american globalists and some of the worst shit in us history came through on his watch

id still say obama was far worse tho, and bill clinton is a near third for his work in setting up the knock-out round for the globalists (telecommunications act of 96, anti-terror act in response to that bullshit job in oklahoma)

Carter the Cuck

No, but it was started under him, iirc.

Lincoln, Wilson, LBJ, Obama.

Bush Jr wasn't the best, but at least he wasn't a racially divisive, partisan, constitution-shredding asshole that failed in everything he did.

JFK was a shit president, he did one single good thing and then almost caused a nuclear holocaust.

It's definitely going to be Trump. He will be remembered as a joke for centuries.

great opinion, pastry
thanks for sharing

>worst President in US history

Alright, neat.

>William Harrison
>served for 32 days
>died from pneumonia

He could have been great though:
>In 1811, Harrison earned the nickname Old Tippecanoe after leading a brutal, but successful, attack against Tecumseh’s Shawnee tribe at Tippecanoe Creek in what is now Indiana. As governor, Harrison drew up several restrictive and one-sided treaties with Native American tribes who held desirable land. In one of his stingiest treaties, he agreed to pay a tribe a mere one cent for every 200 acres, a deal which gave the United States 51 million acres for a pittance and opened a wide swath of the West to white settlement.
Now just imagine how awesome a president he would have been.

>worst president
There are no good presidents. No good leader comes from vox populi. Anyone taking crown from gutter belongs to gutter. Even Trump is no good.

what a coincidence, all the bad presidents are white males..

totally agree almost 100%.

except the iraq war is nothing to be proud of. its not hard for the US to dominate a shithole country if it throws its entire military in the ring like that, and when you consider that it was done under entirely false pretenses for the pursuit of PNAC objectives and ultimately led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and the beginning of total regional instability.... yeaaahh.. not so great there buddy

all his wars were unnecessary. We had no reason to be in Iraq, and then he passed the Patriot Act. And then the Great Recession happened under him. such a wonderful guy

JFK, lazy fuck he couldn't finish one term. Fuck him.

FDR is one of the best presidents in modern history.

Most of the Presidents in the antebellum era were pretty shit at holding the union together. They were mostly northern sympathizers that only perpetuated the suppresion of southern values.


add Carter and it's perfect

Woodrow Wilson. That fucking Democrat put us in ww1 for no fucking reason, which set up for the great depression. Fuck him.

He basically turned you guys from a superpower which had achieved total victory in the cold war to a laughingstock with a fundamentally broken economy and legal system.

If not ever.

i am an american you fucking stupid hick.

and i didnt just vote for trump, i bet my life savings on him. so eat some shit before you call me a liberal.

Bush jr 2nd Term

LBJ. I thought we've been over this.

Woodrow Wilson
Stonewall jackson


whoa whoa whoa, learn to take a compliment!
my goodness

Probably that guy right before the civil war.

Wilson sucks for numerous reasons.
Fed Reserve, 16th Amendment, Underwood Tariff
But Roaring 20's laissez-faire led to Great Depression.
My 16 year old students understand that.

I should also mention that 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Ronald Reagan.

>Mass amnesty of Beaners in California leaves it permanently blue forever
>Increased the scope of government
>No Fault Divorce
>Brady Bill

Fuck Reagan. Don't know why republicans suck this guy's dick so hard.

It's between Carter and Obama, but need a few years to judge Obama's long-term impacts to decide which was worse.

the nigger

I was born in 92, so all the presidents I've been alive through are objectively shit (minus hw)

huh. honestly thought you were being ironic when you called me pasty

Russki pls go and stay go.

LBJ, FDR, Wilson

no one else comes close

Roaring 20's laissez faire was the only time besides WWII where unemployment was 0%

Cronyism between the banks and government caused the crash

The cronyism was caused by the laissez-faire system/

I'll just say this. There won't be another nigger in The White House for at least 100 years.

Been there tried that. Never again.

I guess your right, but I still think the outcome of ww1 in general had a great effect on how the economy eventually took a tank. If we had just let Europe destroy itself, we (hopefully) wouldn't have gone down with them.

Yep Wilson and for worst jew cocksuckers every and eiseinhower

This guy knows his history

Redpill me on Reagan.

Stonewall Jackson was a confederate general I assume you mean old hickory

Woodrow Wilson.

It's ironic: despite once being opponents, they were the best presidents in decades.

t. Socialist


empowered new left by escalating war in vietnam

expanded welfare state

How dare you lump teddy in there. Fuck right off.

Worst presidents ranked from 1 (burning in the lowest pits of hell) to 10 (poorly handled shit but was a cool guy otherwise)

1. Obama (especially if everything we read about Pizzagate is true)
2. FDR (commie-fied the government, collaborated with the Jews, possibly responsible for Huey Long's assassination)
3. LBJ (fucked up American nigs forever, also signed the Civil Rights act)
4. Wilson (started America's downward trend towards interventionism in the name of (((democracy))) and shit)
5. Bill Clinton (raping chilluns and shit, bombed Serbia for killing kebab)
6. Tie for Buchanan and Fillmore, for they both fucked up big time, and laid the foundations for the Civil War.
7. Grant (corrupt as shit government, also because I'm a Southerner and butthurt as fuck by the March to the Sea)
8. Lincoln (an otherwise alright guy, but he refused to let the South secede peaceably because his ass would be roasted if he didn't fight. At least he would've been kind to us had he lived.)
9. Bush II (he was also a kind of cool guy, just easily manipulated and also made a ton of weird quotes)
10. Carter (not really his fault for OPEC's oil embargo, but he did kind of fuck up with the Iranian Hostage Crisis)

Germany is a piece of shit


Nixon, only edgy teens will say he was "based"

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out buddy

>That fucking Democrat put us in ww1 for no fucking reason.

Except you're completely wrong, we were bound to get involved one way or another, because of German U-boats fucking up our cargo and cruise liners in the Atlantic. The war was about spill over into our borders due to the Zimmerman Telegram anyway. Wilson did what he had to do in that situation regardless.

>Which set up for the great depression.
Wrong again, it was Wilson's major expansion of government that was his contribution for the great depression.

Wilson is one of the shittiest presidents we have had, but he made the right decision to get involved in ww1 when he did.

>Mass amnesty of Beaners in California leaves it permanently blue forever

But Reagan was a republican


>implying Obama was meaningfully different from Bush

Teddy Roosevelt was one of the best presidents ever. Wilson was a personally likeable guy who enacted terrible policies. FDR and LBJ were indeed terrible.

Only SJWs think he wasn't on the top ten list.

>blue pilling your students
>swallowing it yourself

the depression was engineered purposely, for the purpose of evicting ma and pa america from their farmland and placing that farmland under the development of soon-to-be US agri-corp. it was the greatest land-grab in probably the history of the planet if you dont count shit like colonialism.

go ahead and look at the fucking numbers, it wasnt even that bad relatively speaking and could easily have been managed by the states.

No particular order they are alll pretty shit presidents

Wilson - The first Globalist president, he had a stroke and became an invalid in his last year and he became a weekend at Bernie's president instead of transitioning power to his VP, WW1 and the federal reserve
LBJ - Immigration act, civil rights, Vietnam war and he was a crass and vulgar man
Lincoln - war of northern aggression
FDR - Commie dictator who ran and won for FOUR fucking terms

You're dumb if you think Teddy wasn't awful

Obama for getting the identity politics snowball rolling.

We won't see Unqualified Transexual 2024 thanks to based Trump

Teddy literally split the GOP allowing Woodrow"i love the fed" Wilson

Which is weird considering he supported Taft until he came back from a hunting trip and suddenly changed (((his))) mind.

FDR was against communism. Also William was good he passed the first laws against hate speech.

So you like huge federal govt land grabs?


>implying the hostage crisis wasn't a backdoor deal between reagan and the mullahs

They were freed the day Reagan took office.

They also freed women and minorities first, at the very beginning even.

Sketchy if you ask me.