Why aren't you building your platforms?

Why aren't you building your platforms?

>buy my books

>mfw his voice


Your books are pleb tier cernovich

Who says I have not already started?
Going to use our upcoming election to generate followers and a reputation, slowly but steadily going to persuade my followers with small 'redpills' and going to push and profit hard in the 2021 election.

Too busy jerking my 2 inch lemur dick.





literally the equivalent of a balloon squealing and flying away
poor dude

I thought we was making fun of Jews when I first heard his voice.

>most dont know this

made me laugh

he's basically a snake oil salesman

>muh mindset

Stop shampooing your hair

Will Mike Cernovich invite Richard Spencer on his platform ?

He uses steroids and anabolics, just saying.

He just rewrote the work of others. But worse.

He said for 10.000$ he would debate richard spencer, he only cares about the shekels.



I will do it for 50 dollars worth of aluminium cans

this guy is doomed to fade into obscurity

shit voice, no ideas of his own, unfulfilled promises, narcissistic

it goes to charity

this jew cares more about attention desu senpai

You joke but his advice isn't even that bad. You SHOULDNT go to the mainstream media, give them the Joe Bernstein treatment. You SHOULD build up your own platforms.

Why is TRS acting like Spencers personal army? Dude is a fucking sperg who does retarded shit, remember Phalanx?

this motherfucker uses antibiotics i bet on it

He does steroids and has no shame about it. What kind of man does that? Not trying to be a cunt either. I really like the guy. Just saying that I would feel shame.


You probably meant anabolics, and yes, even though I don't recall him admiting it openly he argues that anabolics do absolutely no harm and should be legalized.

>muh steroids

You must be a bunch of low test cuck faced numales

He's 100% right. Alt-righters need to side-step jewish-owned media outlets and create our own versions of them - versions that permit freedom of speech. For as long as people use Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, ect, they'll always be subject to arbitrary bans and interference by mods who don't approve of alt-right agenda.

I'm not weak, or manlet or a numale.

I only said he does steroids because he's explicitly stated his cycles and shit of that nature on twitter before. I didn't cap it so no proof.

My point was that he has no shame about using steroids, test, etc... I may even do gh therapy when I'm older, if I find out its a good move through research desu. I just don't understand how a man can have no shame about doping.

yeah its pretty fucking pleb tier, which 99% of these help yourself books are. Difference is, he and Donovan for example are "good" at branding themselves.
There is no real problem with doing steroids though, when I get his age i'd probably start doing it too.

Why would you not want to keep your test levels at that of a 20 year old for most of your life?

With Jews, the blood always tells.

>the most successful mindset podcast on iTunes
these marketing types are just riding the waves
they are no more alt-right than any other Jew like Molymeme or Milo

His girlfriend is pretty mediocre 6.5/10

I don't know why, but i was kind of suprised by this, since he seem like a reasonable guy, well educated, pretty buff and is somewhat semi-attractive.

>Why is TRS acting like Spencers personal army?
I would pay to be in Spencers personal army if you know what I mean.

look at that fucked up growth hormone chin lel

>It's another Mike Cernovich thread

Is this your new mancrush? Are you fags not obsessed with Milo any more?

I think I would rather do GH therapy, or something minimal and along with supplements/good food, just stay /fit/ through lifting, swimming, martial arts, hunting, etc... I know they say our t-levels take a yuge plunge, but this meme is based on primarily men who never really took care of themselves. They did a study in the states that showed how much bone density white men lost over the 20th century, and it was fucking absurd. We have the bone density of like, black chicks now on average. That's from numale diets and being fucking weak.

A lot of steroids and all that synthetic shit has side effects, even minimal mostly aesthetic side effects that I don't want. Plus, fertility and all that are on the line. I just think natty or as natty as possible is best famm.

Milo doesn't have a Twitter so I don't read him anymore

This why can't faggot Spencer fanboys see this?

Hate of PJW not Cernovich if you want to hate on the "alt-lite".

Every male would do roids if they were cheap and/or OTC.
Sadly you gotta blast huge cash every month for hgh unless you live in mexico.

Cernovich is based.

t. Not Mike

Kike Jewrnovich.

>Sadly you gotta blast huge cash every month for hgh unless you live in mexico

I wouldn't do that if I were you guys. I want nothing but the best for Mexico, but aside from rare scenarios, going there for medical assistance of any kind is not wise. I've heard some truly fucked up irl stories. Eurobros are much better off unfucking their shit from comfy and expensive Europe.

As for the price tag on GH therapy, if done correctly, It looks like its worth it based on what I've researched. Unless the world goes full mad max for some reason, we'll be able to afford GH therapy when we're more mature and need it. We're all gonna make it bros.

He's ethnically Croatian

Look up the demographics of Croatia, no kikes there.

His skull morphology and features (including voice) seem yid tbqh

>we'll be able to afford GH therapy when we're more mature and need it. We're all gonna make it bros.

Youre stupid as fuck

We shouldnt be taking drugs and wasting so much time just to fulfill womens endlessly increasing superficial expectations

We cant "all make it brah" because women are attracted to dominance, if we all get ripped, they'll cuck us with guys who are super ripped

Why are you people so fucking stupid

fuck my life, I'm out of breath. who is this guy?

what about his skull looks jewish to you?

Hes not a jew, he said 100 times that he likes fuckign with idiotic 1488 like you and saying hes a jew

The slightly more deep set, but close together orbital structure, long sloping forehead and nose look pretty Ashkenazi. Plus his voice. I'm not a wn type and I like Mike, despite some of his faults. I really do like him.

I'm also not saying he identifies as Jewish or that it would be problematic if he did. I'm just saying that ethnically, I get it why people jump to that conclusion. He looks Jewish, speaks and even acts Jewish.

He was a critical player in this election and I respect him.

I w-was talking about personal health... Not dating or marriage.

>those insecure feels

You have just got to work on that user. Have you considered that, aside from most of them being worthless sluts, that could be part of your problem with the roasties?

I'm lazy, Gorilla Mindset is a good book though.

nice plan. dont give up

>by way of men author
>Jack Donovan
You're trolling but there are probably folks who read this stuff in earnest.

Can someone explain to me what's the meme with this guy?
I've seen his book mentioned on trp subreddit.

Literally judging a book by the cover, stay retarded bro.

And I also judge a post by its flag, you daggy bogan.


And jolly, baby. ;)