Brit/pol/ - Scotland is a shithole edition

>Nigel Farage to fly to Washington DC in a fortnight to meet with Donald Trump's team on unofficial diplomatic offensive

>Eurosceptics attack 'doom and gloom' Autumn Statement predictions from independent economic forecaster

>Farage calls for ‘TOTAL REVOLUTION’ in Britain following Brexit and Donald Trump victories

>Forget Article 50! Britain can IGNORE Lisbon Treaty and quit the EU NOW, top lawyer claims

>Autumn Statement: Government defends post-Brexit economy forecasts

>Jo Cox: Man jailed for 'terrorist' murder of MP

>The ambassador's reception: tycoons are spoiling Nigel Farage

>The EU offer a Three-tier approach

>Farage denies the rumor that he is moving to the US

Other urls found in this thread:

Imperial Leather

>can't be bothered to go to bed

First for having for an Anglo gf

Anime is a child abuse

What is everyone doing tonight?

First for the Jacobites did nothing wrong

Waiting for Question Time.

You're so fucking funny, boy am I glad you have a tripcode so we all know it's you and we can remember how fucking hilarious your posts are.

Waiting for TCR to come on so i can send ghost cuck things with his avatar on, going to make a coffee and gonna whack on the yogpod and doodle.

Waiting to drop a big shit

The REAL special relationship tbqh.

Eating instant noodle blocks because I don't know how to cook



happy genocide day


Realising that Charles was in the right is the biggest red pill of them all

>yfw a literal and confessed Communist on tonight's QT panel wants to leave the EU more and will be able to make the case for our departure better than an MP representing the """Conservative""" Party

Wasn't there a study where it showed Scots having almost the same values as English people?

Speaking of Charles and redpills
The biggest redpill is Diana was a piece of shit and cheated on Charles first.


Anglo lie

Learn to cook. That is how I spent my time at uni desu.

what was his name again?


Lads, if you could predict an ideal (but reasonable) future what would it be?

What is all the bother about footballers moaning they got bummed and then regretting it 20 years later?

Corbyn should win in 2020.
Fuck the Tories and Blairites!

>He drank the SNP coolaid.

YoungAnon here. Once im done with my college course should i go to Uni? Not for art again though.

>yfw a literal tripcunt constantly calls out people for "reddit behaviour"

Moisturefag here, i'll tell a similar story from secondary school

>sitting behind my crush in assembly
>her hair is hanging over the back of her chair
>girl with long blond hair, aryan as fuck
>move my thighs upwards behind her so her hair is brushing my trousers
>feels good mang
>a single hair falls off her head, floats down onto my leg
>keep perfectly still for rest of assembly so it doesn't fall off
>end of assembly
>put the hair in my pocket
>go to toilet
>start running the smooth, slightly conditioned hair between my teeth
>her conditioner acts as a lubricant
>feel the aryan masterrace blonde lock of hair and expensive conditioner delicately caressing my gums
>feels good mang
>come out of cubicle after a few minutes
>go to lesson
>"why are you late user?"
>"i was in the loo sir"

Yep, a total shithole.

So you're saying the parts of Scotland with no Scots are good

The countryside is nice. It is the Scots who ruin Scotland.


>Nailed it


Depends, what do you want to do career wise?

Im 19 fag.

Gee whiz lad, you're not the only one!

On this anonymous imageboard it really is hard to find folks who are not anonymous. It just makes other posts fade away when someone has the the inclination, the bravery, to identify themselves.

Poof "Mad and Bad" McQueer

>absolute monarch who tried to make England Catholic
>"he a good boy, he dindu nuffin"

Imagine still being a member of UKIP hahahhaha just imagine lads

Glad I rejoined the Tories

Numbers on the eternal haggis
>SNP currently holds 56 seats in the commons (Out of 650)
>They only campaigned in Scotland
>In Scotland there is 59 seats up for grabs
>This means they won 94.9% of the Scottish Seats
But is there something more going on?

Although we're talking percent in Scotland and Scottish seats this was a general election for the United Kingdom and Scotland is no more relevant in the end result than any other county on top of that knowing the number vote is important.

>The SNP won their 56 seats with 1.45 million votes,
>This translates to only 50% of the Scottish votes
>This also translates to only 4.7% of the entire United Kingdom vote.

So the SNP holds 9% of the Commons, with 5% of the vote, brought into power by 50% of the people of Scotland who turned out (which was 71%
This means that anything the SNP says, is only supported by half the population of the people of Scotland.
Which is important when you consider that in the independence referendum.
>2.1 million people vote to stay British (55.6% of the turn out)
>1.6 million voted to go independent (44.5% of the turn out)

Fuck the SNP, they have zero mandate to say that the shit they're stirring right now with the Brexit vote is on behalf of the people of Scotland and they have even less of a foot to stand on when they are holding the will of 17 million British citizens hostage when they themselves only got voted in by 1.45 million Scotcucks

I have no clue. And i dont know how to find out.

>ultra conservative
>voted LEAVE
SNP how?


natural beauty has fuck all to do with how the country is run



No, you said that.

>joining the tories

what the fuck just put it in water then the microwave for 5 minutes

I want more sex stories from norwegian gf user.

Talk to a career advice person at your college, they'll talk you through options and then you might be able to figure out if you want to go to uni or not. Or do something else like take up an apprenticeship.

Renationalization of key services is a hot button issue with the public bro, and Tories hate it.

Modding here like a speedball freak !
Second session at the interview ,
then the *Cunts* dropping me ! ?
I AM the Brit Bloke Here !

YKTD is integral part of Brit/pol/. Real cancer - ethnics and anime posters

The country is run from London.

>mfw vulgar bourgeois Whiggery

leave skotcuk

careful, he about to BTFO of you by saying
>1 post by this ID
>reddit spotted


Not funny as ruins lives m8

Looks like his sockpuppet has come to 'help him out'!

I quite like the idea of learning another language maybe thats a lead?

By that same daft reckoning, Pakistan isn't a shithole

>Implying there is another party worth joining

post kawens

If you wait you can do it properly. You could spend some time getting really informed on courses you're interested in and make a decent choice.

>if I push numbers around enough it quells my autism and makes me feel like I've done something
It's all meaningless lad.

don't be like that, scot user

a tory ..akin now to a nigger /rapist lol in bongland

>Implying you have to join a party

Could look into it, it is something to go on at least.

Do the numbers on the Tory majority in Westminster.
What is first-past-the-post?

what was the get lads


ban anime
jill stein 2020


leftits are retards

>tfw Peter Hitchens just used the term "victim blaming" on Twitter to unironically to describe how he was treated

>Women are drawing penises on their eyelids in the latest bizarre make-up trend

Are you now our resident foreign chap?

What happened to the Dutch guy or the guy from the Philippines?


Are you saying the SNP arn't walking around thinking they're speaking for 100% of Scots?
Are you saying every single PMQs they don't say the same shit about having a mandate to keep Scotland in the EU for the people of scotland?

They barely speak for 2 million people and I'd love to know how many people actually born in scotland (who arnt immigrants) actually voted to remain in the EU or to leave the UK

Since Poll's showed the majority of the country was in favour of May's "we're watching you wank" initiative, how much further to the right are Scot's than the rest of us on internet regulation?
They think a man should be recording you at all times or what?

>A few retards on twitter is a trend

>The Remain campaign raised £7.5 million
>Jeb Bush's campaign raised over $156 million
>Marco Rubio's campaign raised over $162 million
>Ted Cruz's campaign raised over $144 million
>Hillary Clinton's campaign raised over $1.3 BILLION and spent $897.7 million

honestly feel a bit sick how much money was wasted on failed campaigns
imagine if they used that money for something more productive


where did all that money even come from anyway?

I would rather be in a thread of YKTD shit posting than a welsh poster circle jerk 10 times out 10

You wanna fuck that dirty old hagging sweaty/dripping fanny haggis right...... stop the SNP shyte ok ?

You tell me Anglostani. Snigger.

Tories would have still won with PR, just by not as much

Its languages, art, writing and possibly cooking that i enjoy. Ill talk with the careers lady tomorrow about it. I need to sort my life out and Sup Forums has taught me enough to stop being a cancerous "muh life sux someone fix it FOR me" millennial. So i need to be the one to do things, maybe its worth it to go over to me dads in kos (hes not greek he just lives there) to work for him for a bit. :/

>Are you saying the SNP arn't walking around thinking they're speaking for 100% of Scots?
You know we live in a representative democracy right? They pretty much do speak for all Scots, yeah. Like actually literally.

Glad to see someone with some sense still left in Brit/pol/. . .these kids can't realise Tories are the only way forward, UKIP is dead!

Seriously . ..FUCK OFF with Hitchens!


>tfw Peter Hitchens
Stopped reading here tbqh.

Where are you from fellow Cheshire person?

Scots want no anonymity, accounts for everything, all linked up to a central database, all comments you post require government approval before being posted. You need an internet use license.

