Holy shit

holy shit
Sup Forums absolutely BTFO for eternity...

maybe we are just racists after all?

Other urls found in this thread:


i get where he's coming from, but there's definitely traits across all white cultures that we can take pride in together

Black and asjan pride is the same shit as white pride.

European culture and heritage

yea asian pride, as if over 2 billion people share same culture and heritage.

Yep, he's not wrong, but he's not right either

I don't know if I'd call it pride in the fact I am not black, brown or yellow. Profound relief is an apt descriptor.

>Black pride = African culture and Heritage
>White pride = European culture and Heritage


Really activated my almonds

So black means African, but white does not mean European?

I'm sure Asians love all being lumped in together...
Just like all Muslims consider themselves the same, right?

Except for ( insert ethnic/ skin color pride) dont celebrate their culture and heritage, just their nation or skin color. Many of those share similar culture heritage and beliefs with one another including whites.

>all black people are from Africa
>Mexicans proud of burritos and drug trade
>all asians are the same
>all muslims are the same and definitely not terrorists
This bitch is racist!

white people need to stop giving a damn about crying vermin

True but they are everywhere man, if your house is infested with vermin you don't just stop caring right? You have to do something about it

Islam is not a fucking race

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. Mexican pride? That's racist as fuck lumping in all Latino people into "Mexican". Asian pride? You're obviously ignorant about Asian cultures if you think there is an "Asian pride". Even the most ignorant people know there is a difference between Chinese and Japanese. Don't even get me started on Muslims, they'll slaughter each other over the fact that one group uses smelly soaps when they worship Allah.

Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

>Black Pride = African Culture and Heritage

Bull fucking shit. Most black people have no idea what part of Africa they're from. Furthermore black pride/supremacy groups like BLM are clearly less about being African and more about not only having black skin, but being hostile toward people with white skin.

When we let white people get away with pride. they do shit like start World War 2 and create the KKK's 'invisible empire'.

You guys have proven that your pride equates to genocide. So we pulled that privileged from you

That logic makes no sense. By that logic Asian pride is racist because it's not being white or black or brown. It could be further separated into Chinese, Korean, jap pride like how white pride can be separated into Swedish, Germanic, Anglo pride, all of which is perfectly ok once specified like he's done.

What the fuck is this spic even arguing

> African culture

Also, implying there is only "one" culture in Asia. Asian pride is just about skin color, shitlord.

>Robert Gonzales

I don't like black people, but their pride isn't so much in African as much as it is in being black in post slavery America.

Sure, some try to reach their roots or whatever by wearing what they think of as traditional African garb, but that is a minority. There is a black culture in the United States. I'm not saying you have to appreciate or respect it, but it does exist.

>implying you could stop us from genociding you if we wanted

>leftist consider white pride as white pride
>italians are not white
>we are still considered as mongrels by pol

I don't know, we are fucked

>africa is a country
>asia is a country


I've never seen something as unintentionally racist as this explanation

Fine. I'll fall for your fucking shite b8.
He's wrong on both interpretations of what he is trying to say.
He points out black, asian, muslim, etc pride is not racist. Assuming his remark that white pride = skin colour, then the difference is that black pride is pride for african heritage and ethnicity. Therefore using his interpretation, white pride must be pride for having white skin.
While nothing here suggests that it is racist, it seems silly to be proud of a fucking skin colour. What might be better here is European Pride.
The other way of reading it is white pride is inherently tied to colour and nothing more which somehow means racism. Using this line of logic, black pride is inherently tied to skin colour and nothing more.

Oh and SAGE


Christ. When will idiots uderstand that being "mexican" means yoyr nationality is from Mexico. Just like being american. It is not a race. it cant be placed in the same category as white, black, asian etc.

You can be a fetus in your anglo mother's womb, with half of your DNA coming from your anglo father with ancestry directly descending from Odin and Hitler themselves ,and ,if for whatever reason, your parents move to mexico and have you there then you're 100% Mexican.

grinds my fucking gears to hear people equate a nationality with race.

>Black = African culture & heritage
>Asian = Asian culture & heritage
>Muslim = Religious culture & Heritage
>White = proud of skin tone

>you can have Italian Pride, Irish pride, etc...

SO, essentially, he's saying that "white culture" is so vast that being white itself makes no sense, we have to separate it into nationalities, but all Africans, Asians and muslims are THE SAME, so they can be united under one single banner, and that is ok for him ?

>white pride = being proud of not being black or brown

So, Asian pride = being proud of not being white or brown

Black pride = being proud of not being white or asian

Honestly, I realise it was posted as a joke, but I can't grasp how anyone with a 70+ IQ can believe even for a second this post make sense, or is witty

Robert, I'm sorry, but you're a fucktard

>I'm not saying you have to appreciate or respect it, but it does exist.

I acknowledge that it exists, that's why I said most and not all blacks don't know where exactly they're from. I was just trying to counter the faggot in the OP's argument.

It's ok to be proud of being black in post slavery America, but don't try to deny white people their equal right to be proud by trying to thought police them.


This pictures is being posted the 12 time in 2 says

And of course retards bite
Ctr shills btfo poltards every time

Off yourself you cretins


Asian pride is as bad as white pride.
There are multiple White experiences in the US but Black people in the US have a more unified one by a more common history and subtle (or sometimes not so subtle) prejudiced treatment to this day.
Mexican people, similarly, have a shared culture and history coming into the US

Asians are all fucking over as far as shared experience as well as white people

This is why you don't see as much black pride from black people who were born well to do like Drake

That means I am allowed Canadian pride like the Australians, haha Americans BTFO

Right, but Europe is varied.
Which European country because the French would be pretty pissed if you rolled them in with the Germans and English and Italians and Swedes

You can't have European pride culture and heritage, learn it you racist white boys


>People unfamiliar with intelligence research are often skeptical of IQ tests ability to measure intelligence. One way we know that IQ tests measure intelligence is that a person’s score on an IQ test predicts how intelligent their family and peers will say they are. IQ tests also predict income and education outcomes and in fact are better predictors of these variables than is a person’s parent’s socio-economic status.

>the government carried out a huge study on this question and tested American adults on tests of mathematical, reading, and writing competence. This study, the National Adult Literacy Survey, found that African Americans in post graduate school performed worse than White college drop outs on all three tests.

>People also sometimes say that IQ tests are racially biased. This is not true and we know this for a few reasons:

>IQ tests predict income and education equally well for Blacks and Whites.
>If IQ tests under-estimated how smart Blacks are, you would expect them to
underpredict Black people’s income and educational attainment.

>East Asians and Jews score higher than Whites on IQ tests. This implies that IQ tests
were not designed as tools of White supremacy.

>IQ test items judged to be the least culturally biased are the ones on which we find
the largest racial gaps.

>The problems on IQ tests that Whites find to be the hardest are also the ones that Blacks find to be the hardest. If there were culturally biased questions, Blacks should find them to be among the hardest of questions while Whites should not. This does not happen.

>When you give IQ tests to large samples of Americans, African Americans score, on average, 15 points below White Americans who score, on average, 5 points below Asian Americans.

>rich Blacks do worse than poor Whites on the SATs (which correlate strongly with IQ tests).


>Black pride = literally a skin tone
>mexican pride = the only one that's a single country
>asian pride = japan, india, china, russia, iran, Israel: more diverse than even europe
>muslim pride = lets get the iranians and saudis together for a big sunni-shia pride fest
>white pride = what is a europe? I thought Americans were mocked for saying they are their anscestry

Africa is varied, Asia is varied

black is, asian ain't

doe asian culture doesn't make much sense, cuz in contrary to Europe the different Asian cultures don't derive all from the same Cradle of Civilization

But here are tons of African countries with different cultures.

So isn't

Black Pride = African Culture

the same as

White Pride = European Culture


What is european culture and heritage

if blacks can be grouped into africa and asians can be grouped into asia then whites can be grouped into europe

What the fuck is Asian culture and heritage? What does a Mongolian have in common culturally with a Korean? Or with Pinoys? Chinese with Burmese? Just fuck off.

>Furthermore, trans-racial adoption studies have shown that the IQ gap remains even when Blacks are raised in middle-class White homes.

>In 1790, America passed its first naturalization act. It mandated that new citizens be free Whites.

>it was always European immigration. When it wasn’t, Americans took notice. For instance, in 1882 we passed the Chinese exclusion act which simply banned immigrants from China once the public felt that we had had enough of them.

>Harry Truman who once said “I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s not a nigger or a Chinaman… I am strongly of the opinion that Negros ought to be in Africa, yellow men in China, and White men in Europea and America”.

>tfw our grandparents fought Nazis so we could be called Nazis for believing what our grandparents believed.


Civic nationalism irrevocably and eternally blown the fuck out.

No. There's no controversy in talking about a common European culture. Saying that we're all the same is another entirely. There is variety in Africa and Asia too.


why not somalian pride

or (best) korean pride

or arabic pride

So why isn't white pride just american/canadian/european pride? We have actually done shit worth taking pride in.

>You can have [...] German pride

Are you sure? Is it okay now. usually every time that happens the rest of europe gets kinda uneasy.

>implying black pride isn't literally pride in skin tone
>"black is beautiful"

>Implying Hispanic pride isn't racist pride
>Viva la Raza = hooray for our race

These racist blacks and spics love their racist double standards

that fucking got me, nice

Reich Pride Worldwide


so that means las vegas casinos celebrate white pride?

That's red pride.

Behold! An Example of white culture doth approach.

>or arabic pride

Its called Islam you ignorant fuck. They just coalesced their original god and called a pedophile a prophet.

>all blacks are african
>all africa has the same culture
>all asians have the same culture
Wow, racist much?

>white = skin tone
>black = african

I can't even get over how not an argument this is

the only correct answer to this smug strawman posting spic is to respond with a wall.

Lol ayyy lmao

Exactly. You could just continue to split down the races into ethnicities.

Clearly that infographic is referring to RACE not ETHNICITY.

White pride is celebration of historical accomplishments, scientifical and technological discoveries, done by white people while (insert any minority here) culture is just "celebration" of pack behaviour or events done only in certain ethnic group.

Also, Robert Gonzales released his daily amount of cultural marxism.
>White people are devils boo-hoo.

>black pride is ok because africa

Does this guy realize that africa is like 10x bigger than europe and NONE of the cultures in Africa are capable of intermingling without genociding each other??

Which tribe is "black pride"? Which specific tribe?

White pride needs to be re-labelled.

>White Pride = The enjoyment of traditional European customs and traditions, and acknowledgement of the great leaders, inventors, musicians, statesmen, who partook in those traditions, whether they be Finnish, Hungarian, Slovenian, or otherwise.

How can you type such a long reply and be completely oblivious to how stupid you sound?

So black pride means African culture while white pride just means white instead of European or Western culture? How can you be so stupid really there must be something wrong with this guys brain.

That's nonsense though.
The actual reason is because the left has control over them, these people always vote leftist. They can make them support whatever they want.
>Abortion? Go ahead
>Gun-control? Yeah
>Socialism? Yup
>Public education? Oh yeah
The left demonizes White pride because it's always right-wing, they have no benefit in that.
You can see how their entire argument is false when you think of their reaction to saying "Western/European culture is superior".
>The left reaction: REEEEEEEEEEE
Why do they react like this even when you're talking about culture?