Lefties get in here
Why can't we create funny and competent memes when compared to the Bourgeoisie and Nazis?
Our memes are shit tier and are almost never funny, we need to up our game
Suggestions welcomed
Lefties get in here
Why can't we create funny and competent memes when compared to the Bourgeoisie and Nazis?
Our memes are shit tier and are almost never funny, we need to up our game
Suggestions welcomed
fuck off and die already.
Greetings fellow Democrats,
Like you I'm also deeply disturbed by the fact that America has elected a bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic racist into the presidency. But I've analyzed the outcome of this election and made some conclusions about why Trump was able to fool so many people.
--First off, Hillary appeared too patriarchal. She should have consulted feminist fashion designers to appeal to women instead of reminding them of their second-class status.
--Second, we were not nearly clear enough about our support for people of color, latinx, LGBTQAIP+ peoples, undocumented citizens, and other oppressed groups.
--Third, our economic plan was too similar to Republicans and appeared pro-business, only targeting the income of the 1%. The proposals in Hillary's tax plan were not nearly progressive enough to bring about economic justice.
--Fourth, our stance on the Second Amendment was too moderate.
--Fifth, we appeared to be making appeals to Old White Male America and conservatives.
Communism is the opiate of the lazy.
That's why your memes suck
If we are to regroup and win in the 2018 midterms and 2020 to regain the White House, we need to realize these harsh facts and make our policies more equitable and appealing. Here are my suggestions.
--Run a ticket of Elizabeth Warren/Michelle Obama to empower womens' voices
--Be much clearer of our support to empower all intersectional groups and enact social, economic, and climate justice
--Create a progressive economic platform that furthers economic justice and distributes wealth to intersectional groups, specifically by raising the corporate tax moderately and all middle and upper income taxes severely
--Propose common sense gun safety reform to strip oppressive groups of their firearm privileges
--Support critical theory in pedagogy, so elementary school children are taught to be more aware of the nature of their parents' social and religious institutions
We need to create a common sense progressive platform with these proposals in order to restore equity and justice for all.
You appear to be spot on, friend.
I 100% agree. How do we fix these things for 2020?
We are too mainstream for that, sadly.
Let's just steal pepe and shit!
/leftypol? don't you mean /kikepol?
ahahah reported
>Suggestions welcomed
Okay, how about yall fucking kill yourselves? It will make it easier than us having to erase you
There's already a leftypol board on cripple chan. All their memes are just stolen and reversed memes from here. They have no foundation other than being against Sup Forums.
This is actually a good suggestion.
These are pretty good, repost them to Facebook if possible
k, I'm sympathizing to commies. What can you suggest for me? Do you think you know more than me? Show some redpills then. And if not, why should I listen in the first place? I don't need more ads.
>Why can't we create funny and competent memes when compared to the Bourgeoisie and Nazis?
That's been a problem with you leftist faggots from the start.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Well OP, think about it this way.
If you are "communist" I assume you have done your fair reading of Marxist texts and literature. You lie in wait for people to mention communism so you can educate them as to why the orthodox marxist ideals of the 3d international where seem as too rigid by Latin American communists who used radical catholicism to advance their goals and how you can prove it with semiotic triangles and charts. Yet at no moment while you were "learning about communism" did your brain tell you "Nigga what the fuck are you doing, this bullshit stinks more than pigsty". In other words, you might be intelligent, but are fucking gullible and retarded.
Thats why you cannot be originally funny.
Our meme magic has failed because we have not properly praised based Comrade Zizek
no more, brothers, we are the Vanguard!
because you are wrong, look this delusional for exemple
fuck off and die already.
based ukraine
Good post desu.
no marxists here, boss
why the fuck are mods leaving this garbage up
Very well said but I don't think a Warren/Obama ticket checks off enough minority tick boxes. I think if we could get someone who is also trans/gay/buddhist/etc, then we'll have included enough minorities to have a qualified presidential candidate
Because you're all mentally ill faggots with a little hard on for some power. Get BTFO and get out pls.
I have always wondered why left memes are non existent.
I believe that you just annoy human nature.
Hello kikes
Guys its's important to take a look at this
The kikes are in an subversion effort, join us
Your analysis is shit and I assume you're a troll.
Hillary's tremendous failure was a result of liberal elitism that did not connect with white america and middle states, where people have been losing jobs and opportunities and the neoliberal continuation of the last 8 years' policy promised only the same. Hillary courted wealthy donors and celebrities, raising more money than any candidate in history, but did not have the base or excitement that Sanders and Trump managed through connecting with people at massive rallies and mobilizing a network of passionate individuals. Instead she bought into the elitist strategy of pouring money into analytics and hoping she could manipulate a message that connects with enough people through ads and proxy celeb support--horrible strategy, especially in the modern era of social media and grassroots possibilities.
Aside from being extremely unlikeable and viewed as a symbol of an establishment that pays lip service to the middle class while relying on corporate money, buyed influence, paid analytics and crafted insincere messages, Clinton's time as SOS was disasterous and interventionist, and marked with corruption. She LIED about her email server in the worst way. Whereas trump could pull off shoot from the hip improvisation despite contradictory messages and be seen as a real human being, Clinton's lawyer speak, focus groups, and changing of strategies to manipulate opinions came off as insulting, deceiving, and with a soulless calculation.
The greatest hope for the democratic party and/or lefties is to abandon corporate interests and focus on organizing passionate people to in turn educate and motivate a web of activists who will stand up for the best interests of the planet and the people via all avenues: cultural change, petitioning reps, non profit work, supporting certain agencies, traditional activism and protest
go fuck yourself you disgusting waste of a human being
Stalin was a good guy
Focus on identity politics will only be further divisive. As jesse jackson said, he could get white votes by showing the white worker that he has more in common with the black worker than the white elite. Further, as long as the electoral college is in effect, you can get as many minority votes in ny and cali and it wouldnt make a lick of difference. We need to organize and effect our changes where we can, locally and at the state level, and from there show our community how our stances are better than the magical and illogical policy of trump.
This. FPBP
I believe this is the solution
One side believes in strong individualism and self creation and the other believes in the redistribution of what has already been created and collective decision making
Which side do you think will let anonymous shit posters do their best work
Hai gaiys!
Fuck memes. Just put the lot of them up against the wall. Class war isnt fucking funny.
Death to fascists..
What subreddit is this
Ukraine speaks the right. All Commies need to eat a bullet
fuck you far left niggers you're literally gonna steal the election from Trump
Being a communist should be a capital offence.
Yes heaven forbid this place isn't a total hugbox for righties.
Sup Forums stole pepe from /r9k/ so I don't see what's keeping you from doing the same
I don't get it what is this supposed to accomplish? Even if they were somehow completely successful its not gonna change peoples mind just because they are "dominating" on a image board.
Sup Forums also used momiji from /jp/. /jp/ was none too happy about that.
They hope to use our knowledge of memetics to win the ideological war
Sup Forums's humor is spiteful and irreverent but resonates because it has a grain of truth
Your humor is fucking stupid because you're delusional college freshman who believe everything professor Rosenblatt told you from his ivory tower
Truth is that the left has been cornered into two positions already defeated:
1) A return to a keynesian model that is factually impotent in the face of the global market
2) the delusional leninist model
we got to face the fact that the 20th century is over, and start thinking about a new organizational model, a new idea for a new society.
>no trigger discipline
absolutely triggered
gas yourself fag REEEEEEEE
>Why can't we create funny and competent memes when compared to the Bourgeoisie and Nazis?
>Our memes are shit tier and are almost never funny, we need to up our game
Communism or neo-Marxism have no where near the amount of taboo around them that Nazism has so you don't get the edge factor in being humorous.
communism doesn't work.
just like niggers
Hello fellow liberals.
Perhaps we ought to give up on Sup Forums and focus our efforts at r/politics. If we work hard enough perhaps we can get Bernie Sanders to run in 2020!
Only good thing to come out of /leftypol/ was the cat girls.
leftists are not welcome here and your cancerous worldviews and manlet ideas will never be accepted in this place or the future.
god will smite you all.
Get a job your dirty hippie
>god will smite you all.
god doesn't exists
Doubles shall decide how I reply to my communist professor who I went to dinner with last night
Reply exactly that which you wrote.
Or your mother will die in her sleep.
fuck off
why are you all so ugly ?
Look at all these gullible leftist idiots that succumbed to the sirens song that is communism. Fuck all of you, go fuck off from this board. Go back to leftypol or whatever hellhole you came from. Noone wants to fill their cars with gas every odd day and noone wants to wait in a line at 5 am for fucking meat. Fuck off and die already
Reply : die commie
Haha well memed friendo ;)
Hello, when do you think the poor here on Sup Forums will realize Trump is actually raising taxes on them?
And do you think they will realize that Trump actually is the fat cat 1%er executive type who holds them back while lowering taxes on himself?
Also, do you think they will ever accept climate change being real, even when the west is flooded with poor immigrants? Trump won't be in office to save them by that time.
It's good that brought attention to this. Black people are getting killed by neo Nazis at alarming rate.
Of course they are.
the problem is not Trump
the problem is the system and the circumstances that put him in office
Reply : hi I'm googoqo nutz
is this the leddit raiding crew?
Haha careful there now
Shut i5 naza
Fuck u!!!!
>nazis are out shooting people
top tier delusion
8ch net/leftypol/
go there, fuck off from here this is not for you
fuck off ledit
Someone post the 100000000 get
There's nothing funny about doing everything the Jews want.
but if the classcucks on here want to suck the cock of their masters, that's their decision
educate yourself: archive.is
fuck off leddit go buy something nice for your wife's son
I would rather have an alite than everyone being equally poor(you still end up with an elite tho)