Why are "white nationalists" so edgy?
Why are "white nationalists" so edgy?
Attention seeking.
No one ever actually thought Trump would do Plan B. But the dreams of those in Plan B will be completed through Trump with Plan A.
Also, kek approves of trips.
plan A is the best yo.
everything but row 2 is correct.
i highly doubt the supreme court will ban anchor babies from getting citizenship.
Are you a nigger or a Christian cuckservative?
Like clockwork.
Trump is /ourguy/ without having our exact politics. The ends are the same, so who cares about the means?
Also, this whole narrative that the publicised Roman salutes are going to push people away from Trump are pretty fucking ridiculous. Normies can recognise that Trump isn't white nationalist, and that the media is trying to put a biased spin on it. My Dad, pretty cucked, would have voted Hillary if we were American, has even said as much.
Richard spencer is still /ourguy/ but we have to keep that kind of stuff in the shadows despite what ironmarcher accelerationists will believe.
Outward face of "tolerance" and namby pamby shit that doesn't compromise the harder, crunchy center of nationalism
>arrest the bankers is a bad thing
I wonder who is behind this post
I know that America is already fucked. A good contribution to the White cause may be the study of biological anthropology in school instead of creationism. No one wants to genocide the niggers.
>No one wants to genocide the niggers.
Maybe because genocide is one of the most, if not the most, unreasonable solution to any problem.
We get to be indestructible. We always get to win.
>I am a cuckservashit (whose candidate did not win this election, but was literally Trumped by a blatant nationalist)
>I do not understand biology
>I do not understand the Jewish problem
Genocide is the ONLY solution. There's a reason WHITE nations industrialized first. We are the only peoples capable of not in-fighting and instead rallying together against other people's. Shitskins are too busy fighting themselves.
>No one wants to genocide the niggers.
True. They just need to go nog somewhere else. If the white man is oppressing them so much, they can go and make their own first world superpower.
I don't understand. Plan A is soft white nationalism. Plan B is a strawman
What did OP mean by this?
>I am a cuckservashit (whose candidate did not win this election, but was literally Trumped by a blatant nationalist)
Nice assumption with absolutely no basis.
>I do not understand biology
I do believe in HBD, I'm just more pragmatic and not an edgy faggot.
>I do not understand the Jewish problem
You realize that Jews have the most entho-nationalist state in the world right now, right? Jews are constantly causing conflict between races constantly. Jews controlled the slave trade, they funded the KKK, they made up the Holocaust, they fund groups like BLM, they probably fund other neo-nazi groups, etc. You wanting conflict between other races is exactly what the Jew wants you to do. You are following the Jewish divide and conquer tactics that they have been doing for years, yet saw that I do not understand the Jewish problem.