>people getting jailed or even prisoned for reposting redpilled shit in social networks in Russia
>while literal childkilling schizo evades punishment as an ill person
Sup Forums will defend this.
People getting jailed or even prisoned for reposting redpilled shit in social networks in Russia
>soon-to-be Net Hate/Näthat laws in Sweden
>targeting Raycism
>... we have had a slight rewording in our constitution about "Sweden is [de facto] a multiculti nation"
>updated from the 1975 Olof Palme laws
>progressives and "old timey social democrats" AND 'moderate libs' are ok with this
>Sweden Democrats, SD, cooperate with:
>Dansk Folkeparti
>True Finns
>... on a proposed motion defining anti """"""""""Right Wing Extremism"""""""""" laws
>this would guarantee them not being criticized since they can refute any dissidenting voices as extremist paranoia ----> gulags
>cuckservatives are ok with this
cowardly censorship pushing atm, people are too scared of The Don to think straight
"Russian federation" is not Russia
we live in occupation, this is not a country of and for Russian people
understanding this is key to having minimum butthurt
>people getting jailed or even prisoned for reposting redpilled shit in social networks in Russia
oh and reminder to Sweden Democrat cucks ITT
>SD is against TTP/TTITP
>the opposite of Donald
>SD is against Marine Le Pen
>SD still has not removed their "Open Swedishness" worldview that allows for further, future, nonwhites to 'become swedes' via language classes - JUST AS today
>Jimmie Akesson has explicitly stated that 'swedishness' and Ethnic Swedes "probably can't be found today at all" (definining 'swedishness' as merely following Laws and Customs; ie open for massive changes)
>SD also brand themselves "SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES" not even nationalist
>SD and Jimmie Akesson **do not endorse Donald Trump**
>Jimmie, the Party Leader, EXPLICITLY said he "did not feel any happiness" at the election results night*
>Mattias Karlsson don't support Trump either; instead he fears Putin
*maximum Leaf-tier response, compare this to properly nationalist parties around Europe
>people throwing jokes about defunct nationalist parties from before
the last one ine 2014 could still openly stand for Ethnic Swedes and Swedishness and Swedish Mentality - but still have ideas of a society with other white peoples such as scandis and britons/germans/finns/baltics/frenchmen continuing to be___welcomed____ (not just *fully* governing at the cost of the host ethnicity)
ie not isolationist, not "all exchange between european countries will die off" and so on; still not falling for the Leftist psychology of """"""defining swedishness is so hard and subjective and vague these days, we have had migration in the past of human history...""""
>>while literal childkilling schizo evades punishment as an ill person
feminists still cannot wrap their head around Valerie Z. doing attempted Murder on Andy Warhol, with the notion of this possibly being linked to le SCUM Manifesto she so angrily wrote :^)
(but Trump re-posting humurous Pepes (images not created by his mind specifically) on Twitter ----> taken seriously by even the ADL as psychological factors behind future decision)
Reminder that's the best position they can hold since all the other parties considers every human on earth Swedish
>le SCUM Manifesto
that still has, the last 5 years minimum, theatre plays put up by Feminist Theatre Groups then cheered on by libtard #ImWithHer newspapers, because then it's about "symbolic anger" over oppression from an invisible patriarchy (nvm that the attempted murder by its author Valerie was physically real; why are white males explicitly linked to previously read texts if committing similar deeds, but Feminist Womyn not?)
hol up, I thought Putin was a savior of white race and Russia is a glorious uncucked based whitetopia (that's what people on Sup Forums say, why would they lie?)
pro gay propaganda isn't redpill
Unlike certain other nations, our Security apparatus actually works competently. It's a known fact though, you do not question the government. You do not raise questions about the power-structure.
Most Russians are fucking idiots, I'd rather the Jews stay in charge over fuckin Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov. Who would even lead the country if you were to remove the current oligarchy?
reminder that Jimmie & co risk looking like spineless betas if they're only able to meekly avoid any verbal punches thrown at them from leftist media (while asskissing the flipflopping "I've Changed now on Immigration, pinky promise nvm the last 8 years xD" Anna K-Batra led Moderates party; this implies that they're unfit to Take Lead on their own) (confirmed in how Jimmie, at least, constantly resorts to a passive "let's look at Dansk Folkeparti and copy them some weeks from now" tactic instead)
btw, how do you SD voters even know what you're getting? The party voted in a very NOT nationalist manner on:
>Vinster i Välfärden
>[assuming People at large being against it, at least from a nationalist POV being against *further Vinst raises*]
>SD, on VERY short notice, flipflops in the last minute and supports the Moderates with allowing 'Vinster' further
pretty stupid to not see the rest of their policies (economics is huge, ESPECIALLY with alpha male (and more Pro-White) _business magnate_ Trump having entered the world scene) for all the talk about """"""""lower immigration 90% and we're done here""""""
>Unlike certain other nations, our Security apparatus actually works competently. It's a known fact though, you do not question the government. You do not raise questions about the power-structure.
Kid, politics in russia take money. Once you are on the inside you can say what you think. KGB dislikes when you do it in public/outside of regimented forums for discussion.
And anti nazi/commie policies exist for a reason. USSR's failure as a state being said reason.
Cool oligarchy like Prohor.
>the rest of our 7 parties MIGHT mimicry (m)
>ie they'll all preach Border Control, while lying through their teeth
>compare France
>Marine Le Pen not being a shy cuck, displaying fury or at least willingness to openly defy the establishment
>(example: Burkinis, she didn't pussy around with #notAllMuslims NOR did she do a SD 'open france-ness'; she explicitly states that Burkini with its risk of changing liberal french law SIMULTANEOUSLY works against the French Nation and its 'Frenchness'**
>Le Pen also faces an establishment and vilification in the media like SD
>but she doesn't let them run her over entirely
the SD way of "slowly progressing - it must ALWAYS get darker before..."; other nationalist parties in the world dare charge forward and grab hold of things ____before____ societal collapse sets in (Le Pen, Trump, GD (am counting them despite the fact they're universally dislikd in the EU parliament), even Geert Wilders)
**Marine explicitly said "France for the French!" when they got into the EU seats, this sends out more of a leader quality than SD-ite
>you can't really say that ethnic swedes exist anymore
>"Jag känner ingen glädje..." - Jimmie after hearing of Trump winning the U.S elections
Sup Forums isn't everyone
Are you retarded? Speech which is restricted to closed circles and essentially black-listed from the media is very much in line with what I said. You cannot openly question the competency of the government or their mass misappropriation of funds. But please, do tell me how it is on the inside based 'insider'.
Those things had nothing to do with the USSR's collapse, you are legit fucking stupid. The failure of the USSR is tied directly to personal ambitions, the unrealistic of Planned Economy, and diplomatic/geopolitical mishandling throughout everything past the early 60s.
>You cannot openly question the competency of the government or their mass misappropriation of funds.
Yes you can. You can even have organised protests so long as you are willing to deal with bureaucracy of it.
What you can't have is show up on a street and interfere with everyday operation of a city because you have a bug up your ass about kleptocracy.
>Those things had nothing to do with the USSR's collapse, you are legit fucking stupid.
Those (anti nazi/commie) policies are established to prevent rise of an ideologue. We, as a country, know better than anyone price of following an ideologue. Look at trump, he is a demagogue, we would allow it. But if he was also an ideologue, no matter ideology, those policies would shut him down. Because simply - we tried it once - never again.
The problem is you all fucked up following Jewish Marxism and murdering the Royal family and you Tsar (who was anointed by GOD) and with it your Russian heritage and values.
You can't just undo that kind of bad karma, you have to suffer through Putin and be happy you aren't still waiting in breadlines.
>You can't just undo that kind of bad karma, you have to suffer through Putin and be happy you aren't still waiting in breadlines.
We have a de facto closed economy, bud. It might be on down slide, but we are lightyears away from starvation. Luxuries got cut for middle class due to sanctions, only people who have real money issues are pensioners and those who aren't willing to take a hike to find a job.
And what is and is not an allowed organized protest or an acceptable ideology is decided by the government apparatus. Evidently they would not allow one that is against their own interest.
>...a bug up your ass about kleptocracy.
More people should have a bug up their ass about it. It's an enormous systemic issue, as I'm sure you are aware. The entire country runs on bribes and favors. That is a serious problem.
I'm not going to defend Communism or painfully self-exposing western shills, but the control that the government currently has is ripe for abuse.