

If that was BF1, they'd all be niggers with Snipers.

Were there any real photographs of this taking place?


This advert makes me cry, always.

>TFW even Sainsbury's can make you cry

oy vey goyim why aren't you killing eachother


sure is dusty in here

>You stop and think how many young men died for something which, outside of the Serbs and Armenians and some of the minority groups who got self-determination after the war, was for nothing when it came to the French, Germans, British, Russians.
>Not jihadists, not dindu tribesmen, but average western white men. Could have been your grandfathers if you were born earlier, your fathers if you were born even earlier - could have been you.
>Only thing separating them from a lot of us is just time of birth.

I can't really blame the ones that fell for communism after the horrors of WW1 if it meant falling for a siren's song promising brotherhood and an end to being used as a soldier-serf by the elites. Might be a false and evil ideology ultimately but they had all the reason to try and grasp for something to assuage the pain.

>Not jihadists
>who were the ottomans
>who were the hejazis



>you will never live in the era of ww1

why even live, seriously fucking take me away, fuck this gay earth

You are a friend, German. Don't forget that.

Why would you want that

You too, anglo


>not wanting to live in a time of white prosperity
>not wanting to be a young lad with a purpose to live

We killed each other... All for nothing...


I don't think that rotting alive in a muddy trench before before watching everybody you know die slowly and painfully in a gas attack in the middle of devastated Europe is the best place to go for white prosperity


>have truce
>go into enemy territory and trenches
>note down strategic positions, possible weaknesses while the grunts kick a ball around
>Restart the battle with renewed intensity and brutality

there's a reason why high ranking military personnel didn't cross over to the other side. I'm sure you can figure out why

we should have killed kebabs and kikes not eachother and then kill xenos togheter

>Nigger Barrage
The captain should sink with his ship

no man from Germany would have been that fucking fat. especially Soldaten

Recreation most likely.

and you dragged my grand fathers into it

>slav butthurt his future flow of bennies is now dead.



if you kill your enemies they win

I didn't expect to have feels like this on Sup Forums today user

Would it look less like it was my fault if I told you I was a Scot?

Fucking Aryans. Shoot em all

I came here to discuss the jewish question, not to feel...


You weren't even a country during ww1 you retard


What a painting, got anymore?

I'm absolutely not crying at all.

Guy is called Harry Payne.

















I remember in December of 2014 when I begged moot and the mods to put an end to Sup Forums harbor and the spamming. My pleas were ignored and it went on for another month.

So happy that fucking faggot is gone. I laugh at how moot must feel when he never made a profit off Sup Forums and within a year of him leaving people were offering Hiroshima millions of dollars for the site.

JA danke Hans!






Maybe next time euros can fight together instead of with each other.

memes aside this is some of the best social commentary I've ever seen






That's a pretty good camera and film for 1914


>tfw you will never stick your hand over the trenches to get your fingers shot off by a German sniper just to escape duty and avoid losing your mind from shell shock


No one was the "villain" in world war 1 it was a pointless war created from misunderstanding

The Serbs sure as shit was the villain

>tfw you will never shoot some Anglo faggot's fingers off

I refuse to fight my white brothers

>inb4 60% white


Millions upon millions of young men condemned to die in the most brutal, unforgiving ways. Many maimed beyond repair, all for nothing--absolutely fucking nothing.

World War I truly was humanity's greatest fuck up. Just goes to show how much the egos of a few people can spiral into the greatest atrocities man could know.


There is a silver lining.

If not for WW1 and 2 our technology would be lagging by decades. Our knowledge of germs, medicine and nuclear power grew exponentially during those periods.

One day these advancements will save more people than died in the wars, and their deaths will finally mean something.

We stand on mountains of bodies. Bodies that allow us to see further than we ever imagined.

Plz tell me i'm right. I can't bear the thought that it was all for nothing.

If kek wills it

Without going into technicalities--I'm sure this could be traced further back to several sources and events--of pinpointing when it began, I feel that the First World War marked the beginning of the decline of Western Civilisation. I really can't see it as being anything but a waste of life, resources, and spirit. I hope you're right when you put it like that for the same reason you mentioned: I hope that that silver lining is real.

However, do you really think we wouldn't have worked it out eventually? Less time focused on killing, big navies and imperial conquest, more time for technology, a scientific race amongst the powers for better, more effective medicines and the well-being of the people. On top of this, and certainly the more important factor ultimately, that the West retains its stability.

Fuck off at least we tried to protect your ''Western civilization'' for 345 years from Muslims...

Jeez WWI soldiers were huge faggots thank god WWII sorted out anglo-superiority.

>Men who should have viewed each other as brothers killed each other in their millions for no good reason.

I hope that the European civil war comes.
I can't wait for Europe to unite and cleanse itself.
I'm going to do a victory lap of Europe, drinking local ales with all of the Nationalist Coalition veterans.