What would your personal utopia look like ?
no niggers
>no jews
>no non-whites
>american constitution
>conservative ideals
Utopia literally means "no place" because no such perfect place could exist.
all white.
lots of copper.
Gassing alt-rightists and hearing them cry as they suddenly realise during their last moments why hurting other people is bad.
Apart from that automated economy, basic income, immortality, and nedgentropy research. All under the environment of the wonderful global free market and planetary secular civilisation us globalists will create.
This sounds pretty based, i mean you could work your way down to the population instead of just doing some mass genocide
We wuz space kangs n shiet
No niggers, jews and muslims.
Something similar. to your picture. i've always wished i could paint my dreamscapes.
No whites
No hetros
Open borders
Liberal values
the entire world under the banner of the united states with each country having the ability to govern themselves and protected under the bill of rights. the usa's government is ideal for world domination. prove me wrong
unregulated capitalism
all sex diseases cured
No roads.
sky scraper like structures that are massive edible algae farms that replace trees and provide food. since building vertically is more efficient and trees dont get that big the contained multi chambered multi floored structures with partial gravity powered circulation through many thin tanks back to back to maximize efficiency can be more effective than forest
then we can pave over more shit. and why do we need such heavy restrictions on burning shit if we got more efficient vegetation in bulk freeing up oxygen
futuristic hippie tech to allow the industrial dystopia
this, fuck roads, fuck medium sized trees too.
The funny thing is that from the looks of it, if humans are pretty happy/rich they begin to have their populations reducing anyway.
The poor basically reproduce because they dont have anything else to do, otherwise children become a bit of a chore, and are had late, or no more than 2.
As a result a self respecting evil globalist, has no reason not to want everyone elevated to something western "middle class" wealth, towards the objective of planetary population reduction/control. It is the miserable fucks that want everyone else poor just so that they can feel rich.
Dont know about mine
but I sure as hell know about yours!
Feminine people are home makers and masculine people are workers. Trades are as valued as intellectual work. White majority under one singular culture (not a bunch of subcultures) but blacks, Hispanics, and Asians are allowed in. Strict immigration. Benevolent president who is elected by a group of people who defend personal liberty rather than those who will line company pockets and use decisive candidates for any external political agenda.
Probably like Canada before third world immigration.
My utopia is having the whole world filled with demons after opening a portal to hell. Evey human is enslaved and tortured by demons. Demons of all shapes and sizes populate the earth by 40 billion, vastly outnumbering humanity. The whole world covered in blood and suffering for all eternity.
Demons would build their own civilization over humanity's ruins by harvesting humans and breeding them so they wont run out. Every demon kin is allowed one human slave to torture and play with however they want. They would even engineer their own technology by using human blood as fuel.
nationalistic transhumanist society. we'll be like gods compared to the rest, all petty problems will be solved
my niggas
Looks good m8. Post apocalyptic world with constantly warring tribes in automobiles
It was supposed to be ideal for individual liberties.
pic related
He had grad plans for the cities. Berlin becomes Germania with Roman style architechture, Hamburg becomes New York style sky scraper shit etc...
The enchanted castle from Beauty and the Beast.
Lol wut ?
That pic without the city.
>implying you don't want to be witnessed
>if humans are pretty happy/rich they begin to have their populations reducing anyway.
no the populations dont get reduced but they maintain a steadier level
otherwise pretty much spot user
the reason poor people have lots of kids is because its a simple numbers game
more kids means higher chance one of them succeds and can take care of you in old age, more kids means people who can work and contribute to the household, this is also why you see very strong family valuves in poorer nations E.G india
after all family is for "ever"
Oh shit just saw your flag, you just want to be witnessed pooping
You could do that in any world, haha.
Anarcho Catholicism.
>The clerks in your city will never be actual clerks.
>Your major will never be a bishop.
>You will never be ruled by the Pope.
Why even live
i fail to understand how it stops protecting and securing individual liberties
the reality is a one world government is the future. deny all you want, this the way we are going. turning every country into a state under the united states is objectively the best way to do this. we retain individual cultures and states keep their sovereignty. the usa needs to clean house first though and restore the republic
retarded heretic spain nigger. if we counted you as white the usa would be 70% white
The Grid without the treachery of CLU.
Pick one protestantcuck.
>this the way we are going
lol no it isn't
Exactly this. Only white people on the globe, we could go around, talking to people, exchanging and visiting without fearing anything.
No jews, no shitskins.
I like that.
I know right, , just stoned, and read that, wft? mate
No white males and utopia is guaranteed
Inevitable POO IN THE LOO strikes again. My personal utopia is an India where everybody Poos in the Loo. Happy ???
middle earth
Spoopy chicks with spike cybernetics
A world where I can upload my consciousness to the internet and can become the little girl
The Georgia Guidestones are some NWO bullshit.
perfect permanent unaware simulation with realistic time travel.
no one caring about race for starters.
predominantly secular society.
scientifically literate.
stable birth rate, only at replenishment rate.
immigration only for extremely talented (i.e. masters' degree holders in sciences)
Private ownership of guns is allowed, carrying in public is illegal and they are only to be used on private property.
Slum cities with jewish overloads, black enforcers/spanish/arab enforcers, and white slavery.
Top down it would flow that all orders come from the Jews, their black enforcers would act as police and management to white slaves. Whites would do all physical labor while the
What do you care. You wouldn't exist in it....
Degenerate spotted. I'd like to shark in the deep blue oceans.
>while the-
Well, It's your utopia. I won't want to exist.
four walls and adobe slabs for my waifu and me
put me in the screencap
What do you mean time travel in a simulation ? Like a Virtual world where you have the unique ability to time travel or a 5th dimension kind of a meme where time is not linear ?
>realistic time travel
In my perfect world futanari become real and start cucking men into extinction.
>realistic time travel.
That would be the worst thing possible. Enjoy cryosleep for 45 years just to get to some shithole non terraformed planet.
That is fucking disgusting.
Futafags are worse than an asbestos facemask.
Big fucking buildings
Pure white nationalist country
Space n shiet
World domination
Me as kang
Anime inspired Utopian conceptions are basically hellish nightmare scenarios.
Are you Hungary ? huehuehuehue
This x100
>Are you Hungary ?
Nope, just a resident.
> No government
> Everyones communist
> Everyone honest and nice
> Equal part of every nationality and gender
> No delusion of religion
My nigger
>Art and philosophy is encouraged
>Traditional society
>Global Empire
>Bitcoin as currency
>We could be living in this right now if the Americans didn't sperge out and give the Soviets a fuck tonne of steel
A world without OP of this thread
civilization is wiped out, we stay in farms - woods
confy af fishing and wasting your time looking at the sky