"We don't need white people running the Democratic Party right now"
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let them fully selfdestruct. who cares
Good. Don't we all want an acceleration of ethno politics? The problem as never been non whites. Everybody understand why non whites do what they do: they wish to further their ethnic interests. It's non suicidal and understandable.
The problem has always and forever will be the guilt ridden whites.
Stop stop STOP!!! You really don't give a fuck, do you?
We get it, babydicks. You managed to meme a narcissistic, grossly unqualified, pussy grabbing orange orangutan into the Presidency. Here, let me give you a standing ovation.
Meanwhile, normal Americans are hurting. The system cheated us out of having our President. A rigged electoral system set up by white men delayed the first woman President ! ! !
It's sick. It's sad. And it's heartbreaking.
What's worse, we will ALL have to fucking suffer under President Pussygrabber until Democrats sweep Congress in 2018 and then immediately impeach the orange slug.
This is America, assholes,and you ruined it for at least a goddamn generation. I hope you're still laughing when you see the kids screaming as their Muslim and Mexican parents are loaded in black trucks for deportation. I hope you're still laughing when you find a woman willing to put up with the miserable alt right stumps in your pants, only to find out President Pussygrabber let Pence BAN birth control. I hope you're still laughing your evil, sick asses off when hate crimes spike 10,000%, and black people have to band together just to avoid being hunted by fascist thugs after Drumpf's housing policies gut their communities.
The joke is on all of us. Honestly it hurts like hell waking up every fucking day since Hillary lost, knowing we threw away a good woman for a racist, insane, and sadistic piece of orange dogshit no sane country would ever elect postmaster.
You have DAMNED this country, maybe the entire planet, and I have to come here every fucking day to see you laughing like we aren't all hanging over the edge of a cliff. Literally eat my shit.
Good to see that we're getting 2 terms of Trump.
Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser
But Serbia, the Clintons bombed the fuck out of your country. You should be glad she's not in to finish what Bill started,
Oh look, Its a Soros plot to race bait and divide again
Cry moar you fucking faggot
>lose the white vote
>"we don't need white people"
KYS before its too late
So because Bill bombed Serbia i should cheer for a guy that will destroy entire planet?
OK bud.
Hillary won the election by more than 2 million votes.
People wanted Hillary.
Drumpf was elected by 200 year old system that was established by the slave owners.
Fuck white people, say of whiteys rope soon.
... Did you miss the entire happening with Hillary pushing for WW3 with Russia? Whatever, be a cuck.
we need to get white libcucks out of colleges.
Be sure to tweet them that their racist for taking the spot of a minority at college and tell them to drop out giving their space to a minority.
sick b8
They are going to run the party into the ground like they way they ran Detroit/Chicago/all other major cities into the ground.
never interrupt your enemy when xe is making a mistake
>I will scream cuck when i run out of arguments
This may be when the Jews finally begin ton admit they aren't white.
Please tell me this is satire.
Oh my god, you're serious. Take the redpill or get off Sup Forums.
>serbian ctr shill still posting
jebus I guess you are now full trapped inside your own delusion.
It might be that one Serbian who chimps out in every Nat Soc thread.
>a crying trump fan even though he won
didnt read a single word after that analysis
>if that was reversed
lol drumpfkins can accept the rules what a bunch of crybabies
I love how these BLM type of dindus ruin everything they get their hands on.
Please destroy the Democratic party.
>he won
No he didn't. He lost by more than 2 million votes.
People wanted Hillary.
>Take the redpill or get off Sup Forums.
>get off Sup Forums.
Have i triggered you, you little drumpfkin?
he won by over a million if you remove illegals.
This is amazing. This is guaranteeing Democrats lose again in four years. I love this.
8 years of Trump, feels good man
> Implying Californians are people
>he won by over a million if you remove illegals.
Source that illegals voted?
>Inb4 Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway pundit etc.
He won the popular vote in more states than her. In the United States, that's all that matters.
Rip Democratic Party
source that popular vote matter ?
also are you capable of admitting you wouldve been okay with the rule if your old satanic lesbian won the EC but lost the popular ?
>This is America
>Serbian flag
Pasta fail
tfw both leafs are less cucked than a Serbian CTR troll
>half of dem seats up for grabs in 2018
>implying Reps won't get supermajority
>implying Reps won't get the one more state they need to make constitutional amendments
Get cucked
Yes, in flyover states that have less people than NYC alone lmao.
This is why their countries suck. They don't learn.
Common sense. Either way it's not something that needs a source, because popular vote is irrelevant. He won the electoral college and that is all the matters. No amount of crying can change this. The popular vote means nothing, you will have to come to accept this.
I know facts are scary, but facts are facts, they cannot be changed.
More people in the world probably know the name of those states compared to your shitty little country
>MUH CTR!!!!
Go back to /r the_donald you fucking faggot.
Lmao when drumpf fucks healthcare up next year Nevada and Arizona will go blue in 2018 which means that Democrats will have a majority.
Stay delusional drumpfkin.
No one cares about your flyover state you racist white trash.
Party was run by a black man for 4 years, see what happens? Dems need the white man
Lmao keep calling them flyover states, you're a flyover country nigga
How does it feel knowing your countless hours of shilling for Hillary on this board were all for nothing?
the electoral college cares
A generation? Hell, you haven't figured out that Trump was just the tip of the spear. The Republicans need to turn just one more state legislature next year to be able to propose constitutional amendments, and with the states that have split legislatures they have a good chance of passing those amendments. The Democrats will never overturn a constitutional definition of marriage or a constitutional requirement for the President to remove illegals or a constitutional Voter ID law.
All Trump has to do is deliver on his promise to make jobs and deport enough Mexicans in 2017, and 2018 will be in the bag for the Republicans, which will put amending the constitution firmly in their grasp and keep hold of power for the next fifty years.
Yeah we're getting 8 years.
You lads ready? 8 fuckin years of Trump. These will be the best years of our lives. The salt and tears alone will sustain us for decades to come.
>American flag
i-is she on our side?
or are niggers this oblivious?
>he won by over a million if you remove illegals.
He also won California.
Won New York, too (Jews will never let you learn this)
Please sont take his bay, he is a notorious shill around here. I think he has a serbian proxy out of irony for shilling #forher, since no normal serb wouldnt want to see her win.
>complaining about people using british terminology in a gleeful manner
Did you start browsing yesterday? Its been done for years now. Head back to /r/The_Donald and stay there.
>the eternal serb
quality b8
it almost sounds genuine
even if you think white people are problematic and blah blah blah, alienating your CORE VOTERSHIP - which white people are for both parties, simply because we're the largest demographic - is retarded
blind ideologic idiocy
i've been on the left all my life and this shit is starting to make me reconsider my position. the left has become completely undermind by corporatists on one side and this identity politics race/gender war LARP garbage on the other side.
maybe it's time for a little fascism
do you speak german? do you understand the pun?
i'm impressed
thought noone learns german anymore
->"I'm here for the millenials and the brown folk"
fine with me
Listen here because I'm saying it once. White people controlling the United States is the only way we will explore and colonize the universe. If white people fail we all do. We will be locked into this planet which will become overpopulated and depleted of resources. We'll be a fucking tombstone for the human race suspended in the void.
>falling for the Serb shill meme
Thats no fucking Serb,get the fuck out
This racism is completely out of control.
right here senpai
keep supporting that duginist traitor
>on se ne slaze samnom, prema tome nije srbin
ubi se
is it pasta? reads like one.
>Meanwhile, normal Americans are hurting.
You must be that retarded, aren't you? These were the very people that Trump was trying to represent during this entire election.
Hahahahahahaha! Coon, coon, black baboon!
Are you retarded? You didn't even have an argument. The whole war with Russia thing is a legitimate argument. You're just being a baby.
A Serbian baby.
>implying I'm going to respond to pasta
>opens constitution.doc
>"popular vote"
>0 results
Thats the fucking rule book. You couldn't hold Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin, it doesn't matter how high you run up the score in California.
*grunts like an ape*
*smacks lips*
*grabs white cuck nu-male by the balls*
>T-th..-T-this is a good thing for....for uhhhhh.. for the party going forward
t. Notorious Armenian genocide denier
big joke is that Trump only won 58% of the white vote
Theres a lot more white people out there to win
I've been saying since the election that the DNC would undergo their own little race war. The shitskins are going to wrestle that party away from white leadership once and for all. The axis is racial, but it will be masked by the white Democrats as ideological ("we should move away from identity politics!") but they will lose, because they empowered their shitskins with the unbeatable weapon of racism accusations. The minorities will simple browbeat the white leadership into submission by calling them racist over and over until they've won.
If you're a white Democrat in 2017 and on, you are the ultimate beta cuck.
I've been saying for a long time that these non-whites will see no difference between a white liberal & a white racist
The death of liberal ideas was inevitable, the only question was whether they died before the country/the west.
Put the niggers in charge. Turn America into South Africa, I can't wait.
The US is letting gorillas debate on their their major news outlets now?
I agree wholeheartedly. Run those stinking whites out of the Dem Party! Let em vote Republican or fuck off!
Will the Democratic party become the Zimbabwe of political parties?
Say it with me.
what a strong independent black woman.
dems need moar of this, hopefully she runs for office one day
Please yes destroy yourself before me democratic party.
We need to divide the country or something so whites and non-whites live under different governments.
White people running for the dem nomination need to step aside to make room for diversity as a way to make up for slavery.
never leave, CTR
We should be pushing this and egging these people on to further divide these cucks.
This desu senpai.
We need to make it clear that white people are not welcome in the democratic party.
Dem honkeys be ho dinus back. Democrats all black 2020. New party name is gunna be Kangz n Shit party.