What do you think of Indians with lighter hair and blue or green eyes?
What do you think of Indians with lighter hair and blue or green eyes?
They're pretty.
Ever met Indians? The ones who migrate to America can be sort of decent I guess, but in general they are super dumb. I think their country is nearing legal retardation IQ.
would miscegenate with
They should get B L E A C H E D
they're called persian, ya nig
Half castes with light eyes are qt as fuck
moghul rapebabies
Love em
Indians are Caucasians
i.e. ok to racemix with
I would gladly procreate with a curryqueen
>indians with blue or green eyes
You mean Indians who wear colored contact lenses? Probably about the same as I think of the rest of them.
Indian facial structures are very different from those of Whites.
They're Aryan. Would have a family with if their IQ is above 100, which it should be.
just the same Aryans that moved in a little later, what's the difference?
No and that bitch is fucking ugly.
Indo-European whites are mixed with ancestral European populations, we have a lot of internal variation ourselves.
Indians used to be white but the highest caste racemixed itself out of existence
I think, wow nice contact lenses.
Don't be fucking retarded. There are actual paintings and written descriptions of Indian features.
The only reason Euroniggers keep pulling "we wuz Aryanz" is because you're animals with no history or culture who were cucked by Jews.
>What do you think
their fathers were Europeans
But the women OP posted don't have blue or green eyes, they wear contacts IIRC.
>what do I think of turds with sprinkles?
Anyone who isn't European should be genocided
america is a country for everyone you dweeb
Well of course, but still
They're qt next question
>Light skinned She-Pajeet with blue eyes and a British accent
Would betray my race for, and not regret it.
I fucked an Indian lawyer with a fat ass and the juiciest lips. She had some serious daddy issues.
Would bang again / 10
They're like the 0,000001 of the population, so irrelevant.
>She had some serious daddy issues.
Most do.
The light skins are all in Pakistan now, or Kashmir
You mean people like you?