What percentage of /pol works in a computer related job or a trade? With all these job threads...

What percentage of /pol works in a computer related job or a trade? With all these job threads, I'd be surprised if it was lower than 90%. Onthe flip side, I don't think I've seen a sales rep post in those threads

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I'm primarily an accountant but we automate what we can so I'm programming savvy. You wouldn't believe the shit we make excel do either.

You can't automate accounting entirely though because corporations are more keen on checks and balances than governments and full automation would mean handing over your money flow to IT which will never happen. Any time a money transfer is made there are several departments having a stake in it just so everything is controlled and traceable. Not even CEO or CFO can just transfer money out if they feel like it.

Otherwise we could have automated corporate accounting back in 1995

i am A student at car washing

I work in IT I fix computers for hotels.

I'm posting this while on the clock right now.

McDonald's worker, being an IT bitch for an office was far too soul crushing to make the pay worth it.

I am a full-time racist

I'm studying to be an accountant now. Any words of advice?

femanon here.
I'm a prostitute. Please don't judge me.
I don't fuck shitskin btw


You're not taking the large percentage of NEETs into account.

Golden rule.


Haha a friend of mine once said that my profession was bigotry.

How much?

i flip pizzas. i just came back from an asian country, where i was teaching english since i graduated with a history degree in 2010

Is working for JIDF considered a computer related job?

I work in tech support but theres some sales involved on the side.

i'm IT. voted for hilldog though. everyone i work around voted for trump, even the mexican programmer that works behind me.

NEET :^(

I'd say that one is working then

I start as an electrician on Monday.

Ahh yes excel. It's basically 90% og ny job. I work as a Key Account Manager/Sales with soke controller/financial responsibilities. And I ser what you mean about automation og accounting. Far to much human interactions in most businesses anyway. I'm looking through some figurens now and finding mistakes everywhere. Why? Because the person in charge of invoicing basically acted like a computer, not asking questions or checking the figurens.. I fear automation without advanced AI would lead to the same.

Norwegian autocorrect fucked up my writing.. Oh well

100 dollars for an hour

I'm a trucker where are you located? On the ferry to Kapellskär atm

Is network security worth getting into?


Software engineer reporting.

I work in online marketing.

I speak fluent HTML, VBA, SQL

I'm a photographer so I have to use a computer for post edit
I also build websites when work is slow for quick cash

You daredevil

>history degree

ayy lmao

I'm a janitor

Not the Sup Forums kind, but the cleaning up messes kind

And no I don't do it for free

You're actually considering putting your dick in a prostitute? Nasty fucker

i have a STEM job that is about 50/50 in the office on a computer and in the lab

Law but aimed at infosec, personal data security, it law and such

>You wouldn't believe the shit we make excel do either.
I would! I work for a LIMS company (science lab management software: tracking samples, writing reports, interfacing with cool equipment, etc.) and a full quarter of our development team is entirely dedicated to VBA in excel.

Most of it is custom scripts that connect to a specific testing tool like a mass spec, gets the latest results and writes it into a custom report then deleting all the scripting code out of it. Fucking managers love them some excel.

I don't do that shit though, C# web development for me.

I work at a gas station until I study programming next year.
Being a NEET for half a year after high school kinda fucked me socially.

I am currently trying to become a programmer/vidya sweatshop worker

I shill for George Soros in online messageboards

Do you do it for free?

>tfw last year of highschool

I work in a church.


Sup Forums jobs poll

It certainly did, but never mind.

Sales Manager at a motorcycle shop. I fucking love my job

I have a BA in computer science and have worked as an developer for about 7 years now...

Hello I am Mexican illegal, can u come to United states?

Now that sounds cool. How's the salary? Did you study?

What degrees/certs do you have?

I work in Blockchain tech

I own and operate a small chain of successful specialty retail stores across the US and Canada.
My stores make good money and I pay my managers and associates good living wages. I wanted to get into computer science and the like when I was younger, but working for myself is so much more satisfying.

Idc post her feet

no i only fuck white people. I may be a slut but atleast i ain't a race traitour

Swedish prostitutes are not your typical lot lizards

>BA in computer science

>vba sql and html

I doubt he has any certificates, nor works in IT.

Work in a bacon factory

Programmer here, get fucked H1B visas ;)

Are you straight outside of work?

Dropped out of uni.

My job is marketing, not coding, I create email campaigns, crunch the numbers to maximise ROI.

Nah software Security is where it is at! You need to have weapon grade autism though

I'm starting down the network security road, myself.

I just switched from custom home audio/video to building maintenance.

software developer here
>this whole thread

How do i get one of those?

Who do are you collecting info for? Be wary of these threads people.

Also software developer. Work from home for 6 figs. Comfy life

Jacob Rothschild

Some more fun details
>I pay myself $600'000 CAD a year.
>I'm 29
>Out of highschool I got a commission job selling furniture at an upscale store.
>Lived on the bare minimum while saving money for 3 years
>Used about $100'000 I'd saved up, along with small loan to open my first store.
>Opened another store in a different city every few years.

The Capitalist dream isn't dead, my friends.

An H1B visa? I'd imagine you apply for one. Better hurry though, Trump's about to regulate that shit.


also sage for datamining faggot OP

skeptical but jealous if true, how'd you land a remote job?

>No wendy's chef shitposting


I'm a chef at Wendy;'s and make 120k a year.

I'm a Wendy's with an 85 inch dick and a 85 gorillion dollar salary.

Not me. Management master race, reporting in.

As far as sales reps go, I work pretty closely with several sales people, and I don't think there are many people with the right mentality to be in sales on Sup Forums.

Really? That's less than half the price of what nigger women charge in the states.

Better :^)

Electrical Engineer who also uses his degrees/skills in data science and information security. On top of that I have relevant certifications in systems administration and senior programming in C#, Swift and Python.
Working on getting an MBA
Currently sitting on a $130,000 year job, hopefully should be around $300,000 within the next 10-15 years desu

Should I major in Business Administration, Computer and Information Systems, or become an electrician?

that polack accountant here, I have an H1B1 valid for ten years.

No worries though I only fly out to the states once or twice a year and its always against my will. The company does business in Poland and europe too so its not technically taking your job.

US feels weird and unsafe every time I'm there, so far I've been flying out to Memphis, TN (nightmare) and Salt Lake City which is way comfier than I though a city with a name like that would be.

In school to be a history teacher.

by God, these kids need someone to teach non revised history and possibly impart some decent values.

>As far as sales reps go, I work pretty closely with several sales people, and I don't think there are many people with the right mentality to be in sales on Sup Forums.
"...but really you're better off not buying this chink shit, this company is bleeding shekels left and right and won't be around to actually honor the warranty anyway..."

Any time m8

Work full time should be divided into graduated from college and not graduated from college

Business integration developer

I focus on integrating every part of the business pipeline, for example, making online sales update the info in quickbooks and whatever in-house inventory management system people use, and then send the same order info the factory production machines, etc.

Do what you enjoy most

The place I work is super secretive, so I can't actually say the name (we're on a documentary), but it's alright. My boss is a bit of a crab and jews the workforce a ton. I really like my coworker/neighbor, but he seems to not like me at all. But anyway, I'm just a fry cook, so I don't make too much, but I wouldn't do anything else in the world.

Don't let some chumps on Sup Forums decide your career for you. Do whatever you're good at but also has decent prospects

i do 850's 810s 204's etc etc

i once had an erection for more than two hours.

No idea why you're in that line of work, but I respect you for your convictions and for browsing Sup Forums at all--you are of no ordinary calibre.

I enjoy cocks and computers, what's should I do?

Senior Software Engineer for a 3 letter government agency. 1.5 years in and I work from home (even though my office is 7 miles away) and I rake in 90k + 15k in benefits.


Not terrible, but it's a pretty easy job so I can't complain.

It's easier than the minimum wage jobs I've had.

be the guy that old people call when their computers are slow

>bonuses at a three letter agency

come on now.

Work in IT at my school while I'm a student. Getting my degree in Applied Math, trying to get a job doings something with data science or programming after school.

Performance awarded bonuses. They range from 1k to 5k.

My raise schedule is 2% to 2.5% every 6 months

The most based ones Swedes are swedish whores. Fucking kek.