would you hit a woman Sup Forums ?
Would you hit a woman Sup Forums ?
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only after I asked it its gender identity
of course, women are not immune to being smacked around if they deserve it.
I will after they hit me twice
>the first one might be an emotional outburst.
>the second one your showing true intent.
If I really thought she could hurt me I would fight back. You wouldn't hit a child would you?
sure, I might win
Duh, especially qt's it makes it that much hotter for some reason.
In self defense, yes.
if she acted like that? yeah, i'd curb stomp her
I'm not a Racist, Sexist, or judge other people because of age and religion.
I hate everyone as much I hate the other
I would drop that bitch in a second, not even a nigger, I just know that bitches need to know their place, they are pretty much all fucking retarded at this point in society as no one ever corrects them or back hands them for their ignorance.
I wouldn't hit a lady.
but a mouthy female yeah.
Waar slaat dat nou weer op battyboy?
hunching away and giving her your back is the ultimate cuckoldry you can do
she will feel like she is winning and like you are an inferior faggot who can get pushed around by a woman
instead just face her and grab her both hands by the wrists and smile
you are not attacking her just restraining her, then let her go
if she continues, do it again, restrain her wrists up in the air and smile and tell her to stop it, like talking to a spoiled baby
I would never hit m'lady
>that shiteating grin when he turns around
Is he our guy pol?
>restrain her wrists up in the air
Sounds like a great way to get knee'd in the balls
That looks like it doesn't hurt at all.
If she's acting like that definitely
rare as fuck
Checks out, you unfriendly nigger
>tfw you will never be smacked around by cute Russian blondie
why live?
also rare
doubt any of those hits hurt, look at the guys smile.
god bless, Seedorf
If she hits me first, I would, absolutely. What's more, I am hoping a woman will one day attack me just so I can destroy her face.
Not with a punch like you would a man but slapping them is ok.
>you cant block knees with your leg or stand back more
jesus christ no wonder you are a cuck
a true man is able to radiate T-Waves that put bitches in line. in extreme cases then a simple "mad dog" gaze should be more than enough to extinguish the erratic flame of a woman's emotions
if you need to resort to violence to set a cunt right then you aren't a man just a nigger
I'm all for gender equality. Someone hits me first, they're getting fucking chinned, no matter what they've got between their legs.
no, women are weak, if you can't properly control them just by grabbing their hands you are weak
I love watching woman get rekt so much. Looks like I've seen all videos of this though, so sad.
I like to call it a teaching moment when I strike a woman in the face. I'm teaching her that what she is doing isn't acceptable.
if they came at me with a weapon, yes
Suriname is not rare, we have these thugs walking around everywhere. Though admittedly it is rare one has the intelligence to use a computer.
Only if I'm in danger or she goes for my man bits, then its clobbering time.
Suriname on Sup Forums!
If the woman was Lena Dunham and she forced me into a life-or-death self defense scenario.
When I briefly considered becoming a pimp I realized you absolutely must hit whores to keep them in line. Once a woman is conditioned to something there is no unconditioning them. I didn't really have the stomach to spend a large amount of time pretending to care about people I had zero respect for.
Checks out.
If a bitch would act like this, yeah, she would get a fat one in the face. Just so she backs off
I want a video where a whore like gets shot and died bleeding.
Equal rights get equal lefts.
Yeah, it checks out we are not cucks. Funny an American would say that after Elliot Rodgers, tho.
A woman who attacked me like that, yes. I've done it before.
>slapping your chest/back
>full on punch to the face
Time to Mike Tyson the bitch
Not This.
That guy is mocking her hard. I'm perfectly happy to see a guy punch a bitch down for attacking them, but she was pathetic. Smacking her down would be like punching a petulant child.
If a woman throws a credible punch or kick, and lands it, knock her out. But if they are just flailing like an impotent child, you can't treat them as though they were a legitimate threat. We're bigger, stronger and faster than them. There needs to be some standards, even for punching woman.
For example.
I love how the Dutch are the ones who freak out the most when Suriname posts because they're the only white country cucked enough to import them into theirs en masse and know the extent of how shitty they are.
Probably punch her punches as I defend myself. That's all it takes for her to cry rape while all video evidence will prove her in the wrong.
A left hook makes a right fine woman - Fred Phelps
My ex tried doing this to me in a drunken rage so I grabbed onto her wrists to calm her down. Then we had crazy rough sex.
You just completed South America for me. Bless.
Not shot but pretty brutal.
Yup, already been arrested twice for dropping a bitch. Both times charges were dropped because they were justified.
Fun fact I found out through this, though - in Canada you will ALWAYS be arrested for hitting a woman because police have directives to do so in case of domestic violence.
Love it.
>no North Korea
i mean come on, thats the most popular
>DUDE rare proxy LMAO
-flag ever
>femicide laws
You're a gentleman.
is she ded
I only started two/three weeks ago.
Yes, and I have. Threw one to the ground once too.
>He never had a colony and exploited natives
My government might be, I am certainly not. Any women that wishes to test this will find out I am not fucking around.
No, I would not. Gentlemen do not hit women, they seduce them.
no your suppose to grapple women and put them in a submission that lets you dry hump them until authorities arrive and makes her feel pain so she makes noise so you can cum
>You wouldn't hit a child would you?
Yes I would
This level of autism
Have another one for Thanksgiving.
I don't have a problem admitting that women need to have a severe reality check.
THEY wanted to be equal. THEY wanted to be treated equal to a man.
Fuck this pussy hwite-knight "muh lady" shit.
Yes, I would.
171 and counting
If she raises her hand to me, yes. I have in the past. I would again in the future.
man european architecture is fantastic. What fucking happened?
Yes. I'm totally in favor of it under the right circumstances
This is true equality.
Deal with it.
I would cup a feel on those tittays in the the confusion of the fight.
It grew tits and started punching the men who built it
He had to beg forgivness for that, didn't he goto jail?
I would. Allowing little shits to misbehave is how you breed degeneracy.
he was always good at making it look legit
Fuck it, lets have another
if the bitch is asking for it...YES
He is reacting appropriately.
The only acceptable physical action this guy could take is to bear hug the girl to stop her while he talks her down.
He's a big guy. For her.
>He had to beg forgivness for that
No he didn't.
>didn't he goto jail?
He may have been arrested initially, but once video appeared he was released.
IIRC, the girls tried to take him to court, the judge watched the video, laughed, and told them to fuck off
Well he's said a bunch of times that he actually punched people and that's why they look real.
The way he immediately goes back to what he was doing makes me laugh for some reason.
yes, I believe in equal rights
The problem with some women is that they think they can do anything they want and you won't fight back.
And there are a lot of people who unironically think that men are the same as women except men just want to fuck more, they probably think they can hold their own.
yes, i would beat the shit out of a women with my cock
>be in position of power
>relinquish your responsibility to discipline
You're a fucking cuck.
Also you are welcome I dont see the Bahamas down there.