>h-hey user, uh, I w-was wondering i-if, you know, like, m-maybe you'd w-wanna meet u-up with a b-bunch of us a-after c-class and, um, g-go to the a-anti Drumpf r-rally?
H-hey user, uh, I w-was wondering i-if, you know, like...
I have nothing to contribute to this thread but just letting you know that this is good shit keep it up
if you dear xir let me xuck on that femminine xenis
Speak up.
I don't waste my time with politics or these clowns.
I'd go
She's a qt and I didn't vote for that retard Drumpf.
Nah, that's not really my scene I'm probably just going to go do donuts in my Ram. You can come with me if you want though.
Obviously go, and then innocently ask red-pilling questions.
why are all the hot girls liberal
Fuck off you stuttering cunt.
Me and my gf are going to make America great again!
Nein, seize the means of production or gtfo
Fucking commie. Day of the rope when?
W-why are we having an anti Trump rally in Nepal again?
lol no way nerd
>ask red pilling questions
Why doesn't the media address that Hillary and trump both want massive military expenditure user?
Or, why are their positions on healthcare almost identical - both oppose a national healthcare system
You would have to pay me with a lot of sex to go anywhere with you.
It comes from greater intelligence and sympathy for others
>"Fuck off roastie, i am busy making the world great again"
i dont even think taylor swift could get me to follow her somewhere with a line like that
>it's this Australian shitposter again
How assmad were you when Trump won?
>Sorry, but I only like girls with penises.
Two million less popular vote
Results in 3 states about to be contested
>ed sheeran shirt
no way me with my perfect Sup Forums taste is going to put up with her horseshit
Trump? do you mean the SI AL REFERENDUM rally, sweetie?
>perfect Sup Forums taste
youd be better off listening to ed sheeran bud
Does her shirt say sheeit?
>o-oh user, you're so s-silly :3
>lets g-go read some Chomsky together
Fuck, I don't know what I'd do. On one hand I hate liberals, but on the other I have a huge crush on these shy nerdy types. Too bad it's pretty much impossible to find one that isn't a liberal.
Say yes, then show up and blast "You Can't Always Get What You Want" on loop while I circle the crowd on my bike.
"How about I take you out for dinner, any place you want, then maybe drinks at my place and we can see where it goes from there?"
>Hey user, it's finally the Day of the Rope! Hop in, were going to go lynch some shitskins and degenerates.
>implying a good fuck can't change a girl's opinion to whatever you want it to be
>ywn grope he sweater puppies
I can hide my power level for some poon
>but on the other I have a huge crush on these shy nerdy types
They're all fakers
Just grab her by the pussy.
Enjoy your delusion.
what movie is this from
did xyu just assume xerz xeproductivve xorgans
Sure, just let me grab my red hat and I'll be right with you
>implying she isnt a feminist and will call rape if provoked