Watch out boys, the socialist meme committees of Reddit are about to invade!
Watch out boys, the socialist meme committees of Reddit are about to invade!
Also, archive that shit
arrogant bastards. Let them come, nobody escapes the redpill.
easiest way to make something like this not possible is to post porn and gore CONSTANTLY! Seriously everytime you post something just attach porn/gore.
>thinking you can argue with people here
This is basically how I got here a few years ago.
Gas the kikes, race war now. 14/88. Hail Trump/our peeps/victory
Remember to ignore lefties.
These. Useful idiots do not know what they're getting themselves into
How cute, the commies think they can meme
They tried before, then they decided to go to their safespace called /leftypol/.
You either take the redpill or leave, that's how this works.
Wow, can't wait for edits of months old Sup Forums memes
Get ready to fight off the leftist cucks lads
Let them come. They will break upon this board like water on rock.
>out argue the opposition
Stopped reading right there. It's pissing in an ocean of piss.
the only red on Sup Forums is the red pill. take it, bitch, take it.
Bring it on edgelords :^)
>class consciouss
lmao I wonder what Marx wrote about the role of NEETs in the Worlwide Proletariat Revolution.
Also laughing at 5-10 people. They really think Sup Forums is smaller than their reddit cuckcorner.
>take over /his
AHAHAHAHA dumb fucks
History nerds are redpilled and know all about propaganda and shilling
they are going to change THEIR minds
Let them come, and then unleash the redpill on those unsuspecting commies
Better have tried and failed
There was a whole operation of people (CTR Shills) who got paid to disrupt us, and that didn't even work
Should we even debate these people or just drive them out through constant shitposting and demoralization?
Fuck off nazi cunt
I noticed some retards praising stalin recently and some ruski posting "sscb is the best country in history" in every thread
once their here they will never leave.
Gonna be funny watching them end up redpilled.
oh shit they're here already!
The (((left wing))) can't hijack Sup Forums because they can only function by suppressing free speech and Sup Forums's format promotes it. Plus, these idiots still think you can convince anyone on Sup Forums with multiple paragraphs of autistic arguments. Wrong. I post a smug anime girl and I win, motherfucker.
further /his is more syndicalist than anything else and will not enjoy someone trying to carpet bomb the place a la CTR
lefttists need more history lessons, and /his knows how to word things in ways they can understand, and tend to be calmer so they leftists are more willing to consider
set up the traps
remember the /leftypol/ general?
yeah neither do I
i dont really care about socialism, free at the point of service healthcare seems like a nice thing for a homogeneous country
also isnt class consciousness just the first step towards naming the jew?
>historynerds redpilled
>create communist generals
literally a non issue
>what are 4chin filters
>whats 4chinx
also stop crying you fucking faggots about muh other political opinions
if you want a safe space where you can't debate people. go back to plebbit
post commies getting btfo
Another line on the board next to JIDF and CTR
Those stupid ignorant Nazis, just wait till we enlighten them with our superior tolerant views
Let them come here. They will just be pissing in an ocean of piss.
Yeah I remember it dying every time before hitting the bump limit. I actually want these faggots to try this, we revel in conflict. It makes our memes stronger.
>out argue the opposition
Every time lefties come here they get obliterated. Every time. They end up just spamming retarded bean memes or copying old Sup Forums material except slightly worse.
These people are completely out of touch with reality. There is a reason they lost.
>Sup Forums is one guy
>Political views are easily changed
This cap is so Reddit it gave me a brain aneurism.
leftists are leftists because they are too narrow minded to their own ideologies and biases
history is open minded and crosses over into all the academic disciplines and cultures , and reading about the people within each
what´s reddit faggots obsession with being leftist and pc?
can´t they see theyre hurting themselves and fellow white men?
are redditors really that stupid and unaware of being played by the elite to fit their needs?
i really can´t tell anymore but i do know i hate them all with a burning passion.
>Creating communist generals on /pol and defending them would slowly cause the reactionaries to go back to stormfront
It's like I'm on and the year is 2009 again. A lot of memes were born in the process of ripping commies a new asshole in intellectual discussion, like finding out that Engels never learned basic calculus, or that big 100 factories during industrialization of 30s were built by american engineers under Albert Kahn using conveyor blueprints from Ford. And sosach is not even right-wing, it's strictly centrist.
Combined arms, pham
BASED history nerds
"History nerds" tend to be history majors or people who watch history channel, all of which get their information from kosher sources and must be approved by kosher institutions before public dissemination.
>Political views are easily change
They are. Think about how every started using Cuck Tbh and Senpai because everyone was doing it. Weak minded people will always follow the pact
Nigger, I dare you to go to /his/ right now and try not to die from socialist cuckoldry there. It's unbearable.
>out argue the opposition
That's adorable. We're the ones with logic, reason, and facts on our side.
holy shit what is the background story?
>what´s reddit faggots obsession with being leftist and pc?
They feel as though they are being revolutionary but they are not actually taking an obscure or taboo stance like libertarians or neo-Nazis because neo-Marxist theory is taught in college. Young people have a desire to be impactful so they attach to ideologies that offer the chance.
why are rares always so based
ACADEMICS at LIBERAL institutions and LIBERAL journals do.....
But communism and socialism doesn't work, so I can't fathom how'd they out argue us?
>5-10 people
>the pack
This. Unlike leddit there is no censorship here. I was a former liberal honestly.
"When you stare into the void, the void stares back into you."
Welcome to hell lads. Enjoy your stay, you're not leaving.
all commies must fucking burn. nothing unites Sup Forums like a bunch of fucking communists
Shouldn't we strike them a bit?
This explains the faggots posting in the pipeline threads supporting the prairie niggers
Janitors/Hiro need to track this.
BTW havent watched history channel in years
libraries and internet have everything you need
PRIMARY sources are key, which is taught to students as far back as high school
They'll all just end up getting redpilled.
adopting a word =\= adopting an ideology
Sup Forums is a board of piece. We do not attack or raid, only defend ourselves.
Reddit can't tell the difference between people taking over and people growing up.
>redditors make it to Sup Forums
>get red pilled
>one less liberal on the world
I'd say do it. Someone go on that thread and encourage them
Did Serbia only defend itself in the Yugoslav wars?
Hahaha this is ridiculous.
>but have you guys ever considered the possibility that the most major problem in our society is class warfare? Communism might just be the way forward lads! I say this as a totally alt-right kind of goy, honest!
I've had 8 beers so my argument isn't going to be eloquent but social is cancer and rejected by anyone with a real job no worries happy Thanksgiving
kek, they think they are smart.
Let them come, they will start to post cuckporn as soon as they get raped by sheer shitposting alone.
>(lol this is so funny for some reason)
What a fucking autist.
>XDDD we're gunna troll 4chun!!!
God damnit we don't need another episode of the balkan flags yell at each other show.
>But yes, memes are the way forward
Look what you fuckers have done. Future elections and ideological wars will now be fought with weaponized autism and memes. Because of how much you influenced this election the powers that be will now turn their sites on Sup Forums and the internet at large
/his/ is /fa/cist as fuck.
what the fuck NO. first CTR now TRS and this bullshit?? god fucking damn it i just to browse shitposts ENOUGH WITH THE SHILLING WHAT THE FUCK
they're just kids mostly
They'll get a few genuine replies, the majority will be >implying and shitposts though
6 years ago, I used to argue that somalis have just as much claim to Finland as Finns do and it would be wrong to prevent them from entering. Then I discovered Sup Forums. Those reddit commies have no idea what they are getting themselves into.
>No one has ever tried this before, it's going to work out, guys
That's it! I'm a Leninist now!
These faggots literally have no idea that commies have been doing this shit on Sup Forums since 2012. When I joined there was always a slow background radiation threads of libertarians and ancaps constantly slaughtering commies in Marx threads that would never cease. They only stopped coming because they got thoroughly destroyed. We would welcome fresh blood.
>cool to be leftist
nah, this is the beginning of an era of strong men
It´s like they´ve never heard of Persuade-me- up-Scotty over here?
Duh. You faggots chimped out first, a bunch of niggers you are.
In an environment without censorship right wing ideas seem to win out
I wish them the best of luck but their arguments are pretty weak. Communism is bottom of the barrel shit
>making memes
>making good memes
communism is the death of creativity
Why does nobody like me? Is it because I'm such a faggot?
I hope someone fucks their shitty commie subreddit up
I always laugh at these
Thanks user
no one can destroy the metal
Cant wait for terrible memes. Havent had such a hearty laugh since hillarys memers failed so atrociously.
Indeed user.
>Sup Forums is an alt right echochamber
who started this lame meme?
Finland save us all
>communism is the death of creativity
But user, look at these wonderful building that communists made.