/Nu/pol please die

Implying he isn't right


Other urls found in this thread:


You don't have to like Amren, Spencer or Taylor or Evola, but if you don't know who they are, you're a newfaggot.

Stop saying Spencer "came out of nowhere" and that "he's a plant, faggots

Here whoops

I dont care for battles or intelectual discussion.

I I want is an excuse to shitpost and Kek to guide me through the Valley of Memes.

at least learn cropping photos and linking posts, you're embarrassing yourself.

it was an accident...... whatever.....

the alt-right is fucking gay

>here's a bunch of people i made up

what you don't remember Bill Konsky?

Tyler Masters?
Don Hutchinson?
don't fucking pretend you don't remember Donny


>Since 2015

woah.....what an.............oldfag................

>implying that's not a CTR meme
D&C plox go

Not sure if serious- or seriously mentally ill

hahaha holy shit you don't remember, how old are you!

He was actually posted here before that, but if you seriously have no idea who he is you're not a real polack. Spencer was not constantly posted, but people knew about him on Sup Forums for at least 3 yrs as one of the major White nationalist figures.

Holy shit op is clearly not a faggot!

>implying his sentence had any implication as to how long he's been on Sup Forums
Wew lad.


just when we were rid of ctr you fags showed up in rapefugee numbers

Good post, worst crop I have ever seen, I mean it

>muh spencer
>get our newfags!

>can't link posts

TRS fuck off and stop embarrassing yourself.

Your beloved Spencer is a Jew descendant himself. His mom was Jew. Take your kike plants and head back to your shitty forum. Your raids aren't even entertaining.

TRS has been part of Sup Forums culture for at least 2 yrs now, probably longer. You are a fucking shill lying snake.

Attack anti whites and leftists, you nationalists, you pathetic cuck.

I said you don't have to like him, moron, but don't pretend he "came out of nowhere"- that's retarded.

I've been on 4+4 since it was launched and here for at least 2 years and I've never seen a thread about Spencer till last week, what the fuck are you talking about? I might not be an oldfag but I mean 3 fucking years and I've literally never seen a thread about him. Of course, I've seen his face posted a few times but that's all. Make of it whatever you want.

TRS has neeb here sinse foerver. Wez duh gardeens of the WHITE RACE!! 1599 Sega!

>implying nu/pol/ isnt the one worshipping spencer as god

Your photo is giving me cancer

Spencer the Shill salutes and stormcucks get fully erect, never mind how gleefully the media cackles as a result. Literally the favourite Useful Idiots of the Global Elite. Mankind could be ready to colonise Mars and only a stormcuck could derail the entire Space Project by going all pavlovian with a Nazi salute and allowing the media to shit all over everyone once again.

Stormweenieism is a political philosophy for losers. It's born from failure, people whose lives have been nothing but, and who refuse to accept their own fuck ups and instead cling to the only potential "redeeming" quality they have, supposed membership of a "master race". Pro-tip retards: if there was a superior race, it obviously wouldn't include you.

Can't even screencap properly. Literally feotal alcohol tier IQ syndrome.

Who the fuck doesn't remember Don Hutchinson?
He's Sup Forums incarnate
Newfags now pretend they member the good old times

The D&C shills have arrived, please fuck off.

There weren't many threads specifically about him, but a fuckton of us knew about him. Especially those of us interested in white nationalism.

He is way more famous now because the media is trying to paint him as "le ebil nazi racist", but he has been around for a while.

You were probably not very interested in ethnonationalism.

lol no. Most of /nu/pol is civic nationalists who actually call White nationalists cucks. Kind of insane.

The anti TRS people are usually NS but are too stupid to know that TRS is their friend.

Hey man, I knew Hutch in person. You faggots just jerked off to him on Sup Forums

retard, you don't even know how to link posts, you are the pinnacle of newfaggotry. go the fuck back to your subreddit of choice, you have no idea what you're talking about here.

dicky Spencer is an irrelevant fame whore. it's legitimate to say he came out of nowhere because he does absolutely nothing the 11 months of the year there isn't an NPI conference.

fucking kill yourself

so and for what fucking reason now that he's associated with literally hitler by the msm are you shilling his autistic face here on Sup Forums? there's no more fucking obvious false flag than this, you either fell for it or are involved into it.

Actual stormcuck hardcore Neo Nazi morons hate spencer, you ignorant fucker. This just shows that you don't actually know shit about the WN movement and the people in it. Most WNists, like me, think Spencer dun goofed by saying Hail Trump Hail victory, but we don't think it's the end of the world. Almost no one is like "fuck yea nazi salutes". Ignorant shitstain. Again, you don't even have to like Spencer, but your hysterical schizophrenic "omg Spencer is le ebil plant" is megadumb.

Just die.

Accidentally put a ▶ in there so shoot me, faggot.

my bad, didn't mean to quote Taylor. I'm obviously talkinga bout Spencer.

You post your shill thread, defend TRS but feel comfortable calling that other guy a shill

This is the shittest shilling attempt I have ever seen, congrats



Double checked

you're the only d&c shill here having obviously never posted on Sup Forums before today and demanding people genuflect before a pudgy cryptofaggot who's only mo is to obtain attention for himself and procure donations for his "right-wing" bathhouse parties

>Hey man, I knew Hutch in person. You faggots just jerked off to him on Sup Forums

nice digits


Technically he wasn't really that popular until a few months ago.

No it's not an obvious false flag, it's the media taking shit out of context. 5 people in the audience did a Nazi salute in an ironic fun way, and the media ran with it.

Spencer was a dumbfuck to let the media in there, btw, and to let this happen, but he's not a shill. This is just typical media bullshit. It will be over in a week.

Spencer is fine, actual Neo Nazis hate his guts. Seriously. Saying he's a plant is fucking stupid.

Might not be a shill but he acts like a shill. You can hate TRS all you want, stupid as it is, but TRS has still been part of Sup Forums for over 2 yrs.

they need to go

I have no idea who this is. The last year and half of Sup Forums has turned into weird Frog worship, screaming "shill" every other word/post, and twitter screencaps of random people.

>not even knowing

Way to expose yourself you utter fucking idiot.


ITT: trying too hard to fit

wasting most of your life on the internet, a Mongolian basket weaving forum to be exact, isn't a badge of honor you faggots

No, again dumbshit, I never said you have to like Spencer, but lying about him and claiming he's a plant is motherfucking stupid.

>not understanding irony

Yea no shit the media has made him much more famous. Spencer is trying to gain attention for his White nationalist group to help grow things. Did he fuck up? Yea. But honestly making it into a huge deal is an even big fuckup.


This is pretty accurate. Look, Spencer was not mentioned all the time, but he was always known about if you were serious about ethnonationalism/White identity. Not everyone who doesn't know about Spencer is a shithead. Some of you are just honest people.

But the guys who are like "hurr durr Spencer must be a kike plant" are either shills or morons.

>lol just bein ironic

Jesus man you couldn't make it any more fucking obvious.

You are the D&C faggot. I didn't wan to do this but you leave me no choice.


TRS has been trying to shill their website and has raided Sup Forums on 8ch a n several times before and they're doing it to 4clam Sup Forums as well. They are faggots who get butthurt if you call them out and they'll call you a schizo or a race traitor.

I'm gonna dump some images.

We have to reconquer the board from the "civic nationalists" and "cultural libertarians".


Saying I knew Hutch was a joke you imbecile. How much more obvious does humor have to get for you autists?

Mentally ill anti TRS shitposters detected.

>omg look guise hes been here since 2015 only real oldfags will remember him!!!!
neck yourself


>mentally ill

Lmao see? Right on time. The cucks aren't even ashamed.

>But the guys who are like "hurr durr Spencer must be a kike plant" are either shills or morons.
Just as the guys who think Sup Forums has suddenly became stormfront and we're all in for white nationalism and everybody who thinks that guy is a faggot who won't change a fucking thing is a kike shill


Nicky Neck I member him

great times on Sup Forums with ol' Nick


>Shill thread
>1st reply is OP
Jews don't have an equivalent holiday for Thanksgiving today. SAD!


It's not that newfags aren't WNist that's the problem, it's that they react to WNism like PC libshits. This is politically incorrect. Fuck's sake. Civil nationalists calling us "racist" is some reddit-tier bullshit.

>civic nationalists
The reason we deride white nationalism is because white nationalists are comparable to children in our eyes. We draw the comparison in instances where cause for alarm is lacking but you cry in fear anyhow. Like a child afraid of the boogeyman white nationalists call for the preservation of 'muh white race.' I should state explicitly that when i laugh at white nationalism, it is not because i believe that race-mixing is good as you might believe to be implicit as the boogeyman is implied by darkness to a child. What i mean is that calling for a policy (and yes, that is what it is-a policy) of racial purity is absolutely contrary to civic life where people may choose to marry whomever they wish to. It is especially funny that American white nationalists in particular call for racial purity when they are mutts to begin with. So if that spencer guy is reading this i would like to give him a big Fuck You. From the way you speak your IQ is comparable to a wet-rag and you have the appearance of a dunce nomatter the suite and tie that you wear. If i ever sympathized with white nationalists, that time is over. You have demonstrated your incompetence to the world by the way you appear and discuss issues. YOU ARE NO TRUMP and i hope to God Trump deports you to another fucking planet. Niggers in Subsaharan Africa might be made worse for having you in their company.
t. the whitest guy on Sup Forums


Spencer is a plant.

>low energy thread

I'm out of here.

Come back when you got a real thread kiddo.

The stormfags of the past are an extinct breed. People pretending to be stormfags are trying to emulate a type of internet poster that died out long ago.

Does anyone else remember the good old days of 2010-13?

>no flags
>plenty of history threads
>50% of the board were die hard Nazis
>honestly good discussion about radical traditionalism
>people posting 'read Moldbug' in reply to any question
>iron pill was still a fresh meme

Kek has spoken faggots, end of thread

Yes. See Those days are gone. They are so dead it's amazing.

Seems to work, doesn't it?
I mean would you really care if somebody called you a nigger or a kike on Sup Forums?
Anyway, reddit on one side, stormfags on the other. Whoever wins, we lose.

Are you perhaps the same guy making the /nsg/ threads?

I support this post.

hurr durr TRS is talking about 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ this is bad somehow

crymoar faggot

>The reason we deride white nationalism is because white nationalists are comparable to children in our eyes
You don't understand us, at all, you have a 1 dimensional stereotype of "le neo nazi" and think we're all the same. Civic nationalism is basically state nationalism. You're loyal to the state of the U.S.A. I'm loyal to my people whose culture and genetics have been passed down to me over the course of thousands of years. Increasingly, as America turns browner, more "Americans" think like me- tribally. That's the reality that you civic nationalists will have to contend with.

But by all means, keep stereotyping WNists when you clearly don't understand us, at all.

Where did they all go? I have tried infinitechan sporadically but it just isn't the same as here. Too slow, and seemingly too try hard.

>the whitest guy on Sup Forums
you Argentinian brah?


So much memes

I am against Islam and Shariah, yes. I am for the preservation of Western values, yes of course. But you neo-Nazis give US a bad rep. If we want to preserve the West and family/cultural values, it will never be in the mold of Nazis for obvious fucking reasons.

>non apologetic asshurt over being caught

Yep you're TRS alright. Give up kike. Nobody wants you and your spencerIDF here.


These new digits are really exotic. The new age of Sup Forums

nigga u on Sup Forums
get over it


I'm a Neo Nazi now? Can you please stop sounding like a normie Huffpo commenter and stop using buzzwords?

You're siding with civic nationalists who hate White self determination, faggot. Wake up.

Fuck off, shitposting is the only thing that gives me purpose in life.

Sieg Heiling is cringey af. If your followers do it, either disavow them or we will disavow you. No Excuses. No Roman Salutes. Period. We have to work around the media and that's what we've been doing and will continue to do. But when you give (((them))) ammo we will blame you goys for it. You should know better.

How you are going to persevere Western values without europeans genes pools?

>practically calling me a race traitor
Yep. Right on schedule. I know all your tricks kike. Fuck off already. You aren't fooling anybody in this thread. You couldn't even start the thread properly.

None of you newfags remember

Dan Richards or Jeff Cullin.

They are the alt-right you CTR filth

I agree with you, but acting like it's the end of the world is fucking stupid. Look, if you sperg out you'll just make the dumb sieg heilers double down on their bullshit.

You need to be supportive of nationalism but say you think the salutes were stupid shit.

We have gotten over much, much, much worse White movements from the past. Go look at 1980s and 1990s White movements and organizations.

Today's movement is bigger and 1000x better than it ever was. Does it need to get even better? Hell yea. But being ultra pessimistic and butthurt about this one thing is fucked.


No I just think you're a fool. You're attacking the same people cucky The_Donald civic nationalists hate, now.

I hope everyone can see this guy is full of shit

This tbhh faam

I have absolutely no idea. They might as well have all vanished into thin air as far as I can tell. All we have left of them is our memories and various obscure internet content. It is very weird, I have to admit. They were a high-energy force to be reckoned with at one point.

A lot of the better posters have been annoyed by the more extreme "muh Hitler" posters. Also 8/pol/ has too many paranoid natsocs, 4/pol/ has too many moderates who think "Trump will fix it". There's a lot of dumbasses out there.

Just keep posting the truth, brother

You seem to accidently a lot new friend. :^)

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes.

When Trump loses, the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will as a million Sup Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously. They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged. They'll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them. "We will riot!" They will say. "Race war!" "Day of the rope!" they will cry. Time will pass, and they will do nothing because all they can do is talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anythingBut none of that will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go do wn in history as an amusing foot note, an embarrassment, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president, a woman who the entire nation thought was a literal criminal but still preferred to Trump. I need to fap

Reminder Sup Forums never thought Trump was gonna fix it all, only some newfags who came during this election cycle did

Populism is trash, Trump brought forth the reddit hordes to dilute Sup Forums culture into a feeble caricature of its past self. This must no longer be allowed to continue.


>use all the memes under their sleeve to elect the most unprobable president ever
>president didnt even went to the White House yet and we are against him already

Never change it Sup Forums

How long will it take for the newfaggots to assimilate or fuck off? Populism is necessary but yea it is trash.

It's sad but true that the average Trump voter is a bluepilled dumbass.

TRShills pls go

I'm not against him, just realistic. He isn't the savior. I still support him, though, since he's better than Hill

Best Sup Forums.

Read Moldbug faggot.