Drumpf is corrupt

Drumpf will become the most corrupt American president of all time. He will abuse his power and focus only on making more money for himself and the Drumpf organization.

I agree

So glad I'm in Canada and have human rights.

I don't think Trump supporters care, they like getting shat on

Yeah, probably.

Man this is the weirdest year. Weird enough that I am almost willing to believe in the Faithless Elector pipe dream being tossed around because sure, why not one last twist from 2016?

How would you react to a Hillary EC vote Sup Forums? Posting angrily about Soros or something?

I still can't believe he really got elected

Stay tuned for Stein's audit madness, he may not have been!

How about you fix your own fucking country instead of focusing on a politician on the other side of the world , faggot. I will never understand europeans and other non americans being so obsessed with the american president but at the same time they probably can't even name their own.

Our president affects a lot more than just us.

>crashing america with no survivors
>a bad thing

So just like the Clintons did with the Clinton Foundation has been doing for decades?

Then other countries need to get fucking relevant.

Putin & Russia are far more relevant than their countries GDP. Germany used to be relevant, the U.K. used to be relevant, even Spain & France used to be relevant.

Bitch as quasi socialist democracies need to focus less on free shit for their coddled and infantile populations, and more on being relevant world powers.

Until then, quit bitching.

Oh look it's Nostra-dumbass everyone

Fantasy ain't fact man. You got your boy in, barring a last minute twist, and even he's telling you to back down now.

>Putin & Russia are far more relevant than their countries GDP. Germany used to be relevant, the U.K. used to be relevant, even Spain & France used to be relevant.
Despite the Russian dreams of relevance they are in fact still not as influential as any of those but Spain.

You retards also said he wouldn't win the primary or the general elections.

I'm convinced your losing streak isn't over.

Stein's audit will amount to nothing props to her for doing it. God damn, sometimes I really love those pesky Greens.


if focusing on making more money is the worst thing he does he probably will still be the best president since JFK

His grampas name was trump. where did drmpf come from?

Oh it'll almost certainly be nothing but god can you imagine

Bring on the machine tampering, bring on the Faithless Electors, bring on the resulting bitter SC case, let's make this the craziest fucking story possible, COME ON AMERICA, GIVE ME ALL YOU'VE GOT


This is on a completely different level.
Do you realize how dangerous this situation really is? Trump can't be trusted, he will care more about his own companies than America.

Why don't you go cry about it? You aren't American anyway so fuck off