
Any questions?

shouldn't demigirl be the purple zone, and demiboy be the slightly-less-cyan zone, and genderfluid/queer be the middle?

I'm going to assume you're a leaf using a US proxy.

>gender is a spectrum
Gender isn't even a plane, it's a surface.

"Androgynous" and "Intersex" are legitimate categories


Replying because noko gave me nostalgia

One is gender, the other is sex, and note that they aren't included in the "not fucking real" category.

Genderfluid, Andro are real tho

Who identifies as intersex?

No. Genderfluid is a description stating that someone may shift their gender identification along this spectrum. It is not, in itself, a gender. Androgynous, technically, but it sits somewhere neatly in that light bluish-pink area above "somewhere in between".

There is no spectrum, it is binary.

If I had a nickel for every gender there was, I'd have two nickels.

The color green is on the rainbow spectrum, but it is part of a binary between violet and red. Orange, yellow, green, and blue all exist, but they exist as part of a binary spectrum that sits between the ultraviolet and infrared. There is no additional dimension in a rainbow, yet it can still contain many colors. Saying that you're defined by the stock genders doesn't mean your gender expression can't be complex. It just means that you can't be something outside of male, female, or a little of both. It is still defined by the binary, while also being filled with a near-infinite level of possibilities.

Even those who claim to exist outside of the "binary" define themselves as "neither male nor female" as there is no other distinction to be made unless you start including mythical creatures and condiments. And that's bullshit.

You can have a spectrum of two binary colors but that does not mean there is a third gender. You fucks that argue gender fluid and what ever term you come up with is just putting context with the two genders that exist. I can literally make up an infinite amount of gender names if it's a spectrum you fucking sjw cucks. My god just fucking choose one gender and if you are undecided at least pretend like you aren't so your entitled ass doesn't expect us to keep up with your mental illness



The idea that gender is a social construct is sexist in it of itself by prescribing behaviours to one of two sexes.

Kill yourself.

I actually agree with you. There is a ton of variation, but the ultimate truth is, you're male, female, or somewhere in between. There is infinite variation on gender presentation, but it's still somewhere between the two or at the extremes. They don't all need their own snowflake names. Male, female, androgynous and both flavors of trans tend to fit the spectrum well.

Again, there is a color we call green, and there are several colors similar to it but for the most part, we don't really worry about the fact that a slightly-more-yellow version is a different "green". It's still "green".

My point is that there's a spectrum, but it doesn't mean that being mostly a dude, but you like to wear eyeliner, makes you a demigirl or some bullshit. It means you're a dude who likes to wear eyeliner. And suck cocks.

But binary by definition is one or the other. A computer binary is either 1 or zero. Just because their is an infinite set of numbers inbetween the two does not mean you could use 0.75836412 in simply binary code. Color is a spectrum because it includes values between two variables.

My issues with the whole argument is that gender is meant to be a description about a person physically. Just because we have associations with said genders does not mean that all people in the categories fit the stereotypes. Just because I am a man who was born with a dick and balls does not mean I am a living ball of masculinity and testosterone. It means I have a cock and balls. You're personality and ideas on life or yourself do not influence these things.

Nazis had 14 genders?


gender != orientation != sexual preference

It isn't a spectrum.

It's Male, Female or Retard Genitals.


hahha the vagina one is filled with black.

Binary, in terms of computing, does indeed indicate either 1 or 0, but outside of technology, it has other meanings. At its core, it is defined as "consisting of two", from the Latin "binarius".

Etymology aside, the definition of genders still derives from two, in a mathematical sense, not in a computational one. Between 1 and 2, there is a countably-infinite amount of numbers. Again, the difference between 1.0345 and 1.2426 isn't significant enough to denote separate values in a social setting, but those numbers do exist. The shitty Tumblrinas may want to say that 1.0345 is "pansexual demigirl" and 1.2426 is "Maudlin spirit tiger", but they're still pretty much the same thing.

Why is it only 2 dimensional? Not enough gender choice, fascist!

Careful, you might trigger someone there.

Because gender is based on sex, and there are only two sexes, with an "indeterminate" grey area in between.

5-layers aren't fuckin 89ยข you faggot
And don't mock the fritos burrito

Mentally ill people?
I guess you can have a birth defect - we have surgeons for that.

We have fantastic burritos over here.
Expensive, but fantastic.


Holy hell! What year did you just crawl out of? You gotta go back to your timeline, faam.

Just trying to make Sup Forums great again.