Which is worse?

Which is worse?

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that's a possum right?

Jews make society less efficient when used correctly.
Niggers make society more efficient when used correctly.

Don't hate the nigger. Hate the society that lets them roam free.


Rats and roaches are an important part of the eco system. Jews and Niggers are not.

no Jews means the nobel prizes would have to close shop. try living a day without a product that wasn't invented by or reliant on the science of Jewish geniuses.

You dumb slavs would revert back to squatting uneducated do-nothing dumbfuck layabouts.

Oh, wait, you stormfags already are squatting uneducated do-nothing dumbfuck layabouts.

>t. Triggered Jew

that's a rat you nigger

thanks for correcting the record, schlomo

Man, the muslims and "aryans" are out in full force today. Jews are intelligent, niggers are stupid and violent.

go back to israel, you rat nigger


Jews and blacks have never caused me any problems. Besides, I blame individuals, not groups.

Wow, you sure proved him wrong. Enjoy being cucked by alt-right propaganda.


I'd pick sandniggers

Kikes by far.

what a quote

JIDF already got caught red handed posting the politics strawpoll and yet Fascist+NatSoc beat almost all the other categories combined, and I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they opened our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes hell I could even lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot to ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))


What if you exclude nobel prizes for world or literature like the one Obama received and look into actual worthy Physics, Chemistry or Medicine prizes?

I don't believe in any of Sup Forums's racist bullshit, but I'm going to try and answer this question as if I did.

According to Sup Forums the Jews control everything, with a high-level of intelligence that gives way for a total lack of empathy. They are conniving, sneaky, have tons of money, and are behind the scenes in pretty much every aspect of life, for their own ends, from everything to manipulating the world's elections, controlling the media and money, and also deciding what entertainment becomes big. In fact, the Jews get blamed for not only causing generations to be obsessed with black culture, but also for slavery itself, and bringing the black people here in the first place.

Blacks on the other hand, Sup Forums considers to basically be animals. Degenerate, violent, sexually ravenous, ugly, disgusting beasts with almost sub-human IQ, with a completely inability to maintain higher thought or civilized society.

I mean, just from a logical point of view, I'd assume that the former has much more potential to cause real harm, and without the influence of the former, controlling the latter to do what you want would be way easier.

So I'll say get rid of the Jews.

Jews are taking our jobs!

Blacks at least are good athletes to watch on TV


But it will be so boring...

white gentiles, you sneaky faggot.

Niggers are worse.

The emu