Haifa is on fire...

Haifa is on fire. Looks like neighboring Arab villagers started the fires taking advantage of the extremely dry and windy weather.

No one caaaaares


i can't read klingon, what does that say ?

I hope you all burn.

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doing?
Punitive raid and final solution before christmas?

>falseflagging this hard

Whatcha doing rabbi? Palestinian genocide when


Filthy creatures. My relatives live in the poor area, apparently those Arab fucks managed to torch most of the rich neighborhoods in the hills, the university, hospital, shopping areas but the poorer areas closer to the coast have been somewhat spared.

Manifest Destiny bitches

>inb4 le kike xD

Aren't you the chosens of God or something? How come that Jahwee bbqing his beloved jews?

well hurry up and kill them.

it's literally anudda shoah

Checks Sup Forums at 3 am

>Wildfire in Israel

Checks Sup Forums in 12 pm

>Teh Palestinians tried to kill all of us with fiya! Hurry goy! Send moar shekels!

These kikes never rest, do they?



Or, it could be Hitler working beyond the grave to get the oven dodgers

Shhhh;;; goyim.

Hasbara has been super active lately.

Sage and abandon all threads related to Israel.

You know, just like they do.

The kikes the kikes the kike are on fire
we dont need no water let the motherfuckers burn
burn motherfucker burn

got any more pics?

Your problem not willing to go to the perfectly fine jewish autonomous oblast in the eastern siberia

Gas fire, someone forgot to turn their oven off.

I only care if there is a stream. Is there a stream yes or no? Will there be tanks in 30?

thats what you get if you love so close to muslims....

my best idea is to kill as many palestinians as you can and then throw them in the fire.