Whenever you are tempted to racemix, remember this country user, and fight the urge.
Daily reminder not to racemix
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brazil isn't shit because of racemixing moron
it's shit because it's brazil
It's Brazil because of racemixing, ya ganius.
Funk music is enough proof. Thanks for the reminder user
e voce merda
Blacks are strong, but stupid. Whites are smart, but weak. Racemixing you may have a strong and intelligent person or a dumb and weak person.
Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems
Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.
A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.
One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”
A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.
Black Americans are a hybrid race of around 22% White ancestry
This 22% ancestry is the cause of multiple negative health effects due to genetic incompatibility. Indeed, consistent with Haldane’s rule, unmixed Blacks from Africa and White Americans do not have the same rate of birth problems that hybrid American Blacks have: “In 2005, the mortality rate for black infants was 4.4 times higher than that of white infants… African women who come to the United States and have babies experience the same low rate of infant deaths as white American mothers.”
>literally all of our culture and our international recognition comes from racemixing
>according to autistic people this is a bad thing
To be a BR nationalistic is to be pro-racemixing. Even the Integralists supported it
“Indiscriminate interbreeding between distinct forms, whether ‘species’ or markedly different races, is not generally beneficial. The defect may show in a change in the sex-ratio of the offspring, probably caused by the early abortion of members of one sex, generally the male in the case of mammals.”
LTA4H, or “leukotriene A4 hydrolase” is found on chromosome 17. An allele of this gene increases the risk of heart attack (the #1 cause of death in America) in Blacks by more than 250%, but only 16% in Whites. The 30% of Whites with this allele have counteracting genes, while the 6% of Black Americans who obtained it through race mixing do not.
Then I don't wanna be Brazilian anymore.
>whites are weak
Sure thing, Mirosmar.
>Then I don't wanna be Brazilian anymore.
Then you are a filthy globalist?
Nice false dilemma, but never. I'll just reject your false national identity, you fucking kike.
Racemixing is bad. Claiming you have to be pro-racemixing in order to be Brazilian is like saying you have to be pro-shiteating.
If I have to be anti-Brazilian in order to be anti-racemixing though, then I will be anti-Brazilian.
>If I have to be anti-Brazilian in order to be anti-racemixing though, then I will be anti-Brazilian.
Ok, then you are against your nationality, which means you will do everything against the culture of our country and be for the destruction of it and replacement of another culture, which means you are a globalist. Literally every aspect from our culture since day 1 comes from Racemixing and you can't even deny it
We've become the country of bunda and webm related.
Do you really have a problem with that? It's all that matters in the end.
If your culture is self-destructive do you have an obligation to facilitate its demise out of loyalty?
Daily reminder that there is nothing wrong with ''''race''''mixing.
It makes us healthier and gives us better looks
"racemix is bad"
If that is true, then this "culture" is shit and I hate it. But that doesn't make me a globalist, you kike shill.
Arbitrary cultures aren't some kind of untouchable maxim. Thinking that is the definition of multiculturalism: the thought that all cultures are equal and deserve respect. That's what you're defending, you're a multiculturalist.
That is not true, some cultures are shit. Some cultures make human sacrifices and are okay with child raping. A culture that relies on racemixing is a shit culture and deserves to be purged, and there is nothing globalistic about that.
Now fuck off, rabbi!
>culture is self-destructive
who said is self-destructive? If anything is the most creative thing ever. We literally created a whole new culture from scratch due to it
There within lies the problem. Brasil is a country and doesn't know how to be a true nation (neither is US, ftr). You have nothing to be proud of. Disliking your country for what it's become doesn't make you a globalist, that's a false dichotomy.
We were pretty based during the Empire.
>Arbitrary cultures aren't some kind of untouchable maxim. Thinking that is the definition of multiculturalism: the thought that all cultures are equal and deserve respect. That's what you're defending, you're a multiculturalist.
Multiculturalism actually implies that a society should aggregate different cultures and that they should remain segregated to continue to be multicultural, pretty much like the US, Brazil is the opposite from that m8, literally from North to South we follow the same christhian-led enjoy your life culture
>If that is true, then this "culture" is shit and I hate it. But that doesn't make me a globalist
Yes it does m8, cause you want to replace our culture for another one "superior one", pretty much like the globalists want to destroy European cultures for Multiculturalism that they deem superior
white male here. I love latina pussy.
Latinas are best
Racemixing creates unhealthy offspring, forces IQs to regress between racial means, and spreads STDs to less infected groups. Your culture doesn't need more of that.
Deciding to improve your culture =/= deciding to replace it with an alien culture. It's unfair to call your fellow huehue a globalist.
>Deciding to improve your culture =/= deciding to replace it with an alien culture.
Who said it is improving? My fellow globalist that wants to destroy the culture of my country?
>multiculturalism wants to keep cultures segregated
You are a moron.
>no culture is superior to any other culture
Just stop posting.
>Racemixing creates unhealthy offspring, forces IQs to regress between racial means, and spreads STDs to less infected groups
So we should limit all history of mankind to a single graph that you deem right, am I right?
t. 4/41 Arab
>what is Hegelian dialectics
There's no point in debating with monkeys
A fucking black ass shitting blood/piss
>no culture is superior to any other culture
not objectively
Thanks for the tip son.
>if your parents and your grandparents and everyone in your country eats shit, then you have to be pro-shit eating, otherwise you're a globalist
This is why our country is shit, because we have actual people who are unironically like this poster.
Or give you weak stupid subhumans.
>Thanks for the tip son.
Yes objectively. European culture is objectively superior to pagan African culture that mutilates women.
Good luck over there. Does Bolsonaro have a chance or is he a meme?
>wah wah, people don't appreciate my special snowflake opinion that should be right against a country of 200 million people with a culture that is recognized and admired worldwide
>Yes objectively. European culture is objectively superior to pagan African culture that mutilates women.
For the Africans it isn't, therefore you are wrong
We were 38% white in 1872. We are not doomed, we can still make a comeback.
Do all BRs want to be niggers in secret?
Which is in, in the long run, good because the dumb and weak persons will be weeded out.
Stop calling racemixing "culture". It's not. It's anti-culture. It's counter-cultural.
He's a meme, but so was Trump.
Fucking disgusting.
>Stop calling racemixing "culture". It's not. It's anti-culture. It's counter-cultural.
Literally every aspect of our culture come from it m8, are that austistic you can't realize it, and I will have to post it for you?
Precisely. The US was 0% White in the 1400s and 85% White in the 1900s. Immigration policy and birthrates can be changed and to our benefit.
Do you read The American Conservative?
He might have a chance if he teams up with the right folks.
>Fight the urge
I think OP has a guilty boner for Brazilian women
Or maybe, procreate like rabbits and become controlled by (((intelligent))) people.
Problem is not race mixing. The real problem is brazilian jeitinho culture. For a gringo this is heaven. You can get away with practically anything by being foreigner.
Pic related is a german homeless that came to Brazil and embraced the "culture". Guy lives in a favela, doesn't pay electricity, taxes, shed rental is cheap, fuck all the nigresses just by being a gringo...
That's why I became a fucking leaf
Shut up, racist. I am a White woman and I have many half black kids. I voted for Bernie too. You racists should realize he represented everything good about America.
No, I read Culture Wars Magazine.
We don't even feel sorry.
Brazilian woman are a gift unto the world.
You're black now not white.
Egyptians did that and they got outfucked by the slaves mate.
So what you are saying is that we should strictly follow the law in everything?
>muh dick
The "jeitinho" derives from racemixing, because it's a product of low-IQs and "muh dick" reasoning.
I have boners for all kinds of women, as long as they're attractive, because I'm a healthy man. But I fight the urge to fuck racemixed women, women of different races, single mums, librul women, etc.
You are right
The Day of the Rope is coming you fucking cuck, the day will come when we rape your wife and daughters while you watch like the pathetic cuck you are.
>Culture Wars Magazine
Thanks. I'm checking it out now.
>The Day of the Rope is coming you fucking cuck, the day will come when we rape your wife and daughters while you watch like the pathetic cuck you are
The problem is that we are already race mixed, there is no putting that genie back in the bottle. You can't "unmix" us. Even the whitest people here are usually mixed, even if it's only a little bit. For example, I know people who look "white" but are mixed with either jews, Asians or Lebanese. If you're a pure race and want to make Brazil that, you'd have better success moving somewhere else than trying to be against the majority of the country.
No. Lol. My beautiful children are part black though. Lol
daily reminder to not race mix.
You're not white anymore.
>picture of a filthy cabeça-chata subhuman?
I bet you're a dirty Northeasterner. Genocide all Northeasterners!
Even if it means going against your own people and culture?
Have you ever heard of Eugenics?
Whites are not weak. Whites conquered the world.
something that never has come to any real effect.
We're too far gone. I'm "white" and I just fapped to BWWM porn. I only lust for black women. My white male friends too. I think every man in Brazil is programmed to fuck black, mulatto and mestizo women. It's in our DNA. The brown and black meat is so good, dude!
You should be less rude and racist. Sheldon from the big bang theory even admitted race mixing is better for your offspring.
You won't be laughing when the favelas are burned down and when the right wing death squads massacre you cucks and your bulls.
Not true. The Jews successfully implemented it. Never heard of the Ashkenazim?
Law is one of the fundamental columns of culture, you cuck.
Yep. That's how it (still) works here in Leafland. But after the Little Potato was elected, everything is uncertain
Not really.
I like skinny white girls more
I know, I was fapping to some brown native girls from Acre and Amazonas. They are so qt, they hair is so beautiful aaaa fuck
You sound racist and bigoted.
>Law is one of the fundamental columns of culture, you cuck.
Nope, If the EU is governed by the EU constitution does it means it represents the culture of all Europe?
So you should follow the law even if it goes against your people and your country?
Yes really. They managed to increase their average IQs and bleach their skins progressively. They are implementing it in Israel as we speak.
>They are implementing it in Israel as we speak.
kek Israel is literally one of the most multiethinic countries on earth m8
Please, post real ugly natives, not a girl cosplaying one
Law as in "direito", not as in "legislação", you goddamn retard. Constitutions come and go. Roman Law is forever.
I don't understand you. You don't like our culture. You don't like our racial demographics. So you think changing the whole country to be homogeneous the way you and your minority likes it is better and more practical than just moving somewhere else? Go live with your racial homogeneous people in Europe or something.
>Go live with your racial homogeneous people in Europe or something
I have bad news for you.
I am talking since the beginning about Law as is in Legislação, Jeitinho Brasileiro is about Legislação not Direito
Inform yourself before you Shrek yourself.
Brazil doesn't belong to blacks.
Real natives are only good for their hair
It's useless worrying about that.
The future is shit and there is no escape. Just embrace it.
Unless someone nuke Africa.
I'm not.
This. We should move freely without borders and racism holding us back. Yasss!!