Someone put these on the windshields of all of the cars in my college's parking lot

Someone put these on the windshields of all of the cars in my college's parking lot.

Trump won, get over it shills.

Truth does not fear investigation.

>When Trump loses he'll say it was rigged!

>PHD statisticians


This won't go anywhere. To push Trump out and Hillary in would invite chaos

>2,000 Trump supporters show up with pic related signs

so good

CTR right now.

>rolling stone report
>PHD statisticians

>Flood the nation with third world undocumented democrats and give them amnesty and cry when republicans fight back
We were told that the 1965 act would not change the demographics of the nation. Every mexicunt vote should be invalid.

why are they telling you students who do not run the goivernment?

oh yes, mental illness


>it is impossible for even skilled humans to fuck up
Lmao. Even surgeons, who practice their surgery so much they can almost literally do most procedures in their sleep, fuck up once in a blue moon. That's why they pay through the nose for malpractice insurance.

>Trump says the election might be rigged in favor of Hillary
>Libshits call Trump delusional and a sore loser, sometimes even calling him a threat to democracy
>Trump wins because of the Electoral College
>Libshits screech that the Electoral College should no longer exist, and even start to claim that the election was rigged for Trump


why do Liberals act more like a Nazi than i do?

>Drumpf needs to accept the election results
>Trump wins
>The left does not accept the election results
>Hillary nonetheless still conceited taking her out of the list of contenders

This is fine.png

Because they're both socialists. They were always the Nazi's.

>The election was rigged because polls were wrong
I don't like calling people dumb over their political opinions since a lot of it is just your values, but if you think that Trump somehow put in millions of votes for himself and that the proof for this is in a flawed polling system, then you're dumb.

Cry more libcucks.
Your tears are delicious.

>they don't know the NSA fixed the election because Hillary was such a bad idea given what hasn't leaked yet but will

sure, the problem was not enough voter fraud

Oh my God. It's fucking true. Republicans are no longer the conspiracy theorists crowd. This fucking election man.

can't wait til 2020 and do it all over again! TRUMP!

The vast left-wing conspiracy is real.

>audible sigh of disappointment.

propaganda, everyone should alert their loved ones

your statement can be interpreted in several ways. what do you mean by this? Are you saying that there is credibility to their proposed theory against the Republicans or that the left wing conspiring in general due to their butthurt is real?