Islam will rule Europe

Islam will rule Europe

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Allahu Akbar

Don't make me get the bug spray you fucking roach

You don't read the news, do you?

In 5 years Europe will get rid of this liberal filth and completely shift to the right, and all of you heathens will be removed.

preiss Ally mey it b so

Islam can't even run it's own society's it isn't going to run Europe.
What's Erdogan doing for his people? oh that's right trying to make child rape legal.

You're a failed people and you wont be around in a hundred years.

I feel sorry for your granddaughters. Give them two generations, and they'll all be entitled, feminist dykes.

Asalamu Alaykum
How are you guys doing in Wilayat Britania?

What is the name of your Wali again?

İnşallah brotha Maşallah

Death to infield death to america death to anime allahu ackbaarrr

sandnigger you are about get killed for memeing in this website.

inshallah my friend,avenge them for the holocaust



Hmm i hope western education will do the trick. But it seems far fetched considering how dumb you 3rd world monkeys are.

What's the percentage of Europe getting cucked by "refugees" now?

Do you really want German autism to do to Islam what it did to Christianity and nationalism?

You know, since Mohammad was described as white and also as the perfect human it's pretty easy to conclude a white supremacist ideology from that.

I wonder, Turkroach, how white are you? Do you think that the Shariah-Staffel would look past you?

Islam could not rule India after ruling for more than 350 years.

Nah... I don't think so.

But you sound very scary MASHALLAH. Now go play hockey little boy.

Wrong, Islam will be taken and transformed into something different, the way the Roman pagans did with Christianity. They took it from some backwards Jewish cult and incorporated many of their former pagan rituals. The Islam of Europe 200 years from now will look nothing like the Islam of the modern middle-east.

Muslim rule had a devastating effect on India.

Even if Europe would eventually be liberated from Islam it would be in a very poor state anyway.

kek is truly with us

But when muslims become majority, they will change education and make it islamic.

Becoming a muslim means to submit to Allah not to submit to muslims like you think. So European are not getting cucked... don't wory.

Islam is not like christianity. You can't change it or reform it.

>Islam is not like christianity. You can't change it or reform it.

But Germans didn't change it, they adhered to it on overdrive and that's what would happen with Islam as well. Do you really want that? Because I kinda want to see it just for the heck of it.

>Islam is not like christianity. You can't change it or reform it.

What nonsense. I know that the Quran claims to be unreformable and unchangeable, but in reality there are hundreds of different sects of Islam.

next stop: constantinople

Hope for you that they won't find a replacement for oil. Because if they do, u r in trouble

you don't see the bigger picture do you?

and no it won't

>You can't change or reform it
When did slavery become illegal in Saudi Arabia?

better than still under islam

It never has, and it never will.

anyone who comes to the west is either extremised or westernized
blow yourself up or watch your daughters fuck 12 guys because "gender equality"


Hows king Salman?

This thread is also now tainted for any true muslim, go away.

>But when
There is no when for most European countries, not every country is Sweden, Mohammed.

>Islam is not like christianity. You can't change it or reform it.

Which is why Islam will never surpass Christianity, and none of you Mosque Monkeys will ever be enlightened.
You just sit in your shit house while some sodomized kid sings carols into a microphone while you pray to your moon god.
Get fucked monkey boy.


they surely deserve it

You fucking oven dodgers are the worst

Feels good im getting sick of the spread of degeneracy and secularism in Europe. Please save me roach.

It will violently surpass Christianity, that's how Islam has spread since the beginning... Europe is just trying to avoid the violence by gradually adopting it, you will see Sharia law in Europe in your lifetime or violent civil wars


Islam is strongly and explicitly against racism and nationalism. All people are one Ummah (nation). You can't mix Islam and white supremacy (or any supremacy).

The different between Islamic sect are very tiny that no one notice. Only current politicians who emphasize those differences.

Well if get in trouble you'll get in trouble as well because we will literary invade Europe like we did 14 century ago with other countries.... lol

Yes, I do. Europe in converting to Islam slowly... lol again :P

Slavery is still Halal. Saudi law =/= Sharia

yay or nay i'm confused here help guys?

Never , god created islam to teach the christians a lesson , islam will never conquer the ottoman empire is gone you are nothing

If you look up the 20 year plan, you will see that islam is very close to having Europe in the bag.

>The different between Islamic sect are very tiny that no one notice. Only current politicians who emphasize those differences.

Stop buying into the state propaganda, Ahmed. Sufism could be another religion entirely, but it's descended from Islam.

>When did slavery become illegal in Saudi Arabia?

Too late, since Quran encouraged manumission of slaves from the beginning. :^)

No, you don't see the bigger picture. The tide is turning but musulmans see what they want to see. Just as every mudslimeposter here does.

>is another retarded thread where retarded people still think islam terrrorists are not clinton and saudi puppets

Can't wait... germans were always good in building bombs.

>t. delusional burger.
Don't you have a king nigger to praise for a couple more months?


Not untill they remove every single sharp object I can get my hands on!


here have some balls and a micro dick

No it fucking won't.

The Russians are coming for Constantinople. Hagia Sophia will be Christian again.

>All people are one Ummah
Except for those shia and sufi heretics, right?

Also spoiler: Islam will never become a majority religion in Europe and it's your own fault for being incapable of shedding your barbarism.

yeah, but only for a couple more months. Then I can sit back and watch his Boss's Reprimand the Left for failure.


Turkey has threatened to flood the eu with mudslimes in a shit fit because they wont let him in the super-club

They could have done it but they are to stupid and fucked it up by being criminals terrorist and rapist , they redpilled us and its almost deus vult time.

>redpill: the religion

pick 2

Meet Sean Stone, son of Oliver Stone, Based Muslim

Nothing more to be said really.

>Occupied by Turkroaches, no wonder you suck Mohammed dick.

they think god is on their side, they pray to the direction of a rock from space embedded in a black cube.

black cube = symbol for saturn worship.
saturn? or satan.

the abrahamic god is described as truthful, while the islamic god describes himself as a deceiver. those are not the same.

muslims themselves think they're worshipping god but they actually have no clue. they're worshipping saturn/satan.

Abrahamic religions are a cancer upon humanity and should all be eradicated.

Defeating Fascism at the cost of tens of millions of lives.... only to see irrational religious fascism imported to take its place. So much for freedom in Europe. It was a beautiful dream.

>Islam conquers urop
>Suddenly mosques explode all around the place
>Everything wearing a hijab is getting raped in broad daylight on the streets

>Meanwhile on twitter: National Socialism is the polity of peace #NotAllNazis

mashAllah brothers

We're fucked

well i can tolerate those who don't pull any tricks, but it's funny how mohammed aka BAPHOMET is still pranking the muslims

Can I have multiple wives?
Do I really need to pray 5 times a day or it isnt required?


yes you can brother

Good, Islam is a the true redpilled religion, you chose who your daughter marries, men are taught to be men, men rule and woman will live at home and give birth to many white children, Islam will save white race!

Within 6 months of that occurrence, USA/Allied legions will burn it all down.

Again. And then rebuild it. Again.

Russkies can get some too. Again.

You'll end up just like that finnish forever alone convert who joined up with ISIS to get laid only get cucked.

Also kill yourself, you'll be doing both yourself and others a favour.

shut the fuck up you fishdick lover

Kys roach faggot goat fucker.

>Islamic doctrines of deception: the post


I'm not planning on joining isis snow nigger

If europe does turn to an islamic continent I want to get 3 european qts to be my wives.

Yes. 4 wives only.
Yes, you HAVE to pray 5 times or you're not a Muslim.


If you want several wives, join your local retarded religion - Mormonism.

At least they're not complete barbarians.

I visited Germany and France and all I saw were snackbars and walking trash bags. At least the beer was good in Munich. I could hardly wait to get back to the states.

FUCK, can someone smell kebab in this chatroom?


How does it feel to know that your king is distracting everyone in your country with a shitty religion whilst he gets nauseatingly rich from oil money?

Had the same experience in florida two years ago desu (weather was more pleasant though)

You make big claims, BUT WHERE ARE THE DIGITS

There is a good chance he is one of the ones getting cut a check. This guy is only shit posting here because as a rule, he has to tell you whats going to happen.


Only true alphas can deal with 3 women.

When you get to annoying, Germany gets triggered we all know its doesn't end well for a religious group to trigger Germany....

Give Huma our best wishes.

>Islam will rule Europe

Let's see

A Roman Catholic country that despite 300 years o penal laws enforced by the brits stayed with their faith, that like the odd drink.


Fuck off and if you push it welcome to the sectarian purge.

Maybe it will or maybe not. One way or another your useless garbage religion will go down and be forgotten sooner or later, like every religion in the past. At the end of this story only atheism will remain.

Islam has only gotten so far because of cucked countries and a cucked populace.

Terrorists are so banana brained they use their own bodies as weapons.
If Europe decided to start hunting down Muslims like Muslims do Europeans, they would do it faster, harder and more efficiently.

King Salman gives me 10k Riyal per shitpost.

its over boi london is ours