Sup Forums-OC/Drawthread - DO IT FOR HER EDITION

ITT we encourage the creation of OC, usually in the form of drawfaggotry and writefaggotry.

>REMINDER: Constructive criticism is fine but if someone acts like a moron, simply ignore them or filter their ID.

Each year, boards across the site vote on who they want to take to the winter ball, and people make art (lewds and cutes) for the date.
Last year we were a big hit, We asked /c/-tan and made a big impression on them and everybody who saw the OC produced; even /jp/ joined us in a Ménage à trois.

Here you can post original content and art relating to the ball.

We've asked /o/ and they accepted. All future suggested pairings will be disregarded as shitposting and ignored.

Remember to ignore:
>Malaysian "Give It To Me Daddy" Mike
>Sister Whofag
>Harem leaf
>/lgbt/ subverters

SEB for /o/ inspiration:

Gallery with a bunch of board-tan pictures in case anyone needs references for drawing, or maybe just want to save them:

Do you wanna drawfag too?:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Other urls found in this thread:


/polo/ is cute



did some of our drawfags become missionaries for other boards to make OC?


Couple did, last I knew they had come back.

No, they left because they realized this is gay and needs to stop.

>Sup Forums in love with WAT-tan

Never thought that would happen. 2016 has been a fun year.

What stupid shit do people want to be drawn?

Had to migrate temporarily to /o/ and Sup Forums during Thanksgiving, things were a bit hectic that night.
One drawfag is doing the "pol-timing-o-then-getting-14:88"

It's the first date, but I'm liking the pairing a lot.

I remember someone doing a request.
>/o/ takes a sexy picture laying on an engine under the hood of a car. Either through fb or text Sup Forums sees it and says "damn this picture should come with a throttle limiter." /o/ responds with "Thanks I needed that."

>he keeps ban evading and then bitching about broken rules
Back to being banned bitch

No ideas at the moment.

yeah I wanted to make sure I wasn't the only drawfag left

>cringefest general

Just stay in /qa/ and leave the rest of the boards alone you weirdoes.


Can someone replace the swastika with a T? Asking for a friend.

I had forgotten about that one



Thank you.


Christ-chan is old news. She doesn't want to go run over niggers and protesters.

She needs an orthodox makeover

This guy gets it.
>first date

Here you go fampai


It's still great
>Some guy is drifting in a Miata

Who is this semen demon?

As someone that's been out of the loop on board relationships, how are /k/ and /an/ doing? Still married right?


/o/'s mascot grill.

I would assume so

Haven't seen any OC come from them desu

>Confirmed couples are Sup Forumso/, /qst/cm/, Sup Forumsfa/, /cgl/u/, /fit/lit/, /his/tg/vp/, /k/an/, Sup Forumsck/, /wsr/aco/, /m/int/ and Sup Forumsa/(y)


I'll repeat what someone said in another thread, what is this a 80s highschool flick?

More like a quiet librarian porno shoot. /lit/-tan is a librarian. The thread pruned a long time ago.

Yeah the /fit/ janitors are asses, did it get pretty racy?




I miss Mexibro

me too, man


He's dead. Cartels got to him.

I don't, glad to see these threads have less and less visitors everyday.

Or /x/ managed some magic for once.



First season initial D > everything else initial D

I haven't seen that guy for ever.

So how was everyone's Thanksgiving in the States?

/r9k/ is a wonderful disaster

Is that the beta uprising?

What's /r9k/ doing for the ball again? Lamenting his sad autistic solitude and jerking to other board-tans?

I wholeheartedly agree. The first season was about fun and fucking around everything that came after was way too serious. The art style also became much worse.

No civil war

They finally agreed to just stay home, are you Mexibro?

Something about wanting to go with Sup Forums, think is a conspirancy and ended with "REEEEEEEE WOMEN REEEEEEEE" IIRC

Yeah a handful of us went over to help them get a date this time around. We suggested /e/ or /h/ iirc, they wanted Sup Forums so we got Sup Forums. The only condition was no lewds, just going as friends, so the moment/Int/ agreed they went to find a drawfag to make lewds.

and Sup Forums decided to go with /m/ in the end

>/r9k/ in the background everytime

Yeah they got turned off by them sperging out and doing the one thing they asked them not to.

I've come to love r9k retardation.




>Out of the way plebs the lady wants to dance

no doujin? im disappoint.








>No toes
What the fuck is wrong with you?

/o/ here.

I hope you guys realize a faggot trip commissioned from some Deviant Art "artist" and claimed WAT and the rest of the board's few memes for himself. And now your OC is being used for him to shill more crap on our board.

>Implying I drew it


Sounds like Malaysia Mike just ignore him he does that here and claims Sup Forums is his then demands people pay him for his art.


Also any link or word to search?

Rule 63 Sup Forums, why not


To the front


>page 9

/m/ did a thing

/m/ is quality tbqh

i want more wat-tan stickers

That sounds like Malaysia "Put it in my Ass" Mike. Just ignore him and don't give him shit, he'll scram eventually.

>Malaysia Mike
No idea who this is, I'm talking about an /o/-specific trip who shills meme merchandise on the board.

I want to keep up on the pizzagate stuff but Jesus it's soul crushing.

What's his trip? Has he been around for a while or just recently?


Same procedure, then, tell him to fuck off or ignore.

Well I'm gonna be driving home. I'll be on later tonight hopefully with a new part to As always stay classy guys.

just as a heads up, it seems /lgbt/ has finally acquired a drawfag

Jesus christ they're desperate
