
>not white

Other urls found in this thread:


>not moorish

yes, im moorish too

White skin. Mongoloid bone structure. Just like finns.

Many of them are mixed.

I'd breed her nonstop.

A country where people want to be white (i think in china too) and even use umbrellas to cover from the sun

Reminder if you mate with a stand eyed gook your kids will look nothing like you and you are a race traitor

Why do people keep saying Japan isn't white? Japan is white!


Slant eyed gooks can't. Produce white offspring

Jet fuel can't. Melt steel memes

>not full of sissybois


absolutely disgusting

I'll take "honorary aryans" for a thousand alex


Brown nipples = non-white.

You know, just b/c they're not white doesn't mean they can't be good, in some cses. You don't have to shill Sup Forums to get approval for your waifu.

Nip women are so disgusting.
>tfw OP cant fuck an aryan goddess so he falls back onto cheese nips

oh hey mr poofboi I'm the brit from that thread

But haffus are God tier

I-I'm not a poof, I just like traps

That is correct

yeah k mate you save any more from that thread?

Only this

{{{citation needed}}}


Do Asians have brown nipples?

that will do

yeah some do. Yummy nipples

Japanese women are the least disgusting after all other asian and british women, but they are still mostly ugly. The fuckable ones like pic related are gone either trough photoshop or ten plastic surgeries.

honorary indeed

I need more azn traps

Post em if you got em

I love bullying Chinks.


Actually Koreans are whiter, in the south there are a lot of fairly dark nips. You have to remember Japanese DNA is a mix of Chinese and south East Asian.

how you doin there in scandi, m8


In one or two years time I will go to Japan and begin operation ooga booga where the Jap women at and get myself a nice Japanese wife.

>insecure manlet bodybuilder
should have listened to """"his"""" inner voice and become a trap instead

Cute. I'll post regular grills cause it's all I got on this device

> white people
> hon hon


girl. trap. when its asians how can you tell?

White flags, hue hue


They're yellow you moor fuck. Enjoy some sage, you faggot.


>asian and british women

We should just colonize Asia, they're practically begging for it.

Japan is whiter than America

yeah we should. Take their booties as.......booty

heres a qt tran-eeh

Take them and their women and send the ugly ones to Africa.

Honorary Aryans

I love julia and anri but these are so fucking photoshopped

nah pair the ugly ones with uggo Europeans so theres hope for the offspring to be qt

I love trap. No trannies please. I am not gay @~@

You sure?

That's a tranny? My brain already decided it liked it.

desu the only thing keeping me going is the thought i will have 3 cute haafu daughters one day

usually there is one angry landwhale feminist raging in these threads but this one is pretty calm

had to delete it cause the plums were on show

azn trans. M8 this is a jap trap.

You guys do know that these are guys, right?

That's a good idea.

I want moar!!

I hate the fact that I will never become a cute trap

Human-gook hybrids are mentally ill betas.


Japan is a historically negroid country

well we're both in the UK so if you want you can post your address and I'll come round and bite your dick and balls off and fuk u in the ass. With a condom tho ;3

no shit ya dumb poof

I think so too

Japan is filled with the best sissybois

Yeah the girls put tons of the chemicals on their skin so their skin bleaches as white skin is seen as a sign of beauty in japan.
Still dosent make them white.
>implying there is anything wrong with yellow

shoulders are bigger and the hips are smaller.The asian figure makes it difficult to tell because they have a longer torso.

L-Lewd 0///0

It feels so wrong but I want. Imagine rubbing sticks in the shower

Or maybe because they keep eating all that estrogen-rich food

Fair point. But it wouldnt deter you

that sounds nice but NO ONLY BITE AND FUCK

like this ;P



you can join in.

B-But i want cuddles and kisses

I'm talking about the women

Nah, I don't think I'm full on homo. Not yet at least. I only look at grills IRL.

Functionally identical to a gook, meaning all you'll ever produce is an insane mutant.

what is this completely degenerate shit

Same here but I feel so curious.

Don't be so judgmental

It's hypocrisy. No matter how much manlet beta nerds push it, there's no such thing as honorary white.

sorry let me rephrase that. You WILL join in

sorry only bites and amateur amputations for you

I'm away to make dinner idk if thread will die. If so it was fun guys we'll have to do this again sometime

Jap are whites now? WE WUZ KANGZ much?

We'll, I hope you think it was worth it when you're tied up in his basement and being force-fed hormones.



Noooo ;_;

That won't happen

B-but user, I'm just a normal straight boy, I don't want to be forced into gay stuff ;_;

W-We can be curious together

Not all of us are die hard ethno-centrists (and you are a fucking burger, as pure as mud). IQ is what matters, and violent tendencies. Asians are high IQ and racially rather non-violent, like us.

Fuck sake I'm gone five minutes and this is what it descends too?

Why are japanese boys so cute? I'm a completely straight man but my dick can't argue with the fact that most Japanese ''men'' are more feminine than local women.

I wish I had a tiny feminine Japanese exchange student as my degenerate whore. Why are they so cute?

Waitaminute. That's a trap too?

Yep there was a thread earlier featuring and >japan
>all boys school
>hold beauty pageant
>boys dressed like girls
>pics of yummy boiz dressed as girls in article

I need sex so desperately :3

you gay nig. Where you at?

But how? I mean It looks so...
Bloody hell. I think I need a drink.



B-but that user scares me
I wish I had one as well m8, but alas such is life

But you would neuter me ;_;

It's funny because UK is size of a state so you two could theoretically actually end up dicking each other within 24 hours.

UK is a magical place.