A world war breaks out in 2017. If you had the option to choose which country you fight for, which one do you pick?

A world war breaks out in 2017. If you had the option to choose which country you fight for, which one do you pick?

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The Brotherhood of Steel

There's only one answer.


None, war is for chumps. Why run off to the meatgrinder when you can sit back home and enjoy a nice male:female ratio since a large number of men are off playing soldier?




Vatican city

Killing > fucking

L3L, what a cuck. Your country is so fucked it needs to be reset.

For real, the US or Russia

Holy Neo Batavia

New Zealand, where I don't get turned to ash or have my body rot from extreme radiation.



>Fighting for a country which is 60% white

Killing > fucking > getting killed

My country. I don't like Russia, but traitors are the worst scum and nobody likes a traitor. Well, unless you are some prominent figure who deflected to the winning side.

US-Russia master alliance. Let's purge the filth of the world that is Islam once and for all.


I will fight for Vatican

kek wills it

Get on the train or GTFO

I don’t fight for a country, I fight for whoever is with the nationalist cause against globalism and multi-kulti PC rubbish. Be it a country, militia or terror group if need be.

The National Socialist Reich of Western and Eastern Europe.

uk the commonwealth and the usa are the only nations ill fight for.

>fighting for anyone else's country but your own



>I don’t fight for a country, I fight for whoever is with the nationalist cause against globalism and multi-kulti PC rubbish.


The Free State of Arizona
WE will kick out anyone who doesn't reside here 365 days of the year

We will purge all of sun city

We will take any land/property/valuables from all non residents who own things here but live elsewhere for profit.

John McCain will be sent back to the hotel in Vietnam and be exiled from Arizona , as well as all his family and his family possessions be seized for the free state of Arizona

After this is accomplished we will take the war south toward Argentina, anything in between there is scorched earth no prisoners

I would do as any Nazis would, stand on the broken neck of France while shooting East and West til the end.

i'd just go on the run and hide somewhere in the Siberian forest. Maybe kill unwanted guests in the honor of my forest.

I'd fight for King and Country

i pretend willing to fight but when they give me a rifle i just kill myself

The one that allows looting, pillage, rape, genocide and any other war crimes. If I'm going to risk my life at least I get some fun out of it.


whichever one not controlled by jews or muslims

My own, you faggot.




I love the sting of battle, that is why I played contact sports.

and I will kill the commies



Holy fuck sans homer but that's a nice cock

How is this even a question?


Whichever Anglosphere country joins it first


which ever one isn't saving mudslimes

Delicate question. Of course, I would give my life for my country, but which side would Merkel choose? I don´t want to fight for (((them))).

I wuld probably go with Poland. Got some good friends there and it is a lovely country.



>backwards Ivory Coast

Conduct a Guerrilla war from Northern Canada, assuming we or the states get invaded


enjoy the ratio from your bedroom window. no girls would fuck a coward.

That poem was written about Ashkenazi Jew by a Jewish female poet.


The Jews have been undermining society for a while.


*Ashkenazi Jews

my own of course

or this

War is hell but that's the beauty in it isn't it?

TN:Fat autistic neet

Why though? Why was it written? To capture the events around Ellis Island.

Croatia because I am not a fucking cuck spreading my anus for foreigners.

Anyone who answers anything other than their own country needs to leave Sup Forums instantly

Would have to fight for the United Kikes of America

Saudi Arabia

For the European union.

>this nigger gets it


Anglos are first to die.

fucking kill yourself asap

GTFO of here EU faggot

the enemies of the jewsa otherwise known as (((You)))


Long live the Anglosphere

>fighting for Jews

Good goyim. You are meant to be slaves to us after all.

Which is why they've won both world wars and conquered a quarter of the earth, while STILL holding the most powerful nation(s) on earth.

>712 March, TOLEDO (Spain)

The Jewish inhabitants opened the gates for the Moslem invaders under Tarik ibn Zayid marking the end of Visigothic rule in Spain and the beginning of 150 years of peace. Thus began what was known as the Golden Age of Spain. The Iberian caliphate was independent of Baghdad and encouraged the flowering of Spanish-Jewish culture at the same time that it was being suppressed by the Baghdad caliphate.


I'd like to propose invading New Mexico too, so that we can share a border with our Texan brothers.

Also, firing squads for all the Commiefornia transplants.


I'm glad your nation will be dead soon

Anglos were beaten both times until America came in, America is not anglo.


Im glad, that your piece of land never was a real nation.


Germany of course.

Nope. Women will prefer to share one man that fought in the war than settle with fat coward.


Sweden and Finland and Scandinavia and the Baltics of-course, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands goes without mentioning.

I will fight for the nordics and the nordic culture.

kebab boat to switzerland and wait for it all to blow over.

I'm sorry Hans, they were evil from the start.

> youtube.com/watch?v=ydAIdVKv84g

America is barely anglo by now.

Soon your president will be a german with scottish and jewish blood

Only that.s wrong. Anglos were beating the fuck out of Germany in WW1, USA did almost nothing in the first world war.

And if you think the USA was the reason the allies won WW2, you're wrong. Even then, America is Anglo, and part of the Anglosphere. If you don't like it, go back to where you came from, kraut.

I fight for white people.

Cmere Burger.

America is anglo. If you're not Anglo (or German), you aren't American. Everyone else needs to go back.

Denmark, wall off southern border (very short landborder with germany near ideal for defense) fill it with the most heaviest equipment, and have the navy at both sides defend it.

Im looking forward to seeing a crescent moon and star on your flag in 50 years hans I always hated you Germans


>If you had the option to choose which country you fight for, which one do you pick?

I'd pick America every time

you dont get to choose u fag, u get the losing side as per usual

did you faggots ever say the Pledge of Allegiance when you were a kid? if not get the fuck out Paco, if so the fuck you think that was, a nursery rhyme? you swore your lives to your country, you pathetic little worms, and you will honor that pledge if we have to hunt you down and drag you kicking and screaming onto the boat.

absolutely pathetic.

I will help the cause for Germany, not corrupt Americucks.


Great Britain