When will Sup Forums end?

money.cnn.com/2016/10/05/technology/Sup Forums-shutting-down/

Is it a matter of time Sup Forums? Chink moot can't keep the site running.

Where would we go, Sup Forums?

How much do you earn per view?

you didn't think the ride would last forever did you?

there are some decentralized communication tools based on the blockchain. they are difficult to shutdown or censor.

Everyone needs to move to these platforms and take the power away from the advertising money.

It will be difficult to get people to move, but all this censorship makes me this we need to try

october 5

kys niggershit

look at that snozzle

why the FUCK are you posting about an article from a month and a half ago?? We´ve already discussed this before when said article came out fucktwit leaf


How long before we flood back to the rest of the internet?

I just renewed my pass. This jinkaboo isn't getting enough of my shekels?

>Chink moot can't keep the site running.

yes he can, he is just saying he can't so he can implement more ads and get idiots to buy passes.

Chinkmoot is actually a chinkjewmoot. He want maximum profit from this place, and he has two ways faking profit:

1. Ads. The count ducks mobile users hard.

2. Gold passes. He cries poor and you dumb ducks buy his gold passes like fools.

If Sup Forums dies we go to a web site made by a cripple that is almost identical. Simple.

Rolling for 4-5

Probably sells user data too.


tell me the name of some these tools for my backup plan.


I love all the new features he added to passes

>This Sup Forums pass user has received a total of 137 upvotes from other Sup Forums pass users

thank you rus

there is that. but i dont wanna see our constiturency divided. the mob is everything.

the site isn't in danger this fraud is just milking it like he did his last one

He was offered $1 million dollars by the wesearcher guy - source, one of the 'Ascending .. or Descending the Tower' episodes on social-matter.net.

So no, it won't shut down. At least I imagine he'd prefer $1 million to $0.

That was a really good episode by the way, a whole bunch of smart, high-agency guys talking.

We can rebuild if enough users go to the same place. The rest will Fuck off to reddit and we shouldn't care about that at all.

Not 'op', but, Kurtis Yarvin is working on urbit, which will do that. There may be others.

I did my part faggots
I got myself a captcha

>Chink moot can't keep the site running.
I'm still baffled at how people still fall for the pearl harbor jew's lies. Moot said the website was financially feasible before he left thanks to ads + passes. Then this gook shit takes over, cries about how finances are fucked (and then adds A NEW FUCKING BOARD AFTER TALKING ABOUT AXING SOME), then starts using shithead ad servers with malware packed in them. He's a bonafide conman who was ran from the Japanese courts and was kicked out of 2chan after it was discovered that he was selling credit card info to companies.
And you fucks call yourselves 'red pilled'

pic related. just one of his lies being debunked.

I've heard of at least 3 people who could probably foot the bill, that guy, cernovich and milo

>Going to a site that edits your post and run by kikes
No thanks also this Jap is profiting off this site by the amount of ads he runs and passes. He's lying 100% about the money and how the site will go down. He didn't even sell it to Martin Shkreli, when Shkreli tried to buy it.