Our movement is anti-racist.
Our movement is anti-racist
Kill yourself.
National Socialism shall prevail.
and Islam is the religion of peace
Prevail? Bro what world you living in, the faggots took over when you were wanking
Your "movement" is reddit as hell and it doesn't have a place in here. Get gassed cuck.
Shill thread
Don't play into their divide and conquer tactics
We gotta be together if we want anything done in the next four years
I consider myself a civic nationalist but you new right types have to stop punching right
National socialism turned Germany into the most cucked nation on the planet. You lost
>civic nationalism
kek. Notice how all the e-celebs that support civic nationalism and "classical liberalism" are racemixers. Just food for thought.
Civic nationalism is doomed to failure. It doesn't work. The only people who even support civic nationalism are white, so it's de facto white nationalism anyway. Your nationalism movement is doomed to failure if you think it will still work after importing mudskins.
>I consider myself a civic nationalist
Why are you against common sense and why do you like to suck black cocks?
>shifting blame from the obvious perpetrators
>check out this BASED black trump supporter tell off the MSM!!! :^)
And yet blacks have been living alonside us for hundreds of years and still haven't been able to integrate whatsoever into white society. Because they never will. Because you can't separate culture from race/identity.
The nu-right are just cucks that rode the wave of publicity that the alt-right got. They latched on to something without even bothering to look it up and see what they were associating with. And now all the nu-right cucks are getting shocked that the racism/anitsemitism isn't "just trolling for muh free speech"
Mainly because I'm black myself and I live in a black neighborhood that's shown me that our problems come more from culture than race. We need to work on assimilating bad cultures and not breaking up the country into racial states or deporting a large percent of the population.
>Our movement is anti-racist.
>civic nationalism meme
Literally multiculturalism with a fake Chinese copy nationalist cover.
Grow up cucks.
Do you deny the genetic basis for black behavior, and the culture that stems from these behavior patterns?
Nu-right is a meme opposition.
yeah..stupid hearts kill people all the time with heart attacks!
Left: Faggots
Right: Faggots
I wanna be the line
I guess I technically am a civil nationalist; I follow the teaching of Dugin and the policies of Putin, more or less. I believe in a strong national state that is not directly racial, but doesn't tolerate the undermining of the dominant race and doesn't encourage minorities to dominate the morality of the culture.
I thought Mosely was a white nationalist when it comes to his own home, Great Britain, but was somewhat of a civil nationalist when it comes to the empire, albiet with Great Britain as first among equals.
Pic related that made ask that question.
lookup 100 questions mosley
Okay. Thanks for the suggestion.
Civic nationalism is about being okay with your white daughter getting pounded by bbc while you watch, as long as he speaks like a white man.
>shoe right
why the fuck does this shit keep triggering me
the cunt is A LIB
Honestly there might be some genetic basis for it but not enough to directly prove it and write off an entire race. I mainly think it's a culture thing because I used to live in a more white area and the black people there acted more white too, and weren't like the dindu stereotype. Then I moved to a place where half the people on my street fit the stereotype and I realized it has a lot to do with welfare culture
That's where you're wrong friendo.
Don't bother responding if you haven't fucking read it.
Christ this wave of newfags shill fucking HARD and then act like they know shit about this place.
This is what the Jews and liberals have been doing, it all makes sense now.
>Label non-neocons alt-right
>Put a plant in the movement and have him make a politically incorrect speech
>Media banding together to try to paint the alt right as this guy
>This forces big figures to separate themselves from the alt right by claiming how liberal they are
>Now dividing and conquering the right wing piece by piece
Well played
You can hate jewish supremacists and white genocide without being a nazi you know.
Most of those new-right people who get called cucks do not support the idea that whites being wiped out demographically is inevitable. Civic nationalism is an unsustainable meme like lolbertarianism because immigration immediately removes the idea from power.
>falling for psyop divide and conquer tactics
Just be who the fuck you want on Sup Forums.
The only thing we all agree on is not to fuck up IRL like Spencer did, no matter how right-wing you are.
you have to go back.
>illness hereditary
>physical traits hereditary
>mental disorder hereditary
>addiction hereditary
>"behavior absolutely not hereditary"
Just fuck my shit up.
PsyOp thread, please ignore
I like how you faggots keep moving these youtube celebs to a new "right" every time your previous group is discredited.
Pretty pathetic when your entire group's credibility relies on if some youtuber says something that vaguely lines up with your ideals.
None of this matters:
>Nat Soc
Totally discredited, will never rise again to mainstream prominence.
On it's way to being discredited because people think it's a front for racism and see above.
>New Right
Will be discredited as soon as MSM find some guy willing to claim to be New Right while spouting racist slogans.
It's a fight we can't win while the MSM is entirely liberal. Whatever box you tick, to them it says racist.
legit kill yourself
a nazi is a nazi no matter what.
Is there such a term for nationalism between ethnonational and civil nationalism? A nationalism that protects the founding stock of the nation, gives preference to ethnicities genetically and culturally close to the founding stock, and allows a limited amount of educated and skilled immigrants, enough to satisfy economic demand but not enough to threaten the racial / ethnic proportions, who may not be genetically similar to the founding stock but who are culturally compatible?
Gorilla Merchant is a big guy
I stated that behavior can be hereditary, just not enough to justify dividing millions of people from a country they've lived in for their entire lives. Black people in rich areas generally don't act like ones from, say, Detroit or Chicago
nu-rights bring up good points, but on the whole their worldview is fucking faggotry and is complete shit
Is it a step in the right direction? Yeah maybe, but it won't save shit and won't make Western Civilization better. It'll just slow the decline.
Fuck off, this is all division-based bullshit meant to make us turn on our brothers. When the person seig heiling at a Trump rally is fucking Jewish, you know there are some major (((coincidences))) going on.
all two of ya gay mates then?
>dude flood my country with spics and niggers
>but it's okay it's only the based ones
Fuck off JIDF
What movement? You don't even know what you want. You scream "gas the kikes" and then scream "nobody wants to gas the kikes" when you get called out on it.
(((divide and conquer)))
New right doesn't exist and neither does the alt-right, if you think otherwise i will politely escort you to reddit.
If we need to grow up then why do you throw around the word "faggot" everywhere? Why do you whine about how "women only fuck chads"?
Based /civic/ IN.DA/.HOUSE
Can I get a HELL YEAH for my fellow based /civics/?
By who the msm? Like they tried to do with Trump, the msm will try and anyone on the right as literally hitler. The funny thing is that Sup Forums suddenly care, and belive, the media narrative.
took OP the better part of an entire half minute in ms paint
And the Jewish Psyop comes full circle.
Although I was wrong that they'd call themselves the alt alt-right.
>New Right
>Armoured Skeptic
Shut the fuck up please, the only thing worse than that would be calling The Amazing Atheist, AKA Banana Boy, "Intelligent"
Potassium is good for your brain though.
The Jews divided us, good job goys.
His head is so far up his ass you could make that argument
>banana is so far up his ass
Yeah, I didn't explain myself very well. I meant in terms of building any large, effective right-wing or Nationalist movement. In order to achieve anything you need numbers, unfortunately.
Left :^)
We're unconquerable, otherwise we'd have lost the election.
The national policy institute.
> Our movement is anti-racist
> anti-racist
no, no it is not. It is just neutral and focused on the roots of the problem and the media/education industry.
"anti-racist" is just a buzzword for tools.
Who gives a fuck if Richard Spencer has his "white nation" / community. Would it succeed and be functional, who knows. It doesn't mean anything. Like Japan being Japan, it's not a bad thing. It's a nothing thing. There are other problems to deal with.
Stop using that as a copout and engage in rational fucking discussion for once
He's right though, seeing as how the 'alt right' isn't and has never been the mainstream movement of Sup Forums.
Only people associated with it are Spencer's boys and I'd guess they hang out on Stormfront.
The problem is that in order to alt-right to gain any sort of widespread acceptance it needed to be able to have plausible deniability about the racist elements of it, it needed to denounce nazis as an extremist fringe element.
Now that Richard Niggerlover Spencer came out and said a bunch of Nazi shit while claiming to be the leader of the alt right, the alt right needs to rebrand or the movement is dead in the water.
There is a real alt right.
Also it is a spectrum.
>let's bring sub-Saharan Africa's best and brightest
>the 75-85 IQ demographic
National Socialism wasn't about race. Fuck off revisionist.
Why is every youtube faggot pictured connected to gamergate?
Have you realized that you're just a different flavor of SJW?
I watched Spencer's latest speech and I thought it was pretty reasonable, with some genuinely good points. He didn't come across as a lunatic Nazi.
Surely race was a pretty big aspect of it though?
Please don't put us in the same group as that faggot and those retards who spew the first thing off the top of their heads and post it to YouTube.
Fuck of you gamergoy faggot.
Trump was called hitler, a rapist, the harbinger of ww3, and a russian agent, PR doesn't fucking matter.
Go back to r_thedonald you fucking cuck.
Not at all, the eugenics program was modeled off the American one.
Trump was playing the media. Spencer just made a mistake.
lol, yes we know Jews are antiwhite. Sup Forums is not yours though.
>British Union of Fascists icon
nice bait
Yeah sure buddy, I bet you voted ron paul and are asshurt libertarians got BTFO off of Sup Forums
Remember when the GG shitstorm drove all the moralfags off to cripplechan? Turns out it didn't work.
Keep me posted, Reddit.
>our problems come more from culture than race.
it's both tbqh
>I bet you voted ron paul
In response to a fellow maple nigger. Hmm.
But there was plenty of rhetoric about the supremacy of the Germanic peoples and the inferiority of others. Are you saying that that was all for the benefit of the masses, to gain support, but wasn't important to the leaders?
fuck off plebbit
Of course it was important, but National Socialism doesn't require eugenics to be implemented, same way that Capitalism doesn't.
>civic nationalism
worst meme ever
The ones who support it are the ones who make money off of their schtick, selling e-books and making YouTube videos about SJWs for 15 year olds. Easy money.