Huh realy makes you think, palestine magically disappeared

huh realy makes you think, palestine magically disappeared

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It's time to ethnically cleanse the rest of Palestine.

If they werent ran by hamas I'd feel bad for them

Take a good look at this picture lads its the perfect example of how parasitic Jews are and why we can never trust them

Israel created and propped up Hama's to prevent peace look it up


zionists use same terms as nazis


"Palestine" only started to exist in 1967.
Before then it was controlled by British then Jordan/Egypt.

Bumping for important thread.

Take a hike you hook nosed kike.


>Coins from the British empire
>Can't find one without jew characters on it

In a perfect world, your flag wouldn't exist

>Le Palestine never existed

Fuck off Kike

israel shouldn't exist, but the arabs did pretty much all declare war on the kikes and got btfo and had their land taken fairly by conquest. their expansion was justified. israel still needs to go though


it didnt they started whining they were a country in like the 50s or 60s

I mean you have to hand it to them, they figured out how to game international news. If you outright attacked the enemy all kinds of powerful foreign powers would get involved. But if you just slowly push them into the sea over 50 years, you get a few outraged articles every year. Keep everything you do just bellow the threshold of foreign involvement, no one is going to impose sanctions because you bulldozed a block of buildings.

Nuke all of it and the world would be so much better off.

Those filthy savages were there first so I think Jews should pretty much fuck off.

Found the Abdullahs.


Give me ONE reason why Israel should not control the entire middle east.

By basically every metric jews live better, are richer, more democratic, more free, and etc etc than every country in the middle east.

I love how the palestinians are now all crying about rejecting the original partition plan.

hahahaha suck jewish cock, you arab faggots

Found them for you. You're welcome.

Sisi is that you?

It should all be reclaimed as the holy kingdom of Jerusalem.

>I've never seen a hebrew letter in my life #freepalestine #occupytelaviv

They'll just take over Europe next?


You guys are bluepilled as fuck. Not all palestinians hate israelis and not all israelis hate palestinians.
For example, the fires that israel's going through lately, palestinians sent firemen to help us with the fires. But.. Keep listening to CNN :^).

>Kill off a few juice

>Erase Palestine

i only support palestine to piss off jews. privately i hate all sand niggers but if there is a jew in the room they are too easily triggered by the simply statement 'palestine is a state'

>Not all palestinians hate israelis and not all israelis hate palestinians.
nobody made that redicilous claim you fucktard

the english never owned or had control of palestine. they had no right to give it to the jews


Yeah, maybe that's because they tried to kill all of them repeatedly.

Somehow I doubt you're actually Egyptian.

all those peaceful settlers

They owned it from 1917 to 1948

The two-state plan was retarded from the start.

Let me rephrase. Replace "Not all" with "Not most"

the plan to create an jewish state was retarded from the start becouse you cant create a state without violence in a already civilized area

>middle east
Even Africa is more civilised, Ahmed. You have to go back.


Go home, Ahmed

The middle east was BARELY civilized even when it was under the control of the most oppressive regime ever under the ottomans and you think palestine was fine?

geh zurück nach israel du täuscht hier niemanden

So why dont you tear down that wall around your little ethnically pure village and let the Palestinians have their sovereignty back?

I support both Afrikaners and Israelis desu. Very similar in terms of turning a wasteland into a prosperous one.

One invasive parasitic culture met another invasive parasitic culture. Whenever one side of this conflict starts sheding crocodile tears I facepalm.

muslims are a cancer, netanyahu supports trump, israel supports trump. Gaza and palestine support sjws and blacklives matter. How can Sup Forums be pro palestine. Every blm protest or college leftist group has palestinians with that stupid flag

At least with Jews you get some technological research and advancements.

Forget those other guys; I still like you, Israeli-user-kun

But everyone hates you so stfu

The palestenian faggots were weak and got purged.


> israel supports trump
yea now guess why, pic related is same for USA. They want influence in your politics to justify the purge of palestine

>ITT butthurt mudslimes

jews can handle money you now, they dont invented anything they just buying the shit from us and the USA

I bet you don't even know what your submarines are causing in our country right now do you?

if we dont sell you the submarines we are the evil nazis so we have no choice

Why should I care about people who support ISIS and rhw destruction of the west. Fuck muslims and fuck palestine. My college leftist alliance is 50 percent palewtinians and 50 percent nu male jewish communists. Wierdest combination ever, but fuck em both

Are you serious? You are using some of our technologys on your daily basis. Disk on key for example? Alot of the weapons we use, WE invented. Get your facts straight.

sjws are hilarious

> support islam
> islam executes gays and doesn't give a fuck about women's rights

> support tibet
> tibet is strictly anti-immigration, as china uses the same tactics against them as muslims currently do in europe

Only muslims and antifa cares for palestinian arabs, Mohamet

It's literally a bigger R&D center than Silicon Valley you retarded kraut

>in less than a week

ahhh good times good times

What happened before each of those dates?? HMM???


Paleshitians BTFO.

Hope Lebanon and Syria are next.

Parasite in America.
Cancer in Israel.

Only because they offered massive tax deals to the companies moving there, the Jews themselves have no special ability that makes Intel - as an example - better off by being there.

>still doesn't disprove my point.

Never said germany never invented stuff. I love germany, gonna visit soon, need to control your media a bit.

So this country was rightfull jewish clay under the Ottoman empire? Yeah right

Why is Israel always a block when everyone else is a ball?

because we square up nigga


Wrong, theyre attempting to destroy Israel by chopping it in half just like Isaiah prophecized

What's a Palestine? Is that like Equestria?

The only country that can do such a thing is North Korea, everyone else is owned by kikes

Thanks Anons, I only just noticed that but was wondering why.

So what? Lower taxes improving private enterprise is very obvious and isn't some big cheaty advantage.


They are muslims so I don't care

looks like the kike virus slowly eroding and destroying western civilization and values. There's only a shred left

Palestine didn't exist until it was invented by Israel. Israel was established on English land, taken from the Turks after WW1, who took that land from Egypt centuries earlier. Palestine was never a state, certainly not in 1946

Jewish imperialism has been going on for over 70 overs now, the Jew promotes islamophobia so you hate Muslims and don't defend them against the Jew, muslims want to get along but how can they when the west blindly hates Muslims thanks to Jew media brainwashing?

I hate the mudslimes due to their constant mass murder

>Israel created and propped up Hama's to prevent peace look it up




> I love germany, gonna visit soon
wanna visit buchenwald?

Is the white area the fire?

>replaced a cancerous tumor with another cancerous tumor
good job

>Israel was established on English land, taken from the Turks after WW1

No, the Arabs conquered it from the Turks.

Their English "allies" back-stabbed them and took it for themselves.

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Oy vey

Fuck the arabs. Brits did nothing wrong.

firepower wins

The Israelis won. Why is this so hard to accept?

The borders in the middle east we see today are invented by the winning side of ww1. Take irak for example, Kurds in the north, Sunnis in the middle, shias in the south, and now you are all Irakis

These people were used to being able to travell freely within the ottoman empire, then just licke that there were borders and an invented nationallity they should identify with

This will work really well AMIRIGHT?

And they were used to identifying with their religion
(because thats what ottoman system was based on) rather than their culture

Point is the English had no right to take it from the Arabs.

Had the Arabs known they were backstabbers then they would have sided with Germany and Turkey against England.

It was a free travel and homogeneous zone in the same way the USSR was.

If you didn't conform, you would get slaughtered immediately.

>Ottoman empire
> homogeneous zone

yeah right, because kurds and turks are soo alike jews and arabs are so alike, and you are saying that they got away without a revolution for 500 years because they ruled with an iron fist? PLS. Nationalistic ideas started spreading through the ottoman empire because of Russians and British wanting a foothold in the middle east and control of the straits
Inform yourself

daily reminder that israel will blame palestine for the fire to finaly purge them and steal their clay