Jeb here! I found this gigantic anus on a stick while I was on my almost-Sunday Funday...

Jeb here! I found this gigantic anus on a stick while I was on my almost-Sunday Funday, and wanted to share it with you guys on Sup Forums!


Other urls found in this thread:,-83.743704,3a,28.7y,83.34h,94.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sq2OegV7eIqaMSNeKIKzcqg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

are there tours where you can go on the top of that? if so kick a child off while yelling "This is voting!"

Also I found a mildly more, but similarly unattractive wife for one my my Jeblets (me and Rosarita call our little ones that, haha)! What do you think?

Jeb is too pure for this world ;_;

The BIG BUTT IN THE SKY! I live nearby. What an idiotic water tower.

I live like 12 miles from this thing.

What do you have in your pockets right now, Jeb?

Why do you always go for ugly small beaners?

I got the baby Jesus. I got my rosary beads, and I got some turtles!

I love you Jeb, you are a true inspiration of 21st century millennial kids. Keep up the good persona, all those gangbangers from Mexico don't like you as much as we do, but they sure pretend to like you more.

When will you take your throne Jeb!? I am serious about the mantra of Slow and Steady but I am beginning to falter in my faith.

>anus on a stick
Cornhole on a pole

¡Jeb 2020!

confirmed Jeb! 2016

I like turtles.

God bless your soul Jeb. Bless your precious little heart.

Anyone else reminded of House of Cards?

>Jeblets (me and Rosarita call our little ones that, haha)!

Aww, Jeb, how did you became so high-energy lately. Did Donald let you siphon some energy of DoE grid?

Upstate SC represent



It's a water tower so I doubt the city would consider it. There was a similar paint job for the water tower in Peach County (GA) but it got repainted several years back.

i thought that was just a fucking meme from house of cards

Giant peach shaped water tower in Georgia.


Worlds biggest ass next to worlds biggest fruit.

It's in South Carolina you prat! The name is on the tower; city AND state.

Looks like natural gas.

Here's the location for that former one. That equipment store next to the interstate has a redpilled owner that triggers libshits with his sign board.,-83.743704,3a,28.7y,83.34h,94.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sq2OegV7eIqaMSNeKIKzcqg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Jeb, can I have a chunk of your gorilla daddy donkey kong dong nigga?

This is the infamous Butt on a Stick.

It is reported that Jeb spent the entire $50 million national Arts budget on this thing.

Water tower, you dumb nigger.

if only it was jews on a stick

How did your meeting with Moonman go?

hey Jeb, what's your favorite restaurant, and why is it Applebees?

What's your favorite Applebee's two-slider-sider?



That pic looks like the setup they had in the movie Cannibal Holocaust, where the director had to explain how it was done because it was so realistic and they thought he actually murdered someone

Turns out the girl is sitting on a bicycle seat on the post, and is holding a short pointed stick with her mouth

Isn't this or something similar on house of cards?

Anyone else feel a bit bad for Jeb? He's a socially awkward autist like me and just wanted to make his normlord family happy....sigh...

That is the actual scene from Cannibal Holocaust.