Right wing meme thread

Right wing meme thread

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oy vey





Check em



"Whites" in this sense includes anyone not black.




I always wondered why some sheboon was racing Lenin in that cartoon.





Trotskyite neocons BTFO!


she should also be riding on the back of a white male



It's a satirical image. It means that 80% of blacks are dumber than the average white.




That looks pretty oppressive desu m8

but he was shot in the head?

Stage 6 realizing that his cabinet is full of Jews and billionaires and he's not going to change a damn thing

Oh well, at least niggers are inferior again





All the libtards are still at stage 2 unfortunately.

Thankfully trump already promised to write off my art history degree with your tax money. Hahahahahahaha




so wait... only 20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites, therefore, on average, Whites are smarter?





Better get some lovin from Barry.





jeb voter here
stage 1 is accurate
never had stage 2
stage 3 was next
no stage 4 or 5 either
the final stage was hopefully he doesn't fuck everything up but i still think jeb would have been better, i'll be happy if mitt is secretary of state


JFK was shot more than once I believe, once in the back or shoulder or something and then in the head. Correct me if im wrong

>wuhshoo meen i ainna laydee nugguh





this makes me so fucking mad
>why don't you have kids user?
>can't find a fucking job to support myself
>add another person to my table?






Please clap



pic related- leftist tactics of civil discourse





The 80th percentile of blacks are only as smart as the 50th percentile of whites; i.e. the smartest 20% of black people are still only better than 50% of the white population.






based fuchur

can someone post donald shops.

Like the ones where he is in a generals suit or in the oval office. Pictures that looks like they are from the near future.




Dindu nuffin

Should add an AR15 on a sling to the happy dad to make it clear the faggot has no option but to an hero

See how we care? None of us do.

Hahaha that is awesome


Yeb lost millions $$


>the top, most intelligent, 20% of black people are smarter than half of white people.
>80% of black people are dumber than half of white people

tell me he didn't say that shit


"are italians white?"

millions invested in what should have been an obviously stupid investment.

seems like the rebels' rally when the civil war starts.