WTF I love Brexit now


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>let's just keep retrying the vote until we get the results we want

Brexit will never happen. Either politicians will stall it forever or they'll enact laws to make Britain functionally a member. Either way nothing people care about like immigration or economics will change. The ride never ends.

all their fear bullshit proved wrong so it would just be embarrassing a second time.

And that is a good thing. People are sheep. Better let (((them))) rule, they know what is good for the (((elites))).

>tyranny of majority
A.K.A. Fucking democracy.

>all their fear bullshit proved wrong so it would just be embarrassing a second time.

You know nuffin, Jon Burger.

The EU has done it before and will do it again. You condition the population so that 60% actually believe they want to remain in the EU. It is called psychological warfare and was developed by the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s and has been used since then in America and Europe in every single important political decision.


Even if they somehow got a second referendum and it somehow got the result they wanted there would be civil war.

Who's that blurry, murdering, treacherous cunt in the background?

>A.K.A. Fucking democracy

No, just two party system

2017 will be the year of the flipflops

>A.K.A. Fucking democracy.

Nah, it is only democracy if it goes the way the left wants it to

Just proves how far gone the western world is. I predict in the future whites of all the west will leave to a new white country under persecution due to being a hated minority in their home lands.

I'm disappointed every time an artist I like decides to be overtly political

Paddy we aint gonna do shit. Apathy is so widespread and deep set within us that the majority of people just dont care enough to do ANYTHING.

Well this is the fatal flaw of democracy. It is essentially mob rule and in cases like Brexit and the American election, you still have almost half the population being pissed off with the result (as fair as it is).

>John Major
>still thinks his opinion is credible
>unironically sharing a platform with Britain's most hated living politician
How come he loves referendums so much now when he didn't think twice before railroading Maastricht on the British public against their and Parliament's will?

>and it somehow got the result they wanted there would be civil war.
Sure... just like America will have a civil war after Hillary is sworn in because of her election lawsuits to challenge the outcome in 3 states.

Come on, people are far too lazy, far too obese and far too idiotic to really rise up.

>Who's that blurry, murdering, treacherous cunt in the background?
Ed Milliband.

>tyranny of the majority
What is happening over there?

Oh stop it, our Ed wouldn't murder a fly!

an oldie but a goldie

Maastricht is the single best thing that happened to Germany... sorry, Europe in the last 25 years.

>tyranny of the majority
>Hillary has popular vote

Uh, guys?

Please let this be true.

He wouldn't be talking about tyranny of the majority if the vote had gone the way he wanted it to.

Wouldn't a second referendum still by "tyranny of the majority?" Isn't that entirely what a referendum is?

Trying to rerun the exact same referendum again will just look like a stitch up and further discredit the EU's existence.

We're not Germany, Mohammed.

I remember this. It makes me rage and laugh simultaneously now

My internal organs hurt..

>he hasn't heard how tough Ed Miliband is

>Says Brexit is unfair b/c of "tyranny of the majority".
> wants another Brexit referendum to overturn it.
EU logic.

>Wouldn't a second referendum still by "tyranny of the majority?" Isn't that entirely what a referendum is?
I think the idea is that if the 2nd ref goes pro EU, then nothing changes and NOONE IS OFFENDED.


No guns have been fired in 1965 when the ((politicians)) made immigration to america FFA.

>and further discredit the EU's existence.
You do understand the EU has done the 2nd ref trick over decades in several different countries, right?


Nigel Farage has the US president's ear - they appear to be best buds now.

After his meeting with Trump he was grinning like a Cheshire cat. They almost certainly discussed their plan to bullycide the EU, cryptic accounts suggest they talked about how they would bring 'freedom' to their respective nations.

they want whites dead, like extinct. not out of minds site

they want everything destroyed, churches, art, culture GONE

wherever you go they'll hunt you down

>>let's just keep retrying the vote until we get the results we want

>3 years from now
>"triple reverse absentee double-blind ballot chicken race being held to decide which judges will oversee the 58th Brexit referendum"
>"also we're still not sure if Trump won or not"

they accepted the tyranny of the 51% majority for entering the EU

>we feel compelled to say our support is with Hillary Clinton today. To those who share a similar world view to us but are choosing to stay home or vote for a 3rd party as a protest because you think there is no difference between Clinton and Trump, we know how you feel to some extent. The 2000 election was the first election all four of us could vote, and we had a 3rd party candidate in Ralph Nader saying there was no difference between the two major party candidates. Some of us were taken in by that argument, voted for him, and then watched as Gore lost Florida by a smaller margin than the votes Nader received.

>d-don't vote for Johnson, my girl Hillary needs those votes

It's the case in every single election.

Yes. And doing it on an exit referendum will not only split the Tories and turn UKIP into a significant political force, but it will also make their mandate to apply laws to the UK paper thin.

>Nigel Farage has the US president's ear - they appear to be best buds now.
It's more like the US president has him grabbed by his boipussy

John Major sharing a platform with the man who called him a weak and spineless leader, Major proving he is an eternal cuck.

>Bragging about having "Democracy"
>Daily Electoral College bashing
>Popular vote isn't a legitimate vote for Brexit



If mob rule is so troublesome then ensure your citizens enjoy a sound education and can make responsible decisions

>Oops we took your tax money and starved you of a proper foundation of knowledge so you could be easily controlled retards
>Oops we don't respect the epistemic democracy that affords you all equal input in governance

They deserve this and I hope Brexit doesnt get derailed but I suspect it will be and what you end up with will be a removal from the EU in spirit only while your economic and immigration policies remain essentially the same

>their mandate to apply laws
Sorry, but it is UK law which says EU law applies in the UK directly. There is no mandate, there is just the 1972 European Communities Act which allows EU law to be applied in the UK.

>but it will also make their mandate to apply laws to the UK paper thin.
And what effect do you really think that would have? It wouldn't change anything.

Guess they really are European after all.

We didn't have as informed a populace. Don't worry, by next year your opinions will have changed since the US still dictates the German propaganda machine and we're about to have a nationalist government.

The election in the US protects the people from mob rule by having the election determined by the States as an entity and not the popular vote. Otherwise the US would always be ruled by Democrats because of California and New York.

>while your economic and immigration policies remain essentially the same
It's going to be free movement.

The funniest outcome would be Ireland not having the Schengen thing but the UK getting it.

Donald Trump is the president. Nothing can change that now.

>And what effect do you really think that would have?

For a start, it would irreversibly split the governing Tory party and a good portion of the Leave voters would turn into militant UKIP supporters.

He likes little boys as much as max clifford who he sent down.

If my Doc told me I only had a few month remaining to live, I would take some of these fucking traitors out. As it is, I just email them with reminders about what happened... MP's voted 6 to 1 for a referrendum to let THE BRITISH PEOPLE DECIDE! WE FUCKING DECIDED TO LEAVE ON JUNE 23 2016.

>Donald Trump is the president. Nothing can change that now.
Hilldog can challenge the vote and can be made president.

>it would irreversibly split the governing Tory party
You tease. I'd love it to happen but it probably won't.

She dropped out. She is no longer in the race and can't reenter the race. It's over.

>"The majority of Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump should not be president."
>"Uhh, see, Brexit was tyranny of the majority"

leftists will say and do anything to destroy western civilization

The referendum merely gave direction, though not giving clear signals is part of what fucks up the economy.

Cameron only ran the original referendum to get rid of UKIP and to stop the fragmentation of his party. After a second yielding a Remain vote, both those things would be an order of magnitude worse.


Yeah, in a non-binding referendum. Brexiters are such sticklers for rules, yet they always conveniently leave out that part.

I think you're just trying wind people up? Nobody could be so dumb not to realise what a difference it would make if the UK left the EU.

Is there any way for the first lady to become president?

the Blood God draws near

>A.K.A. Fucking democracy.
>Nah, it is only democracy if it goes the way the left wants it to

But "m-muh democracy!" MUST be ignored when we find out that Hillary got two MILLION more votes than Trump.

In this case, the will of the majority be damned, right?

the elites have a taste for power
they are not going to give it up easily
hope you guys are ready

no. she literally can't. it's literally over, Trump is literally going to be president, and there is nothing that can stop this. accept your defeat with some grace, you spineless bitch cuck.

Did the ref say WHEN you leave?
Did the ref say WHAT TYPE of Brexit it will be?
Did the ref say there cannot be a SECOND REF?

>the elites have a taste for power

Exhibit A: Trump's transition team.

>somehow got the result they wanted there would be civil war.
you people say this shit about every fucking thing







>Cameron only ran the original referendum to get rid of UKIP and to stop the fragmentation of his party
There's always always been fragmentation of the Tories, it's even how Thatcher managed to p much sneak into the top spot because of their insane historical infighting. The biggest splits have been the formation of new parties like UKIP and even Labour. A big split might happen if a New Labouresque neo-liberal party forms from the Corbyn shenanigans, but that's May's lot in the tories anyway.

>John Traitor

Are you stupid? The UK and the US have different forms of government and referendums are a different type of vote than elections.

Cameron stated clearly in the UK Parliament that if it was a vote to leave we would leave. Such an important referrendum in the UK's history would never have been intended to be a throw away to ignore. What the fuck are you doing here anyway? If you are a Remainer, you are supporting globalist objectives and for that you are fucking traitor.

You can argue semantics all you want, but at the end of it all, the electorate voted to instruct the government to leave your latest attempt to fuck up Europe.

I'm sorry but northern working class proletariat shouldn't drag us out of one of the most prosperous economic unions. I respect that people are patriotic but fucking our economy in the arse and spreading that arse wider to accomodate for Pakis isn't the answer

I would ask for a second referendum but it would be asking the same poor people who voted in the first one, so I'd call on a decent group of MPs to get us back in against the will of the people

"Tyranny of majority"

lol leftards recognize that democracy is retarded, but only when they don't get what they want.

The idea that these kikes will be dealt with on a voting basis and with no violence is such a joke.

Kinda makes me angry that so many people think Brexit/Trump/Voting is a viable tactic against kikes......maybe before they gain control, not after.

Dealing with Jews via vote is a pipe dream

John Titor you say?

>the eu is globalism

What the E.U. is is a protectionist scheme designed to protect the European market. What Brexit will do is open up our trade to obscure African shitholes, which is exactly why radical free traders such as the far right voted for it.

>Yeah, in a non-binding referendum. Brexiters are such sticklers for rules, yet they always conveniently leave out that part.

This is truly funny. The Swiss had a BINDING referendum 2 years ago about cutting migration from the EU, which was supposed to kick them out of the single market,... and they still are in the single market. Because the Swiss just ignored the binding referendum.

Funny, isn't it?

You not only went wrong in trusting a politician, you trusted the politician that fucked a pig.

There is no functional difference, it's only a nominal one. A general election IS a referendum.
>Cameron stated clearly
And Trump said he'd drain the swamp. Politicians speak out of their asses all the time, and just because Cameron said something doesn't mean the non-binding referendum was any less non-binding.

Now you know how we felt when Thatcher fucked up our industries here and Labour put the final nail in the coffin for them.

This, Brexit is liberal trade like we have not seen before. The whole trade arguments for it were "we can get this cheap shit EVEN CHEAPER".

Like 5% of Hillaries votes are from illegal aliens. So yeah fuck her.

>Funny, isn't it?

If it truly was a binding referendum, then no, it's not funny, it's sad.

Point taken. What a fucking freak! May Labour rest in piss.

>you shat on my house so i'm going to shit on both of our houses

An economic downturn will affect the filthy masses just as much as it will everyone else

How does that even work? Surely that would be ballot stuffing too.

Everyone in DC would need to die before the first lady is considered as president. There is a chain of succession and the first lady is not on that list.

>Like 5% of Hillaries votes are from illegal aliens. So yeah fuck her.

If you subtract those 5% (nice figure you pulled out of your ass, by the way) that still leaves her with a lead of 1.9 mio votes.

The filthy masses are more used to it.

The Government stated very clearly before the referendum that it would carry out the results of the referendum. This is no different to any other verbal contract in common law.