Hard Mode: Don't mention your dumb religion, you gullible fucks.
Why are you against homosexuality?
>Less whites in the breeding pool.
>Anus is an exit, not an entrance.
>Gay people are fags. It's a culture, not just a way of fucking.
>Pedophilia, suicide, aids.
I'm gay.
>self destructive behavior
>they care only about sex
>they don't keep their sexuality to themselves
Because Sup Forums is full of narrow-minded idiots. Nothing to really debate here.
I'm scared they would rape me
can you guys leave
stop violating our safespace
>Hard mode
I don't even hate homosexuality but I can come up with plenty non-religious reasons why off the top of my head
You actually lack a basic survival trait by choice, mental instability or genetics.
If you can dribble and shoot but you can't pass then you ain't playing basketball.
it's fucking degenerate, it'll be sad when future generations come thinking that's normal, also aids, cant breed, and more suicides
Theres a reason they are killed in pretty much every culture throughout time.
If you want to fuck guys and get AIDS in the privacy of your own home, be my guest, but turning it into a lifestyle and making it part of your """""identity""""" is fucking stupid and probably just means there's absolutely nothing interesting about you except that you like dicks in your ass.
I think people should just scrap the concept of being "straight" or "gay" and instead just fuck whoever they want to/whoever wants to fuck with them. If not, then just try to find someone else. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
People going full "no homo" are cringy, people who go full "gay pride" are cringy. Stop being so defensive of who you want to fuck goddamit.
Because they aren't part of the bisexual master race
Homosexuality doesn't exist
I didn't care until I learned about their parties for giving each other AIDS.
Not against the act itself although I think it's sinful, more against gay couples raising kids. Kids deserve a normal (I don't care if that triggers libfags) nuclear family of a mother and father.
Sadly those who tend to be homosexual tend to be cancerous in whatever they do, especially in things like academia. There are exceptions who try to do the right thing in their own faggy way (milo)
This is why I believe in and oppose the "gay agenda". As a conservative gay man, I'm inclined to believe that the radicalization of gay folk by the left is to secure an easily disposable voter base that repulses all other factions.
Just like an uneducated straight man who only ever talks about pussy and everything he wants to do with it, stereotypical fags are boring, annoying, and shallow. The modern gay "acceptance" movements are really anti-individual regression tactics to create another liberal pet demographic. The good, productive, respectable gays are the ones who's sexuality you have to guess.
It's also a reoccurring gene that is designed to destroy itself, so it'll probably disappear in the next few centuries if we do things right.
I'm fine with homosexuals doing their own thing with other homosexuals and spreading aids to help with overpopulation. The problem comes from bisexuals. They spread aids to us and that sucks
now wail gaysex is absolutely disgusting in my oppinion i have no business with it. let them fuck who ever they want as long as its consensual and they arent trying to fuck me over.
but try making me say stuff about how great and brave the gays are, that i have to accept faggotry like gay pride parades and am not allowed to be annoyed by that.
WTF? there are such things? why?
Because it's a mental illness. Biology says men fuck women not other men.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that people are burn gay. It 100% a choice.
Because gays look like annoying retards.
It's not biology, it's just antisocial behaviour.
They normalize degeneracy.
They destroy the family unit.
>>but try making me say stuff about how great and brave the gays are
has anyone done that though
Isn't the gay / lesbian / heretical population only like 2 or 3%?
Then isn't it a minor issue that doesn't deserve so much attention?
Isn't the gay marriage issue entirely a construction by the left to shift focus away from real issues that affect everybody, like economics?
Isn't it true that legalizing gay marriage will only provide tax breaks meant to ease the burden of child rearing to couples?
Isn't it true that gay couples can not procreate and are statistically more likely to raise children with emotional and social problems?
Isn't it true that even if gay marriage is legalized, it will still be outlawed in most churches?
I mean, what is to stop a gay couple from getting married in the church of gaia or some bullshit and living together? Nothing.
The truth is that the economic impact of legalizing gay marriage is negligible. It's nothing but a liberal smokescreen.
If there were some way to legalize gay marriage without tax breaks I would be all for it just so that everyone would shut up and move on to more important things.
All of this talk about biology and morality is irrelevant.
Why I am against normalizing a fertility-decreasing congenital disease?
fags eat p00
gays play with p00
str8 man p00
I'm not actively against faggots, but I won't lift a finger to support them either. I just don't give a shit.
but I dgaf about homosexuality, less competition
Because back when your Granddad used to fuck men, he still had a family, degenerate or not. He was still making a living for them and the community, look at them now, they don't breed (which is good desu) and they sit around all fucking day and Night fucking eachother (praying for the day they die of aids).
indirectly by making saying anything bad about them a no go its basically trying to make say that how brave and great they are
It's unhealthy, both mentally and physically.
This too.