Should trans people be allowed to participate in women sports?

Should trans people be allowed to participate in women sports?

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of course, you support gender equality don't you

I wish a bitch would
>everything being won by trannies
b-b-b-but muh social construct

All sports should be co-ed, including boxing and MMA.

I have no problem with this.

Real women will bitch and complain about "men" coming in and taking over their sport and will start creating a backlash against transfags. Meanwhile women going into men's sports will never amount to anything so men won't give a fuck.

of course. they are woman after all.

>women's sports

Kek, who cares?
ciswomen BTFO

the only time woman can be equal is when a man puts on a wig and does it for them

>women should be able to play with men
>place ONE tranny in women's league
>continues to rekt them

Yes. Let it all crash down on itself.

This should have been the first and only post ITT

Why are you guys so angry about this? He worked his dick off preparing for the race. Congrats to him.

Yes, becaus they'll fucking wreck and the women and make it ok to talk shit about trannies.

You saw that andy warski video, huh?

This 100% please let this happen. I want to see a woman vs tranny fight.

I fully support this. It's like legal freak shows.

I'd be pissed if I was a woman in that race

it's like when the """"""""16 year old"""""""""""" on the enemy's football team is a fucking 6'4'' 300lb gorilla, and you're expected to compete vs him


Never heard of andy warski

yup, tears will be delicious

>lol yea dude im a girl i swear
>compete in women sports
>blow them the fuck out

no, but if the world accepts transgenderism as a real thing, then the inevitable result will be this, and finally the removal of male/female differential in sports.

and then comes, long overdue, the female revolt. trannies will become shunned by women, realising that letting men be women is not a good thing for the female portion of the population

This has already happened and the real woman got her ass beat

No, it's not fair to women who can't biologically compete with men on a physical level. If I were a woman and participated in sports and spent my life working hard to be good at it, I would be fucking pissed at these mentally ill fuck boys cheating like this.

Ofc, its literally ''current year'' so why wouldn't they?

Transhuman dolphins should also be allowed to compete in swimming and transhuman gorillas should be allowed to compete in UFC. Sports are fucking boring, it needs to be more progressive and fun.

I remember I was watching the Little League World Series a long time ago. The Chula Vista, CA team had some "12 year old" spic that was 6'2" and 220 lbs.

It should be left up to the group or company over seeing each particular event.

No. This is called cheating.

it happened in freestyle jetskiing of all things and it was all brushed under the table because a lot of other guys slept with her. it was a french leaf

Do to separate gender in the special olympics?

USA is going to fucking dominate in the women's circuit of the 2020 summer olympics lol

Not only allowed, but encouraged!

Watching feminists turn on trans people is one of my favorite pastimes.

if there is one thing that shows an ideological horde how stupid their ideas are it is forcing those ideas into practice 10 fold to the point where the ridiculousness cannot be ignored.

I honestly believe if Europeans really wanted to get rid of Islam, they would start fighting for sharia law, women being treated as property, mandatory burkas, honor killings, etc.

The social justice cunts deserve to stare their monstrous creation in the fucking eyes. Let's see how fucking tolerant you are when you are second hand citizens to Mohammad and his gang of rapists that might just choose you tonight.

No. They have the testosterone levels of men, and therefore have an unfair advantage over women. If we let them in, it would defeat the purpose of women's sports in the first place.
But let's do it anyway. I want to see the feminists react to trannies fucking up their sports.

Stop being such a fucking bigot.
>If I were a woman and participated in sports
Now you can be.

Don't you see how great that is?

>new fat neckbeard
>join the army, fail boot camp because of shitty PT scores
>Lol I'm actually a women
>end up in the top 5% of women

From here on out, I am a quadriplegic otherkin genderfluid double nigger on any and all government forms. Who are they to tell me no?

they should be allowed, maybe it will finally make some women join our side

>every women's world record broken

Im waiting for transgender UFC. Make it happen feminists!

that already happened

There should be a separate Olympiad for these freaks.

Everyone would get a trophy.

This has happened (not in UFC, one of the lower-tier leagues) and the tranny destroyed the real women. UFC has already gone on record saying they won't let trannies compete as women.

Apparently this already happened in UFC and when the tray fighter entered the arena, the venue played that Aerosmith song that says "dude looks like a lady"

holy shit

wasn't UFC, and the tranny chose that song

The tranny's opponent got a concussion and a broken eye socket in the fight.

The more trannies destroy women's sports, the quicker the public get sick of enabling mental illness.

So... maybe?

A name?

>Women's weightlifting
>6'4 shirtless bearmode dude, full mustache/beard walks up to the signup booth.
>My name is Zoey Flowers, I'd like to sign up for the competition.
>B-but this is the women's division and...

>Wins every medal.
>Next year, other men follow suit.
>Now there are two men's divisions.


I'm not bothered by transwomen but let's be real here, women are physically inept even at high levels of training and transsexual competitors just fucking destroy them.

Fallon Fox

Its called the special olympics.

This, and I will be there to IRL shitpost and then report them to my university's hate speech division for the lulz

>Are you saying men and women AREN'T equal?
>Are you saying trans individuals aren't women?
>Wow triggered!

Rhonda Rousy had a based interview where they just assumed she'd go full SJW.

After being so dominant against other females, Dana White asked if she'd be interested fighting men. She admitted it wouldn't be fair since men were natural stronger.

Also they asked her about how she feels that male fighters make so much more, like Maywether makes 100 times more to her 1 million. She laughed and said mayweather has 50 fights to her 11.

The special olympics are for disabled people, hard working athletes with disabilities. They are respectable.

I'm talking about transfreaks, "body positive" creatures and other abominations.

>implying you wouldnt

Yup, transes will always beat the crap out of real women. And you know what is really fun? It applies to cybersports as well. The ONLY "female" SC2 player who ever won a male opponent is trans
Btw (((free encyclopedia))) is now hiding this fact

Women deserve those freaks.

Makes sense, dont all the female fighters train against men?

>yfw this can actually happens

fuck, "Caitlyn" needs a fucking voice coach.


Trans people should not be allowed to participate in living.

Looks too much like Carl the Cuck to me

God fucking bless

There are only three non-household-related activities women should do: dance, ballerina and gymnastics.

Of course, I say that, but I live in a country where our women's soccer team is more successful than the men's.

A basic rule of fighting has always been that you will always be at a disadvantage if your opponent is bigger than you, hence why fighting is divided by gender and weight class. I'm more than confident the women in UFC know this very well, since they train alongside or are trained by men.

Top fucking lel

>make one league all co-ed
>only the best athletes will compete, no gender quotas

Yeah the top ones obv so. If they can spar against an average dude then they can annihilate any woman.

What was the name of that one MtF boxer that brags about trying to kill women on twitter?

Tbh most women won't even care
99% of women have no competitive nature, they just do sports to have fun and to prove "girls can do it too!!!!!"
Most of them will be totally content with competing for second place. Even the girl who came in dead last will be convinced she actually accomplished something. Women have no drive to be great.

Let them drown in the shit they created.
Feminists and the vast majority of women in general are in favour of abominations like faggottry.
Now that the shit is backfiring and they are starting to cry like the little bitches they are I surely have no compassion for them.

Has meme magic gone too far?

>mfw my FtM tranny friend is really good at video games.
I guess they can still do that without getting rekt.
>Muh ESports

>all of women's sports records will be held by trannies

it's 2016!

Yeah, men in their 135lb weight class.

female hormones and testosterone blockers are a huge handicap. they still have better structure, but everything about their body is weakened when they're on 'mones

Is there any rule that says they have to be on blockers to compete?


There was for the Olympics, but it was recently struck down. The Rio Olympics featured several intersex athletes with elevated testosterone levels, not on blockers.


The problem with leftist and feminist is they never see how their actions affect people.

This will hurt them directly and show them what they are doing wrong and how it harms them. Leftist are like children and children learn best from making mistakes. Let them make the mistake.

I mean what do I care, I do t watch women's sports outside rhythmic gymnastics during the Olympics

They can organize their own games.

Males have better space awareness and (I think) relexes and hand-eye coordination so it's no surprise.

Who cares. No one watches women's sports anyway.

Well of course, user.


Same shit with fighting games, there's only two notable women in the scene and they're both trans.

I'm pretty sure the top female competitors will be upset that a man in a wig is beating them.

>become a tranny
>absolute dominate every possible female field
>mfw SJWs are forced to admit gender is more than what you identify and they are different both physically and mentally

in 12 years time the majority of "female" medal winners at the Olympics will not have been born female

They still have all the same musculature.

It's such crap.

>big broad shoulders and built like a tank
>mfw people in my weight class

It's a fucking pain fighting people taller than you, I cannot imagine having to fight people taller and stronger than you.

trans women take drugs that block testosterone you idiot

by month six muscle mass will be on the level of cis women

They should but only as a mean to rub it in feminist's face that women and men are not equal despite how much they would like it.

This would be the perfect poetic justice to all of the SJW madness.

There is a reason why there is a male and female sections. The male riders out preform the women by so much it's not even funny. Women can't into hardcore endurance training

Sorry, no. Most sports are relying on competition based on your genetic structure, which doesn't change in the least if you have gender reassignment surgery.

This means MtF types have an inherently unfair advantage, and as more transgenders compete, this will become obvious.

Given the fact that in endurance sports like cyclism pretty much everyone uses substances of doubt nature I would not be so inclined to think that those freaks are castrating themselves to the level of natural born women.