Thank you for voting Republican, peasants

President Obama spent his Thanksgiving handing out food to homeless people and veterans, instead of having a lavish final Thanksgiving dinner at the White House.

President-Elect Drumpf spent his Thanksgiving guarded by 150 Secret Service agents, with 6 entrees and 8 dessert options that ranged from caviar-stuffed filet mignon to four seasoned mahi mahi

Thanks you voting him into the White House (soon to be Castle), peasants.

I wanna ____ that ____

>ruling from a castle

holy shit America might soon have actual history

Where was Obama during the Louisiana flood? Oh yeah, golfing. What was Trump doing? Driving in trucks full of goods he paid for out of his own pocket.


Literally not an argument. Obama was already away from the White House when the floods hit, Trump was a state away and has tons of money.

Yeah, Obama could run a charity, but you can't run a county like a charity.

And obamas a chump. You know that nigga just stuck around for a photo op then bounced. Fuck outa here.

>Where was Obama during the Hurricane in Florida?
OH YEAH! He was CALPAIGNING for Hillary Clinton
>Where was Trump?
He pulled up INSTANTLY with Truck loads of supplies and payed workers hired to help out

>(Was then given negative media coverage - accused of "attention seeking" and "getting in the way of actual workers")


A real king needs a castle!

Hang on there, lad! Are you trying to imply that the president of the United States of America doesn't hold the ability to take note of possible future events that could harm the people of this nation? Surely you're not trying to say that Obama couldn't have known that there wasn't a chance of there being floods within Louisiana prior too?

Oh yeah, where was he after the floods occurred too? I sure do wonder why it takes some one like the president so long to stop enjoying his luxuries to personally attend the well being of his citizens.

Posting superior froggo

>encouraging stinky bums and meathead welfare queens

That's what tyrants like Idi Amin and Pol Pot said.

Still not an argument, because any assistance would have been blocked by Retardicans in Congress

Were they cooked turkeys ready to eat?

>homeless dont have ovens

>its the same post
I told you once already
tsuyu isnt for shilling

Obama is a homosexual muslim who smokes crack cocaine in the Bigger House with his tranny wife Michael

Yes, they were cooked and seasoned, with the President helping out along the way

Obama cooked turkeys for the homeless

Drumpf forced his chefs to cook him filet mignon, cous cous salad and chocolate cake for him

>implying obama couldn't have still shown up in person, personally funded for aid, or even used ANOTHER executive action to help

more importantly


wew, are you new or just here to shitpost?

Well, it´s not the presidents job to give handouts, his job is creating an environment where handouts aren´t necessary.
And because of libshits and ghetto thugs Trump will never be able to move as free as a Obama does! Hell I would even say give him more security just to be on the safe side.

You are still giving me anti-arguments. Obama barely has a salary compared to a billionaire

Congress, under idiots like Rand Paul, would cry "boo hoo big government they took our jerbs!!!!", and block aid

>Misusing Froppy-chan's image just to get guaranteed replies on your shitty shill thread.
Literally kys, you heretic faggot!

You mean Obama is handing out free stuff that will do nothing except a full belly for a night, while Trump is employing people and is letting them earn their money.

Sure wish some broke, undisciplined, irresponsible guy on welfare was president. He'd make smart decisions nuggah

>implying trump hasn't donated to feed hungry children

Obama finally acts like he cares about America for once. Probably a farce though

squash this frog

lol, nice asshurt. I'm glad that your lying criminal nigger of a president was able to take a day off from golfing and ordering the murder of more of my people in Syria to go virtue signalling about town.

And by the way, you're welcome. I look forward to my gun rights, reduced taxes and watching cops hold down and smash the teeth out of liberals for the next eight years. Thanks for the election. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, thief.

i would like to fuck that frog

So glad our current president virtue signals constantly. How does spending a day handing out food that would have been delivered anyway help the country? All he's done is squandered time he could've spent on his family and given the media material for a short article.

Obama literally hasn't done shit fuck all for anyone but rich Muslim donors for the last 8 years and now he pulls this stunt with Hilary taking selfies at wal mart to try and butter up the American people hoping they won't mind next month when their election is stolen from them.

He is a fake sad pathetic little man who cares only for himself, not in a self preservation and bettering oneself fashion, but in a fashion of the most sickening greed imaginable, literally equally as detestable as a pig.

But nonetheless, a very accurate depiction of your average American citizen.

Exactly. Ex-fucking-actly. Finally, somebody who is a decent human and not some stupid fucking Drumpftard

You literally just told me obongo did all the planning cooking and organizing to get that food to the homeless. That was a lie. Do your fact checking please because the food prepared that night was cooked by unemployed volunteers. You just made trump look like the good guy AGAIN.