Ancap reeeeeeeeeee

Ancap reeeeeeeeeee

Other urls found in this thread:–Tunnel

>Europoors affording cars
buttertooth, pls

Trains would be more appropriate.

>tfw this will probably happen during Trump's presidency

What a time to be alive.

>going that far north in Canada before going West
For what purpose?

WTF i didnt know alaska was right beside russia. and holy fuck alaska is big as shit

Why did the libertarian cross the road?

It's just the projection that stretches northern territories. Look at a globe.

I apologize for the immense stupidity of my countrymen.

>american education

>approximately 9 days straight to drive from NY to London

idk, why?

How do you drive over the ocean?

checkmate atheists

Alaska used to be Russian land.

Because he fucking felt like it and it was his right to

Jesus, imagine the gridlock on that thing.

Terrain more suitable for a mega-project. Lower population density overall. Fewer towns to cry about shit behind built nearby. Avoids Washington entirely. Take your pick.

Fuck you.

It's a trick question. In a libertarian utopia, there are no roads.


Governments would build it to build their own ego, that is wasteful
Capitaists would have it built only if there was demand for it, that is efficient

And I share my time with these people

There is a part of Alaska that is closer to Russia then France to Britain.

It should be a train.

would this be goat road trip?

>implying it would ever be used between Nome and Irkutsk for any conceivable reason
Also, show me the gridlock on a rural interstate. This would have much less because vast distances.

Just imagine all the mud skins panhandling and car jacking on that thing.

Fuck this bullshit. Once I-10 ran through my sleepy rural Florida town we turned into shit. Tons of Mexicans and Guatemalans live here now along with tons of shitty fast food and quick stop places. Alaska would lose a lot of its natural beauty and a ton of Mestizos would move there littering the entire time along with fast food places devoid of any real culture.

>America is on the east

Uh oh everybody retard alert.

Why would ancaps be mad at this? Is this something authoritarians have already built using taxpayer money that they are lording over the free market? Oh? It's not? How about you post actual accomplishments of the state then?

>American intellectuals

We already have this problem in Alaska. We always have had because eskimos.


For you.


>american education

Go back to your autistic kids Sarah Palin

Setting up a road in Siberia is an ass pain and it would be expensive as fuck (and not cost efficient).
Gheodesy in taiga isn't easy, you know.

Pave over Belgium and Limburg, I don't give a fuck but don't you dare touch Luxembourg.

Fuck I wanna do this so bad and its not even been built.get some brit/pol to spend a year of their lives memeing on the road.

The earth is round, toothpaste

implying you faggots knew that shit either. they never showed me one time in school that russia was beside alaska or a map of europe


Would be fun though

this is going to be great

>panhandle white trash getting mad about tax revenue for his county
Make America Great Again amirite?


every map has a small piece of beringia showing to the west of alaska, what did you think that was connected to?

Don't you mean ''spherical''?

Oh ho ho, who is the dummy now?

(you) earned it, just barely

>Board a super train going from Berlin through Warsaw, Minsk, Moscow and ending in new York.
Trains are comfy af

My map literally has a bit of Russia, marked RUSSIA, next to Alaska, on its left side.
Also, I have a globe.

seriously, a worldwide roadtrip? that'd be fun as fuck


My dream.

Sounds like quite the nice road-trip eh?

have you ever looked at a fucking map? Fucking burgers man, so retarded.


Fuck, I know trains are more dangerous than flying but I rather take a train across world than fly for the comfy factor

Wait, what?

>super highway
More like super fast way to transport huge amounts of soldiers and equipment across half the world.

We would have to make a double sized version of this and we are good.–Tunnel

wew sure looks like that common core is doing a great job

Yeah I sure love all the service sector jobs being made for the blacks and Mexicans so they can come to my town and litter everywhere. The other day there was a triple stabbing at a motel, no doubt over drugs. But hey tax revenue for the government! Go lick a boot faggot.

That'd be neat as fuck, which is why we all know I'll never get to ride a beautiful passenger train from New York to London.

This is a fucking amazing idea, fuck route 66 THIS would be the goat road trip choice.
>have some fish an chips and a cheeky shag in the pub in london
>drink vodka and have a fun natured fight in moscow
>look at snow in alaska
>have a bagel in new york and tell people that you are walking here.


>It's just the projection that stretches northern territories. Look at a globe.
In America maps are just decoration pretty much.

What the fuck do you need a map for when most Americans will never step foot outside America and theres literally only 2 other countries in our entire hemisphere who do anything at all outside of the world cup.

Literally I just embraced my autism today and started one of these maps and I had to google over half the countries to make sure I was putting the flag in the right spot.

No it isn't, otherwise this long of a road would not be possible because it would go straight into space

>American education

thats the mainland but theres also a littlie island between the two called diomede that the bridge could run through

throw that in the faces of everyone that said "great leaders build bridges not walls" we can do both

lol what a cuck, back to your shed.


Thats a whole load of good steel that could be used on the wall

Sarah Palin, is that you? Lol I couldn't remember her name for a second so I literally googled "Alaska governor retarded" and that's how I remembered here name.

Alaska isn't as big as those shit maps make it seem, but it's still huge.

>these are the people jerking themselves off about how redpilled they are

>He doesn't colour his map

yeah look at a fucking globe you immense moron

Who the fuck is ever going to drive 8 hours through Siberia and northern Alaska?

There's some material issues in making the cross from alaska/russian to the diomedes. I wouldn't bet on seeing this as it'd have some real issues staying together, not corroding, and maintenance would be near impossible.

Construction would take a long time as well because of where it's located.



Who the fuck is going to drive across Siberia?

>He speaks a barbarian variant of English

You could walk over that once the ice freezes.

i voted libertarian and i still think this highway would be nice since its northern hemisphere in nature.


can we get that in hyperloop please?

New York to London by vacuum tube

That gap is just over 60 miles wide at its narrowest point,

And traditional English is a bastardized mixture of European languages, makes sense to simplify it and remove the retarded parts.


Is this a meme? You do know that american cars are a laughing stock right?

fucking rekt

>people seriously fall for the hyperloop meme

oh wow


no they're not. honda toyota and nissan make pretty nice cars. i assume that's who you're talking about since they have the most car factories in the us

Surely driving for 720 hours instead of taking a 8 hour plane is what every person wants.