What Sup Forums thinks about sex outside marriage? is it degenerate?

What Sup Forums thinks about sex outside marriage? is it degenerate?

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Considering marriage is an inherently flawed institution, I see nothing wrong with extramarital affairs.

Well according to Christianity, Judaism and Islam, it is, so you're in a bad position if you do it while practicing one of those religions.

Nope, nothing wrong with it. It's actually god tier

Sexual compatability is a major part of a relationship, so if you wait until marriage to have sex, you and your wife may be into different things, therefore the relationship might lead to divorce.
That's how I see it anyway.

don't know but I haven't had any for 2 years and I'm ready to kill myself

this. sex is an important part of a relationship


If you agree to go to Hell, why not ?
Sex doesn't determine if someone can live with someone else if the parties agreed that sexual intercourse will be used for procreation only as it should be in every Christian family.

>muh sex iz important in muh relationsheep
or maybe it's the only avenue you ever know to dating someone.
>Sexual compatibility
a penis is compatible with a vagina. thats all there is to it buddy.

How was my post heretical? I just pointed out the heresy in OP's suggestion.

>sex outside marriage?
It's rape, unless it's in the family. A girl belongs to her father until he gives her to her husband. If anyone else does her it's rape.

>It's rape, unless it's in the family
>unless it's in the family
>in the family

Keep the faith brother.
You'll find a good gal.

i haven't had sex in almost 12 years. maybe most sex these days is degenerate at this point CONSIDERING

Yes, but I am a degenerate so I do it anyway.

Do you have an issue with what was said?

It just seems as through you're implying it's good to have casual sex with your fellow family members. Kek

It's fine, but hookup culture is degenerate.

Find a long term GF, fuck her whenever you want.

Yes, what's your problem? Girl's father made her and loves more than anyone can. It's fine for him to do her.

>It's fine for him to do her.
God damn your logic is flawed.


You need to add a preposition, and drop the plural of the verb. So instead its

What does Sup Forums think about

Okay, explain why. C'mon, man, put some effort in.


Marriage is for beta fucks who want to lose half their shit

what the fuck am I the only virgin left on Sup Forums?

Look at the genetic disorders and also there your fucking family.

don't worry brother you are not.

I am

im virginacus

I didn't say shit about breeding. After a girl's first blood she should be married and therefore not messing around with her daddy anymore.
>your fucking family
Yeah, that's the idea.

Spoken like a true virgin. Wait til you meet a girl who's into really rough sex and you're too much of a nice guy to degrade her like a slut. She'll end up cheating on you with a guy who wants to treat her that way.

>Ex constantly talking about the importance of marriage before sex
>Fucked 3 guys before being with me and dumped me because I wasn't a good substitute for her abusive ex
I dunno you tell me.

too much msm coverage

no, I'm virginacus

>After a girl's first blood she should be married and therefore not messing around with her daddy anymore
So you're treating the women as an object and saying casual incest with her daddy is fine? Why? What made you think that this is ok?


It is absolutely degenerate and disgusting and anyone who partakes in it should be burned alive at the stake to prevent further tainting the human race.

Casual sex is responcqble for the continued downfall of society. Single parrent children on average do poorly in life. Casual sex cheapens the idea of love in general and leads to people having more casual sex which leads to more single parrent families. The more sexual partners a person has the less likley they are to have a stable relationship. Lets alsi not forget the increased risk and spread of STDs. Our ancestors knew how to form long lasting relatio ships something that is lost on people today. We expect instant gratification without effort that thinking can only end badly. In life you get back the effort you put in nothing more.

Would you hate if I like sex outside of marriage? Maybe that's because I'm part liberal

It's degenerate and is overall bad for human relationships & society.

I dont think it should be outlawed, but should be socially shamed.

However, cheating should definately be a crime, atleast ihmo.

There's also the higher risk of STDs, pregnancy, lower reported happiness and higher reports of depression among women.

Liberalism has ruined all that made life great. They have ruined marrage, cheapened sex, confused gender norms, upturned societal norms, denounced religion, confused morality, and in the place of this placed nothing good or stable.

wow just let ppl do wut they want xD