Romanians responsible for Schiaparelli Mars crash

>be Romanian
>crash humanity's hopes and dreams in space

Romanian engineers are disputing the accusation.

>In retort, the Arca Space Corporation manager, Dumitru Popescu warned the Italian space agency to be more careful, as they don’t have proves to support their accusations. “They could pay the price. We are at ease that we did all we could do: to run a specific test we should have flown very closely to the Russian base in Sevastopol. Russia has just annexed Crimea and we risked generating a conflict between the Russian Federation and NATO,” the Romanian manager argued.

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>Romanian engineers

>trusting gypos with sophisticated equipment

What could possibly go wrong?


Romania has space research?

Now I know where those rocket-shaped climbing frames that I loved as a kid have been disappearing from the playgrounds.

>they don’t have proves


>we didn't run the test for fear of WW3

>romanian engineers

rome wasnt built in a day lol

>muh Russia prevented me from coding good landing programm
i fucking hate gypsies

>romanian engineers

> hire Romanian engineers
> they strip out all the metal and sell it for scrap

And nobody was surprised.

keep resetting your router nerd, you mad because your bulgarian mother has to suck cock in romania to afford bread... and then before she can send the money back to you starving dogs a gypsy steals her money AHAHAHAHA


fucking gypsie cunts

>Romanian space corporation
Oh well now alteast i know why the stealing all that gold.



dute si manacats cacatul din cur

>NASA inexplicably pulled out of the international project

it makes sense now


The new mobile habitation module that Romania contributes to the Mars exploration effort looks promising.

your mom brought you pics to make you feel better about her having to come at my hut and eat my ass every night?

>that impotent gypsy rage

Space hut?

I'd want to suggest the Romania Space Program logo.

It depicts a cosmonaut floating at zero-gravity in front of terminal line that separates past from the future, the known and the unknown.

Fun fact: most homes in Romania don't have heating. To keep warm in cold winters, Romanians start raging even harder.

>White powah Bulgaristan

Bravo, Romani-a

I don't understand where does the "muh romanians = gypsies", when Bulgaria is exactly the same in terms of shitskin infestation

Same shit everyday, one or two mongols with proxies, pretty boring, like their country tho

We have gypo ghettos like any other country nothing special about it.

Romanians are literally gypos it's in their name even Romani-ans

doesn't matter, obsolete technology, make an emdrive probe

3 million gypos by now ahahahah

we got like 400k like a dozen other countries

fucking gypsies burn them!

Same shit, you have like 7 million population and we have 19 million, more than double

Search for the etymology of the word, educate yourself

cmon dont be such a gypsy. you guys are just barely better than muslims. admit it already.

Modern science is iterative

All progress is good progress, no matter how small or apparently insignificant.

>sir! the nuclear power plant is melting
>how is this possible?
>we didn't run any tests, we were afraid of disrupting the migratory patterns of earth worms

Hello there Horvath, take some kurtos. you are turning into a mongolian when you're hungry. ohh wait


fuck are u sperging about? shut up or I will visit that shithole of a country and dry assfuck your mother while I take a big fat dumb on ur sisters face for 50 euro. now shut ur mouth and clean my toilet.

Wouldnt be the first time romania dropped the fuckign ball.

Cannot into space/10

>Romanian engineers

You don't have a toilet, but i can clean your mother's mouth if you want

>romanian banter

Yup no surprise
This is the problem with all EU shit
Any production in spain/italy/eastern europe is a fucking disaster

The cupola module was made here and as far as I know it hasn't caused any problems.

>radar doppler altimeter functioned correctly
>still somehow calculates negative altitude
smells like really shitty programming.

It's the fucking Romanian sensor that wasn't tested, because lolWW3 (actually being lazy gypos) that sent incorrect info.

Don't shit on Romanians, slav-untermensch.

>Romanian engineers

still shitty programming. where's the plausibility check? why wasn't data weighted by reliability/plausibility? the programming should have accounted for the possibility of wrong sensor data and still come to plausible conclusion. one second of wrong interial data shouldn't result in negative altitude, and a negative altitude shouldn't result in the landing sequence.

Should have used Haskell

EU will never successfully land anything on Mars until it's a project done entirely by UK/France/Germany/Scandinavia countries only

This is what diversity gets you: Failure and incompetence.

>Romanians on Mars

It's better that it crashed desu

this is your hero? a pornstar? no wonder you are cuckd.
You are daydreaming about dicks, arent you?

Why was i born in this shit country ?