As a veteran of the Great Meme War of 2016 (corporal in the 235th Shitposting regiment), I know the war is over and we're victorious, but I keep getting flashbacks of the horrors I've seen. I've seen seen people I care about turn into pillars of salt on November 9th, I've seen friends turn into Hillary supporters, I've seen Hillary leading in the polls, I've seen so much. What horrors have you seen? Will I be able to move past mine?
As a veteran of the Great Meme War of 2016 (corporal in the 235th Shitposting regiment)...
made my bones in the rubio posting days, but the real action happened during the ctr offensive after the first debate.
took some friendly fire, but at that point we were just shooting at anything that moved.
14th informational warfare division 88th batallion reporting.
saw some crazy stuff, cant talk about it right now (still classified), Ill tell more after the inauguration
I lost my whole platoon in the fish bane bombings. All those shitposts, lost to time. Sometimes, I still feel them there, watching me press on.
The war is just beginning, silly goy
Spirit is rising
The mundane collapsing, yeah
No one can stop it
Rejecting logos
For protection of egos
Truth they can't face it
Inwalls are rising
The insanes are coming, yeah
Shit is getting real
Madness is surging
As the fake world is crashing
Futile are their feels
Internal Order
External disorder, yeah
Shadilay is here
47d drawfag death squad reporting in.
the autism is strong in this thread
88th Poo Engineer here
I get flashbacks of Cruz winning a couple of states and the horror of thinking what would happen if he got more.
Also remembering how we ventured into leddit to plant disinfo and meme-mines and several of us didnt make it back after being bluepilled by degenerate neon hair skanks with cams....
Remember the Legions of CTR shills
Captain , Memetic warfare foreign operations command operative under General F. Poster
I remember when we got uk out of the eu the libral tears where amazing
anyone else give into temptation when the cunnyposters would come around the camp?
i always considered myself a riteous man but God damn me if the war didn't let the devil in my soul
Memetic Ops here - we've all seen some shit. Still digesting the last 4 months of my life atm. Was quite a ride.
Special thanks to the saltminers and pizzagate envistigators
fought since the primaries, after a long tour I returned home on veterans day to see my parents ... only to fight once more ...
remember to stop by the Sup Forums threads on /wsg/ for Sup Forums webms with sound.
that was an unbelivable night - so electric in here, somehow a bit more than election night for some reason
Because nobody expected it not the right nor sjw's
I fought on the 20th brigade of South America, also redpilled some people irl, I dont know if risk threads count, since they just harvest kek's power, if yes, I'll consider it the 1st cavalry of risk players
fuck off with this autistic shit
I saw the light during the great meme war.
I saw Jeb!
You guys remember the ctr spies acting like disappointed Trump supporters to demoralize us? I wonder how many of us they actually convinced. You could never tell who was real or a shill in that crowd. Some scars you can't see...
Also remember those shitty Hillary pepes ctr kept posting around the end of the war?
Cruzposter here, fuck you drumpfkins
War isn't over. It has only begun.
Back to the front!
There were never more than 1 or 2 shills on the entire board. You autists just tried to delude yourself that everybody outside your echo chamber didn't exist.
Bullshit. There were times when you would have at least 20 shill threads in the catalog. Ctr had around 40 people working for them anyways so that's proven false.
I can't hear the word "madam" without triggering my PTSD.
They just never stopped coming.
Sup Forums was a high value target for CTR
>had cuck CTR mods on leddit
>flag shit on twatter
Powerless here. Little Bastion of Free Speech in ocean of liberal piss that is the interweb.
They came. They tried. They died.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
yea Killery had a shit load of shills dude. and still dose. IDK where the fuck you got the idea that Sup Forums is an echo chamber. Your not a Tumbler fag are you?
I was here for travyon.
I was here for mike brown.
I was here for gg.
I was here for Sup Forums harbor.
I was here for trump.
I feel like I can rest now.
We are here to see and love what we won and fought for.
>fuck drumpf and fuck white people
>i'm not him
>3 posts by this id
there was a time when I almost couldn't see past the shills, past the sliding threads and ctr memes. Almost
Hey guys. How do I cope with the post-traumatic autism?
>>fuck drumpf and fuck white prople
I lost my sides during the Jeb offensive. Was right on the front line during the Battle of Guacamole. I was proud to serve and I would give my sides up again.
...the horror...the horror... *^_^*
I still remember all the madame president treads the Legions of CTR and the MSN
Corporal Sven reporting in,
Shitposter of the Northern Scandinavian Swedish 32nd Cuck-Brigade.
I joined the meme war early 2015, the scars havent healed yet.
Too many happenings and JIDF shills.
Too many shitposters to remember them all.
One of the many highlights were Jeb-low-energy-Guacamole-Bush "please clap moment". The amount of cringe at that moment is second to none.
Also we will never forget you user, with post no 777777777 with the text "Trump will win".
Anyone with a screencap of that PLEASE POST IT.
Allow it to mold you.
rly mad me tink
for all the brothers I lost in the GREAT MEMETIC WAR
you know in 2014 this would have derailed this thread.
so much has changed
Yes it is you kike negroid, yes it is...
I remeber when i was on the western tread firing Meme artillery i say a LEAF shitposter lose his sides to a triggly tank in the whe almost all our treads in pol Harbour2.0 i was captured and sent to a cuck camp i was about to be turned into a ctr shill but then emperor trump won
A leaf bringing poignant prose...
Veterans,Active duty,civilians all...prepare your media and stay frosty...The New Memewar is media front will escape the new weaponized landscape we have created.
The battle was won but the war goes on. This is for what is left of our lives Anons.
Read every word.
Ive been in here since 2011. There is no rest.
Special Psyop squad of the Russian-kike Memeborne 11th Battalion.
Suffered severe brain damage on /xpol/ duty.
I came back.
To fight at the end.
Red pilled normies on the outside.
Fisch been
>I know the war is over
It's still going on. Neo-CTR fags keep shilling here.
It's not over.
Illegal Soros Insurgency Shills is a growing terrorist organization threatens the very Democeacy we fought for during the great meme war and their numbers are growing as tey have allied with a delusional person named Jill Stein. The Special Meme Ops divisions are deployed and still fighting.
You survived?
I heard the whining and protests of Brexit campaigners every time they were caught lying and threatened with gas chambers, then their agonised pleading for a united Britain as they got blamed whilst their leaders resigned.
Soon we will hear the Drumphkins plead the same sad tune.
I've seen 'non racist' Brexit voters saying 'things might get worse before we're great again' when the economy crashed.
Illegal Soros Insurgency Shills - ISIS
I've seen the lemmings ignore Kek's call to become alt green, and I can only watch and cringe as they march on over the cliff edge whilst the righteous embrace the inevitable twisting turning dance of chaos and embrace the ascent of Jill Stein.
Carson shill checking in
>3rd platoon >ifposting batalion
took a few hits from friendly fire. Some burger mistaken my shitposts for ctr shilling. Never quit fighting though!
Private Neckbelly here
The war is not over yet. Currently pushing Pizzagate on the Twitter front
When did the meme war start? Was Brexit and the election the same war, or two wars happening at the same time? I don't even know anymore
I was there for defence of Brit/pol/ during Sup Forumsharbor and the memories don't leave you.
Someone should design some campaign medals.
fought with the 144th after i get left behind by my own division. crazy fuckers, almost never got the job done when it was supposed to be, but got it done nonetheless.
>'hey, who the fuck are you?!'
>'oh, im user, i was with the 23rd, got separated'
>'alright, go talk to strya, he'll sort you out'
>truck load of weapons grade bantz
>'take these and get to the rendezvous'
>load up, move out
>ied detonates
>ambushed by ctr
>driver killed instantly
>hop out to return fire
>ctr bastard charging with a bayonet
>teleport behind him
>'this time its personal'
I'll never forget his face
We were attacked at Sup Forumsharbor then we were at war. It was just small skirmishes as we braced ourselves. The globalist then began attacking hard in the U.K. We intervened and now had a global scaled conflict. The victory of brexit led to the victory of the US election which was an even bloodier conflict
The First Push against globalism started with Brexit then /pol memed trump into presidency
I come here , it's like going to the VFW and being with the only men that understand , because they were there too
to think it all stated with# gamergate remeber anita sarkezia
Exactly. This was the biggest call to arms from Sup Forums and Sup Forums
The first neckbeard war the beta uprising
NEET Special forces division here.
I have to say that a part of me is dead... gone... this war... so many good boys, cut down... in the prime of their lives...
..I still wake up in a cold sweat...
>being srs guise
Did anyone else's health go to complete shit due to this meme war?
I gained like 30 pounds, stopped the /fit/ meme, I feel tired (but grateful) all the time, my grades dropped, savings bretty depleted...
It was all a necessary sacrifice. Its time to change all of that and unfuck my shit. But its been a hell of a ride. I have a deeper belief in stoic principles and more classical western ideas. Everything has changed. It feels like hope, bros.
PFC in the Diamond Don's Memetic Lancer Unit. You can't even imagine what I saw on the front lines.
Grave dancing helped after the final battle in Ohio, but it was short lived. Now it's just the nightmares to keep me company at night.
oh i member
another little war story with the 144th
>come back from 16h patrol
>ready to get some rest
>pfc comes running into the tent
>im the only one who sees the leaf patch on his arm
>'whats happening?'
>guard doubled, including me
>dead tired, rifle shouldered
>hours pass
>its literally nothing
>go to the baracks and crash
420th Division of the Pepe Platoon.
I've had a mentally Hill aunt hold herself and her family hostage over this election. She bent the knee and agreed to come to Thanksgiving, on the stipulation that we do not talk politics. My grandpa negotiated with this terrorist. I will never forget what this war did to my family.
I'm now dedicating my psionic powers to my own good health and fortune. Please make sure not to squander your God given teak!
Feels bad
True mexican intellectual
Photoshop and twitter fag
Created propaganda to destroy the e enemy and participated in various psyops since the primaries. I still wake up with new ideas on how to meme Trump into the presidency, the war is not over for some of us.
This thread reeks of autism
It's not over, Private Dipshit.
I was E6... shitpost squad leader serving in 111th Trips Division. Lost my entire platoon during a routine mission on page 1 posting Trump Pepes... the shills were there before we even saw them... Somehow, I lived to fight another day... but a piece of me is gone forever.
Oh hey, my tendies are done, you'll have to excuse me
Thankfully I only stayed there for appetizers, and went to the based side of the family for dinner, so I got drunk for the first one and rode that buzz through the good one.
You might be able to make that argument for some of the periods of downtime between the major events of the election, but immediately before, during and after key events like debates the noticeable presence of paid posters here was absolutely inarguable
I remeber when i was fighting a ctr drawfag on who could draw the best pepe's
It actually is.
All votes in Michigan have been verified by each county. Jill has played you.
Earn this
Personally I got in back around the end of June when
> FBI Insider
> told us all what Hillary was guilty of
Got linked here because of that and ive been here informing people ever since. But I really got involved when the Turkey coup happened.
Just linking these here to see how they turned out...
Retired commander of the Australian shitposters memetic division checking in. Sacrificed my sides for this get
No mere mortal could survive the sheer butthurt this caused
Australian S.A.S, explosive shitposting expert. It was uncovered that there was a team here trying to manipulate the board to support shillery.
You cant fuck with weaponised autism.
I remember when she tried to attack the frog, but only added to its power..
Shit that was a close one.
holy fuck
Kek, memes and the mainstream:
We are more famous everyday.
Does the train ever stop?
>The expression “Kek” was also appropriated from the forums and stems from the in-joke among the players of World of Warcraft, replacing the standard Internet abbreviation “LOL” (“laughing out loud”). Someone eventually noticed that Kek is in fact the name of frog-headed Egyptian deity, signifying Chaos and darkness, and Pepe was then rebranded as Kek the deity – an ironic one, no doubt, half joking one, as surprisingly many alt-righters like to put it, but deity nonetheless.
>It is important to point out that in view of the most “esoteric Kekists”, that is: (half grinning) faithful of Kek/Pepe, the association was originally entirely haphazard and accidental, yet it developed into an ever growing system of synchronicities – causally unrelated meaningful relations among events. So it came to pass that Kek sounds very similar to ‘cuck’(originally: cuckservative), a term denoting old fashioned conservative who was still not “red pilled” (another meme taken from pop culture, shared by both alt right and conspiracy theorists) by alt right or, should we assume: Kek himself; furthermore, Hillary Clinton addressed Pepe as nothing less than public enemy, identifying presumably the whole alt right movement with cartoon character. Then it happened that after this act Hillary fainted in front of the cameras, and that was immediately interpreted as an action of Kek.
Still better than the 9s get
Yeah really, though im glad it also sent a message too and wasnt just some crap or bantz.
The election is only the first battle. We won.
The recount is a non issue. But serves as a reminder that the war isn't over.