Do you think world would be a better place if whites won the civil war?
Whats your opinion on Russian Civil War?
Fucking obviously.
Obviously. Every soviet symbol and monument must be removed from Russia
(((Russian))) ??
Frankly it is disgusting to have to look at them. How is it different than removing the Swastikas in Germany? A lot more people died from Socialism.
Damn, look at officer Shekelstein on the middle right there
Honestly? No. But just because serfdom sucks more than communism.
>By whites I mean rich pricks with money and aristocratic titles, just like OP.
>Every soviet symbol and monument must be removed from Russia
You sound just like a German who wants to ban the Swastika. The mistakes of history should be remembered, not buried.
pre-soviet Russia was an European aristocracy with close ties to all European countries (the Tsars were born of European monarchies). Soviet and post-soviet Russia is a Slav 3rd world dictatorship (yes go ahead and claim Putin isn't your eternal leader, cyka blyats).
They're right up there with France. Disgusting traitors who paid the ultimate price for removing their monarchs.
We would still be running a monarchy. And we would probably be holding on way more territory and a better economy. But better? Probably not.
If you want to play what if game, Trotsky is the man you should read about.
Fuck the reds
Russians used to be absolute bro tier before those commie bastards got into power.
German people were not murdered by Jewish decrees by other Germans. That's the difference. Anything soviet is like synagogue here and there
Communism isn't just a mistake of history, it's entropy made manifest. It is an enemy of mankind and of every single last human.
It must be stricken from history, removed from all records, its monuments crushed, it's books burnt, it's graves leveled.
In a few generations, there should be nobody that even remembers its toxic existence, or that of Marx or Lenin or Stalin.
Communism is a blight upon Creation, and it must be ended.
You do realise that with PC bullshit, EU authoritarianism, and "all is welcome in our union", EU is well on it's way to communism.
>communism is erased from history
>few decades later a young Jew with a big beard gets an idea
>history repeats, more white people are genocided
It's so frustrating how communists can openly display the hammer and sickle and not get shit regularly, but the swastika is met with so much hostility.
We already know how to solve the Jewish problem.
Look at the bright american youth making some commentary about Russian lulz and slavery (pause at 2:17 to see how great life in Russia was).
Thats how bolsheviks came to be.
>or that of Marx or Lenin or Stalin
Don't forget Hegel.
this after extermination of the jews. While jews exist it should be just graves, monuments and heritage that is leveled, not the memory. While jews exist(and expelled from Europe) communism should be used as example of Jewish soul
Yeah, I'm sure the insane jew would've been better... Lmao
But if there is no trace of it left whats to stop someone from coming up with simmilar ideas and calling it something else?
Wiki leaks just dumped Yemen files. Sup Forums won't let me make a thread
post in here
My knowledge of the Tsar-system is lacking, but it seems like it would be hard to fuck up a big, rich country filled with stoic, brainy people more than the Soviets did.
Already answered:
Whites were the redpilled option in the civil war.
But their mistake was in snuffing the newly independent eastern euros.
We could have been friends, Ivan. We could have been blood brothers. But you thought us inferior. And then you died. And then it all went to shit.
Yes. Those red kikes should have been gassed.
>"all is welcome in our union"
you realize that was never the plan. Merkel and politicians like her were just virtue signaling. At most, they expected only actual refugees from Syria to come. Things only went to shit after Soros campaigned in Africa and the Middle East, telling literally everyone that Europe had opened its borders, and that they could get free money and pussy.
Merkel is just a naive old idiot, same as the Swedish politicians.
Look, You can't argue he wouldn't be different, and that's what best what if stories are about.
Soviets did a lot of bad shit, but they were progress. Monarchies favour absolute stagnation. So while I agree in rinciple, it's not black/white issue.
Nah senpai, the world is a much better place because of communism, it is based as fuck.
Seriously OP? What the fuck do you think?
As bad as communism was it still had it's contributions to the world.
>Do you think world would be a better place if whites won the civil war?
without question.
you guys got fucked over so hard by the red army Russia will never be the same again
>bright american youth making some commentary about Russian lulz and slavery
i understand that this is bait, but how are bolsheviks came to be exactly?
Since serfdom was abolished almost 60 years before revolution, and no peasants ever participated in destruction of both monarchy and provisional government?
And then bolsheviks came to power and brought about a famine to suppress peasant revolts, took away all of their food thus starving or slaughtering like 30 millions of people within 10 years, and forced them to share whats left of their possessions with each other.
Yeah I actually think that it would've been better if Trot had gotten power because the USSR would've collapsed in a couple of years.
USSR made space stations and contributed to science.
Russian Empire was 1000 years of stagnation and starvation.
>never experienced gommunism :DDD or it's after effects first hand
>indoctrinated by NWO shills
>haha yeah it wasn't so bad, they tell me ^^
Soros just wants to see global state in his lifetime, and he doesn't give a shit how many people he has to fuck over to get there. If you go back to his younger years, he sounds like such a reasonable and rational fellow, its bizarre.
It may have contributed to science, but it subverted you hard.
Scientifical progress isn't the only thing we should strive for, you know.
If you worship those cucks than you are even bigger cuck.
>murikan education
>But better? Probably not.
Really? It could ONLY be better. Do you realize how many millions of people died as a direct result of Soviet leadership? The Tsars were negligent but they weren't insane.
Why do you want to remove based Monuments?
At least the ones in Germany are here to stay
This. Without the revolution and industrialization that followed Hitler would have won against Russians I think
It would have been better if the west didn't finance it. Daily reminder the civil war ended the moment Russia got the atomic bomb, so the anglos couldn't fuck with them anymore.
Mental faculties degenerate with age and ideals get ingrained without any new thoughts coming in.
A world at the whims of opinionated wealthy seniors is the worst timeline to exist in.
>USSR made space stations and contributed to science
it didnt happened because of communism, more like despite communism it still happened
It is a fucking shame that the whites didn't come out on top.
That myth doesn't exist.
Capitalism has no morals. Thus we are a result of that.
What you guys are failing to realise with all your muh joos muh marx bullshit is that Hegel was the one who started all this mess.
>Without the revolution and industrialization that followed Hitler would have won against Russians I think
Hitler would never have attacked Russia if the Tsars were still in power. He saw Stalin as a threat, and for good reason.
It's funny how much military and thus technological progress can be made if you disregard the well-being of the people, and hold a gun to their head.
A Tsarist Russia would have evolved to a more stable democracy, just like its European sister-countries.
But it was Jews who subverted it and put it into practice.
Nicholas wasn't a good tsar, but neither Lenin or Stalin were good dictators.
Back in Imperial Russia people didn't have to survive with one state-supplied loaf of bread a week and a glass of kvas.
Der ewige Deutsche
>USSR made
Russian people did. For USSR to claim any Russian achievement is like Gulag guard to claim barrack built by the prisoners
winners write history, baby
deal with it
Capitalism is not an ideology. The ideology accompanied by capitalism is simple human nature. Marxism is an alien concept used by the powers that be to enslave the post-industrial man.
Hitler would have curb stomped the Russian Empire. No doubt.
>winners write history
How come you don't speak Swedish?
Hitler would not exist without socialism gaining a foothold in the east.
Neither capitalism or communism have any worthy morals.
Funny... They still dont know what democracy is to this very fucking day!
They will never experience the "freedoms" displayed in your pic (the oligarchs took them all).
Soviet fuck ups were spectacular. Tsars fucked up 24/7 just in less spectacular ways. You have to remember that population boomed during soviet years due to advances in medecine, so it is no surprise that it took a hike. As many others pointed out, tsars would have kept everyone senile for as long as they could. One time genocide is better than a clear road to extinction.
This would be wrong. USSR had a hard on for science.
>A Tsarist Russia would have evolved to a more stable democracy, just like its European sister-countries.
Don't be dellusional. Democracies never worked in russia. You'd have to go back to republic of novgorod and revrite russian history from there to make it not so.
he practically does. There's a reason why Scandinavian languages sound so similar. We've been conquering each other longer than most countries have even existed.
>Hitler would never have attacked Russia
Oh, so he saw the whole fucking world as a threat?
Got played by the Germans hard core.
>Hitler would never have attacked Russia if the Tsars were still in power.
Wrong, Nazis saw Slavs a subhuman. The war on Russia was not about Communim, but of genocide of all Slavic people.
"Slavs are subhuman wolves of Europe"
"Not even fit to be slaves"
They say this in there own propaganda.
Can't discuss WW2 history with a German, you are too brainwashed by your history books.
They didn't have to subvert anything, his teaching were a load of totalitarian bullshit from the very beginning.
>You have to remember that population boomed during soviet years
Lol what.
Russia has a severe population deficit.
You're a brainwashed vatnik.
Yes, infinitely so. Eastern Europe would probably be insanely powerful.
Hitler would have lost even quickly, because no Tsar will ever as incompetent as Stalin in killing off the cream of his officer corps.
Reminder the Russian Empire did not lose WWI, it was destroyed internally, by sabotage, by Lenin and his Bolsheviks funded by the Kaiser. If Hitler weren't retarded about genociding Slavs and tried to do what Wilhelm did he would have won easily.
They saw them as subhumans because they had fallen prey to "judeo-bolshevism".
Notice how Hitler had no animosity towards South Slavs as long as they were fascist.
Yes, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the Tsars being wiped out by the Slav horde, and was now run by the Slavs.
The Tsars were not Slav, Tyrone. They were purebred, white European royalty.
Russian Empire was shit
USSR was less shit
Russia today is _____?
you're disgusting
obviously not
>Democracies never worked in russia
>republic of novgorod
It worked before.
It will work again.
Once the federation lies in ashes and the people are free from the yoke of oligarchs.
Novgorod shall rise again.
They subverted it by disguising it as "liberation", "freedom", "equality", and pushing it heavily.
I'm talking about birthrates you moron. I have no question that Soviets slaughtered uncounted millions intentionally and not.
>communism isn't just a mistake of history, it's entropy made manifest. It is an enemy of mankind and of every single last human.
>Age of auto-mechanization hits mankind
>since poor have no way to get a job, hundreds of millions starve to death.
>But wait goy, remember all those jews that got killed by stalin. Yes goy, a very ant semite ideology.
>remember communism was your enemy all along.
Hitler would have had no reason to attack the Russian Empire to begin with.
The problem is the Whites had no unified ideas besides Anti-Communism?
Who leads White Russia? Kerensky? Kornilov? Kolchak? Wrangel?
These guys were very different people.
>The tsars were not slavs
If you remove his beard Nicky looks like he's about to squat at any moment while going "cyka bliat"
I'm Jewish
Nope, thats film says all slavs need to die pretty much.
Wrong, on so many levels i don't even know where to start.
stfu subhuman
even worse. 500% more brainwashed.
Oh I guess if a film says so it must have been official policy. I guess all the historical events of Hitler cooperating with slavs and of "untermensch" slavs having legions of Waffen SS are nazi propaganda.
Thanks for correcting the record.
Perhaps I wasn't clear. Whatever would make democracy a worthwhile system culturally was literally exterminated when one of our Ivans decided to pull Carthage on it.
Even today, New Novgorod has a population level of magnitude above the old novgorod. Ever since our culture was engulfed in totalitarian/authoritarian states. And the only way that's getting owerturned is a civil war, nukes are fair game edition. Spoilier: it aint happening.
>A Tsarist Russia would have evolved to a more stable democracy, just like its European sister-countries.
The difference between Russia and sister-countries is that Russia is like 1/6 of the ground and populated by something like 160 ethnicities.
Everything is far away from everything here, its very hard to look for everything in such environment, it gives birth to corruption and slows down the progress of country. The only way to keep things together is high centralization and something like dictatorship as a government. This is the reason why russian monarchy never became anything less than absolute, why we've got the dictatorship after and now why putin is sitting in kremlin for 17 years and going to sit for another 30. Both times when democratization process occurred (1917 and 1991) it lead to dissolution and collapse, anarchy and corruption.
This is what our liberals will never understand and this is why they fucked up our country in 1917 and gave it to communists
Fair enough, I suppose. But was the CCCP not one King (in practice if not name) after another? An autocracy is an autocracy, isn't it? How does anyone know if the next Tsar or the one after would not have made more progress than Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, Brezhnev, etc?
>Wrong, Nazis saw Slavs a subhuman.
Slavs were mostly in the balkans and in Siberia at the time. Most russians were white migrants at the time. Even the Tsar was the Kaiser's brother.
Russia will always be shit and Russians will always live in shit and no amount of alternative history outcomes will change that.
> USSR was less shit
I wouldnt call 10 million deaths because of artificial famines or as a result of idiotic policies (dekulakization, collectivization, etc.) "less shitty" than a regime who more or less left their people alone.
Throughout the entire 19th century about 5000 people were executed in tsarist Russia for political reasons.
Compare that to the 750000 people killed during the purges of 1937/38 alone or the countless people who died at the hands of the red monsters under Lenin in the years before.