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Keep filling in Iowa and if theres a spill go into Illinois


NSEE invades south to take the Washington DC area (For no good reason)

I guess Kentucky is afk.
invade missouri

Fill Louisiana

do you want a nap? Cause I'm not interested in war right now. I just got done with a fight with Robert lee

Tennessee light green Wilmington.


so is that a yes

Gimme Central Kansas
Fill Kansas

Declaring war on Wilmington. May your death be swift.

Keep filling Cali

spill nevada

Push into Idaho and then onto Nevada

The war with Robert lee is done my friend


Fill Kansas.

Keep filling in Iowa, tell me if theres a spill since I'm not making any unnecessary calls

you should always account for a spill in your roll if you feel it is necessary

Fill Pennsylvania.

Fill Tennessee

invade norther Missouri
If spill, go to indiana

Finish Nevada and start filling Texas

More Idaho and into Nevada.
>Defend if needed and use spill to advance.

do you want to attack Zion?

You can have Oregon if you leave me Nevada

I'm still confused on the nap. Are we on a nap agreement?

Sratch Nevada.
Zion, mind letting me work on Oregon?


South carolina

A shame Commiefornia left. good have led to some Left Coast Chaos

Roll to fill Arkansas

Continue filling Texas

will add to my previous roll. you can roll again

invade northern Missouri, If spill, go to indiana

Fill Kansas

Continue Filling Pennsylvania, if there is a Overfill invade New Jersey

Claim Dark for Dindu hitler

Fill in Iowa, if spill go into Illinois

2nd roll for invading Wilmington.


I guess that's a no on the nap.


I will offer you protection if you agree to be my vassal. The only tasks you will have as my vassal is to not attack me and side with me in wars. In addition, I will allow you to take both Kansas and Oklahoma, and if you stay loyal will cede you Nebraska.

fill tennesssee please.

Fight me fucker

Fine, as as long as I can get to build up a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Last chance on the nap

Fill Commie Oregon and then onto Ohio.

Any spill over go to Arkansas



Only if you fight ZION with me


A new nation forms in TN as Wilmington gets BTFO

Fill Kansas.
Spills to Arkansas

Oregon to Ohio!


Fill in Iowa, if spill head into Illinois

Invade the rest of Missouri. If spill, go into iowa and mike encoch territory

Spills to Oklahoma.

hey, you missed my post. I never sought to war against HUNS.
Fill Tennessee.

Fill Arkansas. The Huns will cut the throat of anyone in the way.

you did fill TN. then huns attacked you



Invade Iowa and attempt to destroy Mike Enoch. Do not attack Sauk.

Same as my last post.

Wait, but my post ended with a 40 while his ended with a 20, so wouldn't the higher number win the battle? If the last player always wins, then it would be optimal to wait until the last second to call an order instead of just stating it.

Move into NC
Got to have my home state



sure. I hate being in wars

Hitler must have NC

The other option you have aside from death is vassalage.

stop rolling multiple times
check the Get box on the map


invade iowa and mike encoch

don't invade zions

Push against Zion and Sauk equally.

Continue to remove Mike Enoch unless he agrees to vassalization. If he does, invade South Dakota

Fill Motherfucking Kansas. Spills to Oklahoma

Take Tennessee, declare war on Hitler.

>Theme for my invasion

Continue with the filling of Penn, with New Jersey filling in case of a spill.

The offer still stands Mike

you are at war with Wilmington, correct?

By that I mean invade Hitler.

I wiped them out

no you didn't

How do wars work? Does the defenders roll take away from attackers roll or what?

Counter attack

Take all of Tennessee. Wipe out enemy forces within the state.


Did you not account my older rolls? I got like 20 which I counted their territories and I would have taken all of their territories.


in this case, huns and Wilmington both rolled a 0, which is +20. that left W. with a few territoriesW. also rolled +20

Nice digits. Once I deal with Mike I will send aid to your noble people

Then continue the attack on Wilmington.

I accept any aid that you send to the great county of Wilmington.


Huns get confused and attack two players at once

Will Attila recover?
