Trumps genes

>trumps genes
Wtf is wrong with his children?

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she looks like goldeen.

>makes a child with an American
>ugly as fuck untermensch

>makes children with slavs
>beautiful whites

He invested all the attractiveness stats in Barron

I still think she looks attractive

Getting constantly grabbed by the pussy from birth is gonna fuck up your development

Tiffany on the right.

yes we all know his children look like goblins.but at least baron looks alright.........oh wait he a fucking autist


Tiffany is the only one below average

that face makes me horny as fuck famalam

Boy sure is politics in here

How do you know it isn't Marla Maples' inferior genes interfering with The Donald's glorious genes?


found the faggot

who is that tranny in the middle?

Who is Ivanka bitching at?

I don't see the problem.

WOULD. would. hard pass

Ivanka: hot
Don Jr: looks like guido douche from a 90s b movie
Eric: looks like vampire
Tiffany: Sid the Sloth
Barron: literal autist

>strong aryan genes


>he doesn't know about the plastic surgery


What's with people using Trump's most unattractive child to represent his genes? She is a product of his second wife if I remember correctly.

Barron is cute. CUTE


Barron might be autistic but goddamn he'll grow up to be a pussy slayer whether he likes it or not

Unless he gets fat, it'll make his face his round, won't suit him

Barron and ivanka didn't come out with the weird mouth. don't know what happened to the other guys

>tfw you will never a billionaire President dad and a model mom.

seriously why?

You can still find Ivanka's photos before plastic surgery.

she's attractive but someone takes a picture while she's in the middle of a word or something

This just goes to show how makeup can destroy a woman's looks as easily as it can help them. With a clean face she wouldn't be a 10 but definitely wouldn't be a swamp mutant either.

Gee you fucking retard perhaps because barron ivanka have different MOTHERS from his other daughter?

>plastic surgery so good you dont notice it

>she's attractive

user pls. she's fucking gross.


yeah, thats what having a billionaire dad can buy you.

Barron is easily the best looking kid

Actually it is. She doesn't look natural at all. She's looks like a plastic doll.

MAGA mate. You lost get over it.

Kek does anyone have the pit stains pic?

lel. how fucking lazy was this bitch that she didn't campaign in Wisconsin or Michigan at all?

also This based black man needs to be in the Trump administration

as opposed to obama's beautiful children, right?

at least they arent niggers

its a matter of perspective i guess, id hit it from above angle, below angle is wtf tier

shes not terrible looking in this picture either.

He'll end up being a lanklet

serious question do you think moot lives matter? if your answer is yes. than I might kill you.

If you know what I mean

i think of this when I see that pic of her

She was the daughter of Trump's second wife, Marla Maples.

Dat feel when parents are more fuckable than you.

"American" isn't an ethnicity you mong

His wife is American as she has a US citizenship. That is the only requirement.

There is nothing wrong with her, it's just that she was a moutbreather growing up so that kinda melted her face, that's why she needed braces

usually kids who's parents didnt really care for them grow up like this, with a bad posture and mouthbreathing

literally all royal families were mouthbreathers and all had very long faces and fucked up theeth in the old days

Ivanka Trump is LITERALLY the most beautiful woman on this planet.

>5'8.5 at 10 years old
He'll be like 6'8, absolute lanky motherfucker

now that you know this you will literally see in everywhere around you, since most people raised by liberals didnt had rules like
>sit up straight
>don't breath through your mouth you look like a hillbilly

so you can blame your liberal parents for not imposing traditionalistic rules upon your stupid ass

sigourney really let herself go

under-rated post.

she had braces though...

most Americans are european mystery meat so it is an ethnicity

Kodama Trump?

Holy shit, I had no idea that's a real thing! Always heard it was bad to do, but never given an explanation as to why.

That's what Trump Steaks do for a growing boy. Vegans BTFO

>implying Paco and his family of 17 who hopped the fence yesterday aren't Americans
Stop triggering me!

Why do stupid niggers not understand how to type properly, using proper English?

They dindu nuffin in english class

Why the whole Obama family look like a pack of dirty apes?

because people learned it 100 of years ago and we forgot why we actually made it a rule, then the marxist left took overhand and dismantled EVERY rule so they even dismantled what seemed meaningless but if you look at the stats that 85% of the entire world has malocclusion which just a half millennia ago was 15% and you go farther back and look at sceletons and they all have PERFECT TEETH

yep I said that, that's why her theet seem nice but her face is fucked up, because the braces treated the symptoms but not the problem so her theeth look nice but her face is a little "fucked up" underdeveloped maxilla, long face, underdeveloped mandibular

Look up Mike Mew on youtube


I was 6' at that age and didn't grow after

She looks like a slutty, better dressed version of Chelsea Clinton. Better looking too becase Chelsea is frump AF these days.

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