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fucking hot desu

Proof? Link? Sauce? NOW.

where is the vid?

>30 minutes of tranny porn

fucking degenerates




I just noticed that



>implying this isn't fake news about a fake news network

they accidentally showed a real porn staring a fake women who is a real man


Weird to me that it was limited to only one city. Probably viral marketing or something. Not hard to get a flash mob together and make a few tweets.

Why did they have tranny porn lying around in the first place?

there's no way that wolf blitzer and his hush tone cronies are going to let that happen

must be the russians!

Who has the link?

My wife will never know that I bareback hot young shemale escorts at least once a month

Vid or i dont believe
Also theres no way thwres not a vid of it in this day andage

we've gone too deep

but let's keep going

now imagine the person who drew that is a greasy skinnyfat dumpy-bodied autist with fat man tits, a droopy mashed potato ass, bad skin, bad teeth, and smells like cheap beer and piss


I hope one day she finds out.
She will be so proud

post video




When you wife finds out that she isn't enough for you and she's devastated will it all be worth it?

>The current year

it might not have happened. this might be a massive troll. how does everyone keep falling for this though?

Hey man I'm straight but I'd let her suck my dick. Fuckit, yolo.

did they just show the intro and sheeeeeit or did they actually show spin.gif?

there doesn't seem to be any video. only grain photos taken by one guy who has now set his twitter profile to private

source please.

She will find out when you give her AIDs digits confirm

Look guys, Boston has always been a major medical hub. They're being seriously challenged by Houston now, so they need tyranny ops to stay on top.

I don't really have a wife. I haven't been laid in seven years. I'm very ugly. I just wanted to annoy people

Disney channel used to get caught doing that shit all the time. They rarely get caught anymore but I think it's because fewer parents pay any attention to what their kids are watching

Hi! I am Riley Cuntzenmuncher and THIS. IS. CNN. *3 step crash zoom*

its gonna be pedo normalcy soon

are you going to wait till CNN (((accidentally))) airs some little kid getting fucked for 30 mins


fucking crying game irl.

>half an hour of tranny porn
>only one bitch sees it and posts a shitty screen photo
Yeah nah fuck off

partsunknown top kek

oh my god is this related to pizza gate???? take a look at the name of the twitter user who first reported this!! its Pizza!

Its name is Riley Quinn look up its videos


Its She, please


I don't think you managed to annoy anybody, if it was true it would have been just ... sad

Highest audience rating they ever will have.

Riley Quinn is gross the traps on Sup Forums are 9001 times better.

'Despite media reports to the contrary, RCN assures us that there was no interruption of CNN's programming in the Boston area last night.'


fucking degenerate garbage

worthless lives

Pics or it didn't happen. Come on guy's, don't you remember the old rule?

As long as it takes.

Why do you have to ruin a good thing fukr

Still hot, desu.


If only. Be a good spike like the Pres. Shit Show

From the star of the video:


Don't actions like this warrant the biggest fine in FCC history? Oh that's right, CNN has a wing in the Pentagon all to themselves, move along, nothing to see here.

>paying for a trap fag to fuck
>not paying once a strapon to your wife.

Parts Unknown

>Parts Unknown
This must be a fucking joke.

Ssoouurrcceeeeeeee fffggtttt

>This is what Boston people saw when they tuned in to watch CNN
My sides

(((MSM))) is blaming all news reporting on it as (((fake news))). Check it, this is not a drill

oh boy, i know that she has a tattoo, but man...

I think its OK if it's transsexual. I mean only transphobic people wouldn't want transsexual porn in prime time, right?

meme magic, this is the world we've created

H-holy shit.

Is she /ourgal/?

Pathetic. I can't imagine living life with so little respect for myself.

>be Michigander
I'm half Canadian, right?

I'm not looking to watch the video, but is there proof that it was aired? I see """""Fake News""""" attached to everything when I google it.

You can post nudity on twitter?

Just lovely

Uhh guys.... it was a trap.


>keeping up appearances posting
good look, my lad


But why?? I never understood why people think that a man who looks like a female is attractive

yes, it is marvelous


Sup Forums was a mistake

Delete this fucking thread.

>From Sup Forums
Way to take one for the team.


I didn't think that would be allowed.


It didn't even happen. See

Lol, they can cut some off the second they mention Hillarys emails but it takes 30mins to turn off the porno? Let's be real, it was just a couple of kikes having a poke at the goys on a traditional day.

Uh, that's how you get disease. That is how you give a disease to your wife. That is how she finds out in the worse possible way. Transsexuals are literal disease magnets.

There is a lot of actual porn on twitter. Most of the degenerates post nudes of themselves daily... or so I hear.

the lame stream meteor has really done it this time

There is no proof.

One troll says something in Boston, Sup Forums jumps on it, that's how all this shit works m8



"Parts Unknown"

This makes me fucking mad! This is no fucking accident! These fucking kikes are so fucking arrogant. "Oy! It vas just a little accident ye, get over it already. Who cares if your kiddies saw it?"



Where was the "ohhhh noooooo... that sucks!" guy when you need him?

They can't keep getting away with this

FCC is only airwaves, not cable.