What is the most redpilled state in the US...

What is the most redpilled state in the US? I moved to Sweden from Washington state 6 years ago and I cant stand it here anymore and I'm sure as hell not moving back to a blue state. I was thinking Texas because I like thier gun laws among other things but I'd like to hear your opinions first before I decide.

I've been a production welder for ten years. Yes, I am white and no, I'm not a degenerate.

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Trump got the largest vote share (70.1%) in Wyoming, so probably Wyoming.

The white parts of Texas are some of the best in the country.

There are a lot of Swedes in the northern Midwest states, but they are cucks too

The South has based whites but is full of niggers everywhere. At the same time, the blacks here are not uppity and do not start riots or attack white people like they do elsewhere.

All in all I would say go to a conservative midwest state for the best quality of life and community.

west virginia. it's almost heaven

thanks ill look into all these places ill probly move at some point in may or june so i can save up money but in the mean time in trying to figure out the best place

Arizona's nice. And it has better gun laws than Texas. Flagstaff has a similar climate to Denver if you don't like the heat

Plano Texas is literally 99% white people who make six figures

>I cant stand it here anymore

Share some 1st hand experiences?

i just hate it, there are muslims everywhere who do whatever they want with no repercussions, every girl i meet is a "feminist" my taxes are high as fuck and i see the government wasting it on rebuilding the roads like 3 times a year and paying muslims to have kids and all the people ive made friends with just say home and play videogames all day. even little shit is starting to piss me off like i cant buy a cold beer at the liquor store and i can only buy warm beer and only at certain times. a coworker of mine was trying to convince me to start doing this gun club thing with him to be able to own a gun and was telling me about all the rules and shit like that you have to keep the gun locked in a safe or something when its in your home and you arent allowed to defend yourself with it if youre getting robbed so i told him no it would be pointless to join.

oh yeah i just remembered a few months ago some muslim dude beat the shit out of his wife and threw his kid out of a window and they both had to be airlifted to the hospital and the news barely even talked about it and didnt even mention were he was from

sweden, yes!

fix yer goddamn country sven!

hello fellow cuckingtonian. this is one of the worst states in the whole country. I've been in a lot of states - the three west coast states are a hivemind of sociopathy, kikery, and cuckery. Texas is good, but really, anywhere is better. look into Idaho - Idaho's got a high white population, and it's pretty conservative. Great outdoors shit, good gun laws - I hope you like mormons, though

mormons are nice, better than the warmongering hippies i grewup with in cuckington lol. thanks tho ill add idaho to the list as well

Kentucky, Arizona, or Alaska.

I've always wanted to live in Sweden, I live in Wimberly, TX. Pretty comfy here, can we trade places?

i was actually considering alaska ive got a few friends there and im already used to the climate.
i wouldnt do that to you family, im a duel citizen so theres no need ill just come there and we hang out and shoot guns while we praise kek

I moved here from Denmark and I want to die. You live around the stockholm area?

American don't move to states, morons. They move/live in counties/cities/towns.

Look into the actual areas not the states.

>I moved here and I want to die
That is normal. You will either adapt or die. Welcome to Sweden.

Buddy why Washington, they are the home of the Democrats. Basically stay out of the West Coast. Go to Texas or Illinois, they have good gun laws

i live like an hours drive from sundsvall innawoods p much
which counties/cities/towns would you recommend?
fucking leaf learn how to read pls

Every dude I meet is either a mudslime or a cuckboy or a nig, fucking makes me sad.

fug u sweden :DDDD

>I moved to Sweden from Washington state 6 years ago
You dumb fuck.