Anti-Abortion Is Anti-White

>Christians want to stop this

Even if you get rid of abortion 100% you will still not make up the difference with low white fertility rate. You will also find that without abortion, non-white births would be even higher than with abortions.

2010 rate per 1,000 women aged 15-44

With abortions: 58.7
Without abortions: 68.5

With abortions: 66.6
Without abortions: 114.3

With abortions: 80.2
Without abortions: 100.5


You are anti white

Any chart that acts like Hispanic is a race is Bullshit.

The government says hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic

Why non hispanic whites? What makes Ted Cruz not white?

All brown shitty hispanics are brown due to their fuckin injun genes, not their hispania genes.

You are blaming mestizo breeding rates on the spanish man so I therefore, declare you anti white.

Learn race realism and the spanish caste system before you post here motherfucker

I know you're gonna give me an emotional response so don't bother faggot


Never understood why Sup Forums is against abortion.
Abortion safes your ass. For example is abortion responsible for major drop in crime rates in your country. Guess what happens if blacks and hispanics are not allowed to get an abortion?

Some Hispanics could be white but one drop rule means that many who look white wouldn't be.

I'm not.

exactly this.
i hope republicans don't fuck up this time around because like they did with illegal immigrants.
christcucks are going to be our doom

fuck off idiot

most "hispanics" dont look like Ted

Not an argument

Regardless if there's more dumb mestizos breeding, you should act least separate the different races of hispanics or at least have white hispanics be in white

I don't mean fucks like Zim Zam. I mean guys like Martin sheen and ted cruz

There is a lot of whtie Hispanics but you don't recognize them because they are just white

There is no such thing as a hispanic in terms of blood.

There is no hispanic blood. Hispanic is not a race. It's a geographic term

I'm not talking about mixed race faggots. You could be a pure white and still be a "White Hispanic" if your lineage is from ANY spanish speaking country regardless of race

>Abortition is decreasing
America is becoming more and more religious, since the childless atheicucks are dying

>triggered hispanic detected

it doesn't really matter
the white hispanics are going to be higher class and therefore be similar to plain american whites when it comes to statistical representation.
mestizos are going to define the hispanic category.

At least separate the races within hispanic

It's like calling half nordic half niggers the main "Nordics"

Would you like that?

Nice try schlomo. Killing white babies is not justified.

>you will still not make up the difference with low white fertility rate

You would if white people weren't selfish degenerates who use birth control.

>There is no such thing

and yet everyone knows what it is. spics, beaners, shitskins.

to keep the analogy with hispanics they'd be in the nigger category even though they're just 50%

What makes you think these white women who are having abortions are in any way "Sup Forums approved"? These are more than likely going to be leftest women who would teach their white children to be cucks and vote Democratic as them

It's the indio genes that make beaners brown you fucking anti white kike

I bet you're a fucking mestizo

You are a mestizo

Whenever the white hispanic wakes up and realizes he doesn't want to be blamed for mestizo "Hispanic" crimes, you have to freak out and shit on the white hispanic man

Pffff typical mestizo. I know your filthy tactics you goddamn evil mexican mestizo.

'White' spanish people are still brownish mediterranean looking people anyway, pseudowhite at best and still a foreign presence within our borders. 'White American' is not just a skin color, it also a culture.

most spanish people in america speak english

yeah shitty broken english with a beaner accent and hidden loyalty for their homelands
fucking subversive element diluting our culture

You're fucking stupid

You're getting mestizos mixed up with european spanish people because you are a dumb fuck

You're blaming mestizo shit speech patterns on the spanish man

The colonist that fucking founded America would be fucking disgusted with your anti white bullshit. Fuck off libshit

Spanish means brown people south of the border, just like hispanic or latin american
it's just a blanket term and if you fall under it you are automatically not white