You have 2 biological parents

You have 2 biological parents
You have 4 biological grandparents
You have 8 biological great grandparents

Go back 35 generations and that number is 34,359,738,368 people

Considering that is 4 or 5 times the current population of the entire planet and this happens about every 1,000 years or so (if a generation is 30 years) you are related to every African, Mexican, Muslim and Jew on the planet and mixing is just an inevitability. Your resistence is futile. Prove me wrong.



>average generation is 25 years
>35*25 is 875
>in the 1200s there was massive raxemixing going on

Ok there OP, sounds like there is something, something very important, that you're neglecting.

You don't try to prove an idiot is wrong. You simply let them be in their own blissful existence.

The population isn't the same people all the time. People die and others replace them.

>Being this stupid
The estimated amount of people who ever lived is around 110 billion. That is easily three times the amount of people who existed in your generation chart. You also aren't counting incest babies in that number and changing demographic make up.

So no you literal retard, not everyone on earth is related. If the white population picked up again then we wouldn't mix either.


Daily reminder that ONLY norsemen, high germanic and brazilians are white

Do you know how to math? Go back 100 generations (maybe about 3000 years ago). 2 to the 100th power is 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 that's far more than the people that ever existed or could exist on this planet. The lines have to cross. It's just mathematics.

>mestizo monkeyboy in charge of deciding who is white