>Hillary has the popular vote of 2,000,000 million votes more than Donald Trump.
>Official recounts have been issued in several states
>Electoral College is in December.

Apologize to you Madam President.

Other urls found in this thread:,_California

Why is it almost always a non US flag?


You forgot to remove 3+ million for illegals


Reeee. I bet the taste of Huma's pussy isn't that sweet anymore.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes.

Sge rigged the elections and still failed to win. Literally the biggest loser in the US political history.


Do you long for his sweet halfrican lips.

>muh popular vote

Campaigns would have been run differently had they used such a shitty metric to decide presidential elections.

I can't wait for Russia to reclaim its land and have you hanged in the middle of town

You do know the 2 million votes are mostly from Cali, right?

I've seen this copy and paste everywhere- stay away shill



Oh come on, NYC had its share


We would rather reclaim California,_California

>Americans are not fags
>Europe is a bunch of fags
>Always Europe fag flags shilling
what did you expect?

As long as you kill leftists and we can buy your guns, I'm alright with that


Russian river is bretty greet. I knew a russian guy that tied a 20 meter high rope from a wooded hill near a derelict house. Best swing in my life.

>implying Hillary doesn't want war with Russia because "muh ebul lgbtcdefghijk-hating bigots"

>Liberal pipe dreams get burst again

Reminder that if that happens the reps are going to be far, far more butthurt than the libshits were when Trump was legitimately elected, and they actually have guns and military experience besides actually BEING the military, police, national guard and alphabet agencies.


>the ctr serb

More salt to mine!

Hi CTR, how are you doing tonight? Just wanted to let you know that your major butthurt is giving us infinite energy.



Hey CTR how's it going?
Boy, that "Alt-Right are literal Nazis" story really died quickly. What was that all about? Already running out of Soros bucks?

Hi CTR! You get payed until December don't you?

Hillary clinton is not going to be president of the united states