>tfw too intelligent to masturbate
Tfw too intelligent to masturbate
I know you're just being funny, but celibacy is actually one of the biggest red-pills out there.
Good goy. Just don't procreate and let the shitskins flood your country.
>having sex is for somalis
typical sweden
This meme is getting out of hand
All worldly pleasures become insipid to him who gets a taste of divine bliss.
People should really be taught the art of converting sexual energy into spiritual enlightenment.
Is that why you are a swollen nut sack?
sigh, why do religious fags have to be on this board
lets make this a "too intelligent to..." thread
literally the same thing as chastity
Actually when the neurotransmitters get released its easier for the neurons, after its cleansed, to form connections ergo is easier for the brain to do changes as long as you can focus. it becomes "wet"
Schlomo goldberg told me so
Atheism is one of the biggest blue-pills that exist. The thing is though, modern "atheists" adhere to something known as scientism, and most of them don't even realize it. Other people refer to this as atheism+ and in a sense I guess it is. It's a militant form of atheism with striking similarities to religion and other organized belief systems. You sound just like one of them.
Here's a bit good tip: He who has not put all his strength and effort into trying to live a sinless life has no right to complain that he has not "seen" God.
What are you trying to say?
>tfw so intellent the only thing that doesn't bore me in this world is playing with my dick
celibacy is proven to turn people into perverts
just look at the catholic church and basements dwellers
pure sexual degeneracy
>celibacy is proven to turn people into perverts
This has not been proven.
>just look at the catholic church and basements dwellers
First of all, it's a small minority of catholic priests. The reason for their sexual degeneracy is probably because they never managed to convert the sexual energy, but rather repressed it. Repression of any kind is destructive to body, mind and soul. It also has to be voluntary or you'll never have the willpower to successfully live a life of sexual abstinence.
Second of all, are you implying that "basement dwellers" never masturbate? Celibacy does not allow for any kind of sexual release.
the priests were FAGGOTS
BEFORE becoming priests
fucknig libertine.
prepare for the attack of the dick on bags-of-rotting-flesh army!
those who waste,their own vital seed.
yes yes yes, your fate is to be faithful eunuch to your wife and raise her son.
good work swede
Everyone should strive to get closer to God.
>"and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19:12
i dont know what is your problem you faggots
he is right
if you're a masturbafag then you can never be a true wizard
reddit fedora communist anti-racist faggots
polacks will never accept you
only your own kind will like you because of the sub-human trash you are
A man without continence is truly no better than an animal.
i am 32 years old and i have never fapped
i swer to my unused penis and saggy balls this is true
fucking liar
you're a TRUE aryan
>tfw too intelligent to be a massive racist faggot Sup Forumstard who supports trump
100% you're either gonna rape or shoot someone within 5 years if that's true
i am not lying
this is true
i never jacked off
when i was a teen some teenagers were fapping in school bathrooms and asked me to join
i was disgusted by their actions and puked after they cummed on the floor
that shit was very disturbing and when i remember it i become very depressed
nofap will give you erectile dysfunction